Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 20, 2020
P. 3

2   November 20, 2020  Commentary  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  News                            November 20, 2020    3           
 Resources for any kind of weather  Team Nellis hosts 12th Air Force Foreign Liaison Officers

 base Chaplain  Freezing temperatures? Again, no problem. A good base   In August of 2011, my wife, Shannon, was diagnosed
 Scott AFB, Ill.  layer, warm gloves, a hat and a scarf should do.  with breast cancer. Many of you know what it’s like to
 Here’s my point, and what I firmly believe: life is like  walk through that door. For us, early detection and early
 My family and I were blessed to have spent three years  the weather.  intervention meant that the prognosis was good. But it was
 in Norway, from 2009 to 2012, where I served as the In-  Life throws all sorts of things at you. There are good days  a challenging time.
 stallation Chaplain at the NATO Joint Warfare Centre in  and bad. Ups and downs. Some seasons of our lives feel like   We had to sit down with our two teenagers and share
 Stavanger.  warm summer days or cool autumn nights. Other seasons  the reality of cancer. Soon after, Shannon had two surger-
 Whenever newcomers in Norway arrived, they quickly  feel like cold, sideways rain or miserable thunderstorms.  ies. That Christmas week she began six months of chemo-
 learned this very annoying, yet absolutely true, saying:   So here’s my question for you: Do you have the right  therapy, followed by five weeks of targeted radiation. The
 “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”  gear?  Do you have the resources you need to overcome  end of the story is that she is eight years cancer-free and
 You see, the weather in Norway is ... challenging, to say  anything life throws at you? I know we all get “schooled”  three years off all medication. She even ran the Edinburgh
 the least. Snow, ice, wind, rain, thunderstorms; often on  on the Pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness. You may  Half Marathon 12 days after her last chemo; but don’t tell
 the same day!  be tired of hearing about them. But if you don’t know this  her I told you that.
 In some places, if Norwegians only went outside dur-  already, you need to listen up ... those pillars are the real   What helped us persevere through all the adversity was
 ing good weather, they wouldn’t go outside at all. So  deal. They are the resources you need in your life.  mental, social, physical and spiritual fitness. A community
 Norwegians learn at the earliest age to be prepared for   While all of us are in the same “COVID boat” these days,  of friends at NATO and the kids’ school. A local church
 any weather. There’s virtually no weather that keeps them  some of you are facing extraordinary adversity. A relation-  family. Running and hiking. These were the resources we
 from enjoying the spectacular outdoors. It’s probably one  ship that seems at the breaking point. A serious family  needed to survive and thrive in adversity.
                                                                                                                           Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
 of the reasons they’re consistently rated one of the happiest  health situation. A recent loss of a loved one. A professional   Please know that whatever adversity you’re facing in your   Foreign Liaison Officer Col. Juliano Barros, representing the Brazilian air force, climbs
 nations on earth.  failure.  Addiction, financial strains, legal issues … the list  life, you are not alone. There are so many resources within   onto a Russian T-62 Tank in the Threat Training Facility at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
 If you have the right gear, you can endure anything  goes on, not to mention the ordinary challenges of mar-  arm’s reach. Reach out to your unit’s chaplain or Religious
 Mother Nature throws at you. Rain? No problem. A great  riage, relationships, parenting and military life.  Affairs Airmen and let us walk with you.  Nov. 3, 2020. The FLO program is designed to enable service members from allied
 rain jacket works. Snow and ice on the road or bike path?   I can tell you for a fact: your chapel team are here for   For more resources, start with  countries to share training processes and lessons learned to better align a mutual
 No problem. Studded tires and slip-on cleats for your shoes.  you. In fact, many of us have been where you’re at.  Chaplain-Corps/  Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus  understanding of each nation’s tactics, techniques and procedures.
             Foreign Liaison Officers representing the Brazilian, Chilean, Columbian and Peruvian air
             forces depart from the United States Air Force Warfare Center at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
 First Step to Honing Leadership, Becoming an Effective Follower  Nov. 3, 2020. Airmen from the USAFWC discussed key advancements of field capabilities
             such as the grand opening of the Virtual Test and Training Center and the award of a
             Department of Defense contract to build a 5G network infrastructure at Nellis AFB.
 by Chief Master Sgt. Jamie Prince  In Robert Kelley’s article “In Praise  came alienated as a result of a previous  the globe at moment’s notice. Although
 Barksdale AFB, La.  of Followers,” he discusses five types of  situation where they lost faith. The sur-  there were some tough decisions made
 followers: effective, survivors, alienated,  vivors used their influence to persuade  that affected service within our support
 When I was asked to write this ar-  sheep, and yes-men. I would like to focus  the other followers that it was the right  agencies, we had the support of several
 ticle, many ideas ran through my head.  on three of them and share a couple sto-  thing to have the new SNCO removed.  professional organizations to help carry

