Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 20, 2020
P. 6

6   November 20, 2020                                               News                                       Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa                                                                           

   wwii-era Marine veteran celebrates 99th birthday

   by John Archiquette                   “but secretly, they were proud of us.”
   VA Southern Nevada Healthcare           Several Marine veterans and VASNHS
                                         staff members paid tribute to Del Vecchio
     The U.S. Marine Corps was established  with a cake, honorary flag display and
   on Nov. 10, 1775, in the Tun Tavern in  a challenge coin. “She was there in the
   Philadelphia.                         beginning and paved the way for female
     Almost 146 years later to the day, Mary  Marines like me,” said VASNHS Chief of
   Del Vecchio was born in Minneapolis,  Prosthetics and fellow Marine Veteran
   Minn.                                 Deb Bolda. “She opened doors to a lot of
     Both monumental events were cel-    opportunities for those who followed in
   ebrated by Marines, family members, and  her footsteps.”
   VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System    Following the war, Del Vecchio used
   staff at the North Las Vegas VA Medical  her GI Bill to attend St. Katherine’s
   Center Nov.10, 2020.                  University, where she earned degrees in
     “It’s so nice to celebrate today with fel-  sociology and psychology and a Master’s
   low Marines,” said Del Vecchio. “To this  Degree from University of Minnesota.
   day, I still have so many fond memories  She later married, had seven children, and
   of my time with the Marine Corps and it’s  now lives in Las Vegas.
   great to spend the day with other Marines.  More than 20,000 women Marines
     Del Vecchio, 99, enlisted in the Marine  served in World War II, in over 225 differ-
   Corps in 1943 and served as one of the  ent specialties, filling 85 percent of the en-
   first members of the Women Marines  listed jobs at Headquarters Marine Corps
   Reserve until the end of the war in 1945.  and comprising one-half to two-thirds of
   She filled many roles as a Marine during  the permanent personnel at major Marine
   World War II, including clerical work,  Corps posts. “For a lot of young woman,
   nursing, and even driving a truck while  this opened the doors for us to be able to
   her male counterparts were deployed to  travel, serve our country, and earn a col-                                                         VA photograph
   Europe and the Pacific. “The men had a  lege degree,” Del Vecchio said. “It was a   Mary Del Vecchio, 99, celebrates both her birthday and the 245th anniversary of the
   lot of nicknames for us,” Del Vecchio said,  glorious opportunity.”         U.S. Marine Corps alongside fellow Marine veterans Eric Lord and Deb Bolda at VASNHS.

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