Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 20, 2020
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vol. 4, no. 26                   Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR            nov. 20, 2020

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •

                                                                                                                              Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Isaiah J. Soliz
          Maj. Gen. Christopher Azzano, Air Force Test Center commander, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., (5th from left), stands alongside mission partners and project planners
          as a united front during the joint simulation environment (JSE) ground breaking ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 5, 2020. The JSE will support up to 20 high-
          fidelity simulators and associated equipment that will further enable testing, tactics and training.
          AFTC Joint Simulation Environment becomes reality

          by 2nd Lt. Christine Saunders           “Today, we break ground on the first
          Nellis AFB, Nev.                     of several facilities that will take JSE
                                               from concept to practice -- from vision
            The Air Force Test Center, headquar-  to reality.  Future capability development
          tered at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.,  leaders will look to this event as a leap
          broke ground on the 52,000 square-foot  forward in well-integrated live, virtual,
          Joint Simulation Environment facility at  constructive test and advanced training.
          Nellis AFB, Nev., Nov. 5, 2020, during a  I’m very proud of the team for moving
          ceremony hosted by the 412th Electronic  this critical capability forward,” said
          Warfare Group.                       Maj. Gen. Chris Azzano, Air Force Test
            The $27.5 million dollar state-of-the-  Center commander.
          art, energy efficient building is the first   The JSE at Nellis will support up to 20                                            JSE Logistics Team illustration
          of two planned JSE modeling and simu-  high fidelity simulators and associated   An artists rendering of the 52,000 square-foot Joint Simulation Environment facility at
          lation facilities set to house operations,  equipment to enable multi-platform,   Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
          engineering, maintenance and logistics  multi-domain developmental testing,
          personnel.                           operational testing and high end ad-  test and training capability, not only for  on the F-35 and F-22, but the flexible
            The JSE will enable rapid development  vanced tactics and training.      the Air Force but also for the DOD and  open-architecture design will allow the
          for future platforms and improve testing   “The Air Force is breaking ground   for the entire nation,” said Maj. Gen. Jim  incorporation of other aircraft and weap-
          of current weapon systems that will en-  on a new building but also ‘breaking   Sears, Air Force Operational Test and  ons systems in the future.
          hance multi-domain operations in ways  ground’ on a bold initiative for a govern-  Evaluation Center commander.
          physical testing cannot achieve.     ment-owned and government-operated      The first JSE systems will be focused           See aftc, on Page 12

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