 However, one kept coming back to me,  ries that involved those types of followers.  Ultimately, there were some leadership  out the message to everyone. While at the
 followership.  The first story involves followers that fit  and followership lessons learned, with  time we used the leadership of those orga-
 Over the years, our focus has shifted  into what Kelley describes as survivors  both the leader and followers growing and  nizations, it was truly their effective fol-
 to developing leaders through various  and alienated followers. A survivor is  earning accolades later in their careers.  lowership that made everything possible.
 forums. As we did this, it seemed that the  someone who is able to survive change   The last type of follower I would like   “The Little Brown Book” states, in
 need for developing followers has become  but uses their influence to persuade oth-  to discuss is the effective follower, some-  NCO responsibilities, that you will
 a second thought.   ers. The next follower is referred to as an  one who is a thinker, active and provides  “demonstrate and facilitate a climate of
 From  our early days as Airmen,  we  alienated follower. They are critical think-  positive energy for their leaders and  effective followership by willingly own-
 were instilled with the importance of  ers and can act independently but have  organization.  Simply stated, they are  ing, explaining and promoting leaders’
 The Enlisted Force Structure or as most  lost faith in their leaders or the system.   the go-getters, risk takers, and problem  decisions.”  Those members who helped
 of us know it, “The Little Brown Book.”     During a previous assignment, I was  solvers who can succeed without strong  during COVID-19 not only enforced the
 Early on in my career, it was carried in  tasked to conduct a Command Directed  leadership.  This is the type of follower  leadership team’s decisions, they owned,
 our cargo pockets; however, today it’s  Investigation on a SNCO in another unit,  that is described throughout “The Little  explained and promoted them.  Thank
 readily available on your desktop com-  due to allegations of a hostile work envi-  Brown Book.” The type of follower many  you to those teammates that made it   Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus  Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
 puter or your smart device. As we read  ronment.  The previous SNCO who was  of us are or have become due to unfore-  possible to keep our community safe and   Steven Ward, U.S. Air Force Warfare Center director of staff, and Foreign Liaison Officers   Tech. Sgt. Fletcher Goldsbyhall, 547th Intelligence Squadron, expounds on equipment
 through “The Little Brown Book,” we  in charge had conducted himself in a way  seen circumstances.    healthy.  (FLO), representing the Brazilian, Chilean, Columbian and Peruvian air forces gather at   design to the Foreign Liaison Officers representing the Brazilian, Chilean, Columbian
 see followership and follower mentioned  that got him removed.  As I proceeded   As I reflect on the initial days here at   As we all move forward in our careers,   the USAFWC as a united front at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 3, 2020. Murphy briefed   and Peruvian air forces in the Threat Training Facility at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov.
 several times in various sections. They are  through the investigation and several  Barksdale and the tough decisions the 2nd  whether it is in the Air Force or in the   FLOs on how USAFWC and the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) work together   3, 2020. The TTF compiles, writes and edits the Air Force’s Threat Reference Guide
 listed in Chapter 2, Air Force Leadership  interviews, there was a theme developing.  Bomb Wing leadership team has faced in  civilian sector, I challenge each of you to   to provide live and virtual training capabilities to warfighters. Understanding mission   and analyzes, refines and disseminates intelligence on adversary tactics and weapons
 Levels, and Chapter 4, Responsibilities. If  The junior personnel knew that if enough  the midst of COVID-19, I am amazed at  stop and reflect on what type of follower   execution further strengthens allied powers’ support both in and out of theatre.   employment for customers throughout the Department of Defense.
 you haven’t read through these chapters  of them had similar stories, it would lead  how effective followership enabled suc-  you are. While on your way to becoming
 specifically in a while, I encourage you to  to the SNCO being removed.  cesses like maintaining the health of the  an effective leader, I encourage you and
 refresh your memory on what is required   In this situation some of the Airmen  force, while also maintaining the capa-  every person around you to continue on
            Nellis moves to HPCON Charlie effective Nov. 12
 of us as Airmen.   fell into survivor roles, while others be-  bility to deliver lethal airpower around  the path of effective followership.

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