Page 12 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 12

A timeline of women in aviation

     This is a timeline of women in                                                          1941                          1973
   aviation which describes many of the                                                        • Jacqueline Cochran of the United  • Bonnie Tiburzi is the first female
   firsts and achievements of women                                                          States is the first woman to fly   pilot for American Airlines and the
   as pilots and other roles in aviation.                                                    a bomber across the North Atlantic.   first female pilot for a major American
   Women who are part of this list have                                                                                    commercial airline, as well as the first
   piloted vehicles, including hot-air                                                       1942                          woman in the world to earn a Flight
   balloons, gliders, dirigibles  and                                                          • Se pt . 14:  Ge n.    He nry  Engineer rating on a turbo-jet aircraft.
   helicopters. Some women have been                                                         Arnold approves the program that
   instrumental in support roles. Others                                                     created the United States Army Air   1975
   have made a name for themselves                                                           Forces  Women’s Flying Training   • Capt. Jane L. Holley, U.S. Air
   as parachutists and other forms of                                                        Detachment (WFTD).            Force Test Pilot School Class of 74B,
   flight-related activities.                                                                  • June 1:   Mary Chance     became the first woman to graduate
                                                                                             VanScyoc  becomes the United   from the school as an engineer.
   1909                                                                                      States’ first female civilian air-traffic
     • Katharine Wright, sister of                                                           controller.                   1976
   Wilbur and Orville  Wright, is                                                                                            • Emily Howell Warner becomes
   instrumental in advancing her                                                             1943                          the first woman in the United States to
   brothers’ aviation business. She is                                                         • Janet Bragg becomes the first  work as an airline captain.
   the first woman invited to a meeting                                                      African American woman to earn a
   of the Aero-Club de France and is                                           Courtesy photograph  commercial pilot’s license.   1977
   awarded the Légion d’honneur in   Bessie Coleman and her plane in 1922.                     • Aug. 5: The  Women Airforce  • Sept. 2: Ten women graduate
   recognition for her contributions to                                                      Service Pilots (WASP) program is   from  UPT Class 77-08, earning
   early aviation.               1913                          1931                          formed in the United States by merging   their silver wings for the U.S. Air
     • Oct. 27: Sarah Van Deman    • Ruth Law  is the first woman  • Anne Morrow Lindbergh becomes  WFTD and WAFS.         Force. The women who start and
   becomes the first woman to fly in   to fly at night.        the first U.S. woman to earn a glider                       graduate are Connie Engel, Kathy
   an airplane in the United States.                           pilots license.               1944                          LaSauce,  Mary Donahue,  Susan
   She was taken up as a passenger   1921                                                      • Dec. 20: The WASP is disbanded  Rogers,  Christine  Schott,  Sandra
   by Wilbur Wright at the College   • Bessie Coleman is the first African  1932             and the women in the program   Scott, Victoria Crawford,  Mary
                                 American  to earn a pilot’s license.  • Amelia Earhart is the first woman  provided no military veteran benefits   Livingston, Carol Scherer and Kathleen
                                                               pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic   for their service.
                                                                                                                             • November: President Carter signs
                                 1928                          Ocean.                                                      a bill giving all former WASPs World
                                   • Janet Bragg is the first woman                          1949                          War II veterans’ status.
                                 admitted to the Curtiss-Wright School   1933                  • Dorothy Layne  McIntyre
                                 of Aeronautics.                 • Fay Gillis Wells  is the first  becomes the first African American   1978
                                                               American woman to fly a Soviet-made   woman licensed as a pilot by the Civil   • A group of former WASPs
                                 1929                          airplane.                     Aeronautics Authority.        form the Women’s Military Pilots
                                   • The  Federation Aeronautique                                                          Association (WMPA).
                                 Internationale creates a new category   1934                1953
                                 for records set by women pilots.   • Dec. 31: Helen Richey becomes  •  May 18:   Jacqueline  1979
                                                               the first women to pilot a commercial   Cochran becomes the first woman to   • November: Marcella Ng becomes
                                                               airliner in the United States. She later   break the sound barrier.   the first African American to become a
                                                               resigned because she was not allowed   1962                 pilot in the U.S. military.
                                                                                                                             • The United States Navy allows
                                                               into the all-male pilot’s union and was   • Jacqueline Cochran is the first  women to train as flight officers.
                                                                                                                             • The U.S. Air Force Academy
                   Courtesy photograph                                                                                     graduates its first female officers.
   Hazel Ying Lee, one of the first two                                                                                    One-hundred-fifty-seven women
   Chinese Americans  in  the  Women                                                                                       entered the school in 1976 in a class
   Air Force Service Pilots. Maggie Gee                                                                                    of approximately 1,500. Of those 157
   and Hazel Ying Lee were the first two                                                                                   women, 97 graduated.
   Chinese Americans  in  the  Women
   Air  Force  Service  Pilots.  Members                                                                                   1981
   of the WASP program were the first                                                                                        • June: Mary Crawford becomes the
   brave women to fly American military                                                                                    first women’s flight officer in the U.S.
   aircraft, forever changing the role of
   women in aviation. Their dedicated                                                                                      Navy.
   service and record of excellence              Courtesy photograph                                                         • Olga Custodio becomes the first
   served as a gateway for future Airmen.  Pancho Barnes                                                                   Hispanic female to graduate from the
                                                                                                                           United States Air Force Undergraduate
                                                                                                                           Pilot Training program and the
   Park Airport in College Park, Md.   • