Page 24 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
P. 24

HOLLYWOOD, from 23
     the Soviet Union, the seven Project Mercury astronauts                                                         Oct. 21, 1956: Actor William Holden and
     and the world of test pilots, was a critical hit that firmly                                                   other Hollywood personalities attended
     stamped Edwards AFB as a star.                                                                                 the opening of the new base theater for a
       Fast forward several years, and Hollywood switched                                                           screening of Toward the Unknown, which
                                                                                                                    had been filmed on the base. This marked
     from non-fiction to science fiction when it came to                                                            the official opening of the new base theater.
     Edwards Air Force Base. Deep Impact and Armaged-
     don both shot scenes locally in 1998. Three installments
     of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay,
     took out permits to shoot on base. Transformers, followed
     by Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon leap-
     frogged with the first two Iron Man movies, which also
     included scenes shot at Edwards.
       Then The Man of Steel arrived, shortly afterward fol-
     lowed with a return to reality, when Ryan Gossling por-
     trayed Neil Armstrong in First Man. But it was back to
     fantasy, most would agree, when Brie Larson portrayed
     an Air Force test pilot with out-of-this-world super powers
     in Captain Marvel.
       Edwards AFB’s next role? Hard to tell. But the with
     popularity of superheroes and supervillains, it seems
     likely to be cast in a supporting role of someone (or
     something) with superpowers. However, a reality check
     that is out-of-this-world arrives this fall, when Disney+
     premiers its eight-part series, The Right Stuff, a reboot of
     the iconic Tom Wolfe non-fiction book.

                                                                                                                                         Air Force photograph
                                                                                     Air Force photographs
                                                 Above: Actors Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis and director Michael   Actor Brie Larson poses for a photo during the filming of Captain
                                                                                                   Marvel at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., in 2018.
                                                 Bay meet retired Maj. Gen. Richard Engel, then commander of
                                                 the Air Force Test Center, during filming of the movie Armageddon
                                                 at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Left: Actor Charles Bronson
                                                 (right) during filming of the movie X-15 at Edwards Air Force
                                                 Base, Calif., in 1961.

   Hollywood comes to the Mojave Air and Space Port

   by Cathy Hansen                                                                           the TV series Airwolf, this helicop-  Terri Nunn, lead singer of Berlin,
   special to Aerotech News                                                                  ter performed feats that were mind-  was so graceful on the spine of the
                                                                                             boggling, not to mention absolutely   104. I couldn’t believe how she did a
     Mojave Air and Space Port has                                                           impossible, but with the magic of   backbend and released the scarf she
   been the filming site for many popu-                                                      Hollywood, anything is possible! It   was holding. Even though I was a lot
   lar Hollywood hit movies, TV shows,                                                       attained supersonic speeds, delivered   younger then, I would have fallen off
   commercials and other media.                                                              countless varieties of ordnance, and   and broken my neck! I still love hear-
     Long before it was known as the                                                         always helped to save the day. Ernest   ing that song. You can find the video
   Mojave Air and Space Port, the mo-                                                        Borgnine played Dominic Santini,   on YouTube at
   tion picture and television industry                                                      owner of a helicopter charter busi-  com/watch?v=Bx51eegLTY8.
   repeatedly chose Mojave Airport as a                                                      ness and Jan Michael Vincent was the   Numerous commercials for prod-
   top location for commercials, TV se-                                                      Vietnam veteran and loner, Stringfel-  ucts as varied as sunglasses, ciga-
   ries and feature films. For many de-                                                      low Hawke. He was a helicopter pilot   rettes, Laughing Cow Cheese, Toy-
   cades the long runways, unobstructed                                                      who was orphaned at 12 years old.   ota cars, Ford trucks, etc. have been
   views and the airliner storage area                                                       He lived with his dog in the wilder-  produced at Mojave Airport. Al Han-
   have been the sites for special scenes                                                    ness, liked to fish and played a cello;   sen’s Lockheed F-104 was hired for a
   in Hollywood productions.                                                                 the rest of the time he was a secret   Toyota commercial and they wanted
     Hollywood likes the ‘magic hour,’                                     Photograph by Cathy Hansen  agent for the CIA. Hollywood Screen   the car to be able to drive fast under
   which is either sunrise or sunset. I   The Airwolf TV series was filmed at Mojave Airport in 1984.  Actors Guild pilot Rick Shuster flew   the wing. Special ramps were devised
   remember production crews asking,                                                         the Santini Air 206. This series had   for the Lockheed jet fighter to raise it
   “Where will the sun set, and what   involves long hours.    the star of the movie, Gregory Peck.   a cult following of fans, much like   up high enough for the car to speed
   time?” People don’t realize when   In 1970, Mojave Airport tenant Al   The movie covers the story of U.S.   Star Trek.  under the wing. We saw the commer-
   they go to a movie that the actors   Hansen flew his Hughes 269 helicop-  Army General Douglas MacArthur,   I remember receiving a phone call   cial on TV a couple of times. It was
   were actually working at 2 a.m. when   ter for the motion picture Zabriskie   Supreme Allied Commander during   in 1986 asking to use our F-104 to   always fun to see one of our airplanes
   an office building is vacant, or when   Point at Mojave Airport. He also   World War II and United Nations   make a music video for the love song   in a commercial.
   outside the time is actually daybreak   participated in some scenes with his   Commander  for  the  Korean War.   “Take My Breath Away” from the   There was a Ford truck commer-
   or sunset, for lighting purposes.   Kenworth truck for “Corvette Sum-  MacArthur begins in 1942, follow-  movie Top Gun. I said, “The F-104   cial made in the early 2000s show-
     All of the extra crew members who   mer.”                 ing the fall of Philippines, and covers   is an Air Force aircraft and ‘Top Gun’   ing how tough a Ford truck is, while
   build sets, set up meals and arrange   The blockbuster movie MacArthur   the remarkable career of this military   is about Navy aircraft.” The person   towing a Curtiss C-46 Commando
   catering and do the special effects of-  was filmed at Mojave Airport in 1977   legend up through and including the   replied, “No one will know.” Well, I   aircraft. Some of our aircraft were
   ten have to contend with wind, dust   and the original Marine Corps Air   Korean War.     would know! They used the 104 and   lined up on each side of the runway
   storms or rain. Makeup artists and   Station administration building and   In 1984, I remember seeing a black   brought wind machines with them.   for the commercial. I couldn’t get
   medical teams arrive before any of   tower, constructed in 1942, was used   Bell 222 sitting on the ramp at Mo-  The wind blew 70 mph that night and   close enough to take a photo of the
   the actors. They make it look easy,   in the film. General Manager Dan   jave Airport. It was equipped with   spun the airplane around. Fortunately,
   but it really is demanding work and   Sabovich had his photo taken with   guns and looked very sinister. In   no one was near when that happened!   See MOJAVE, Page 25

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
   24                                   ........             October 5-10, 2020
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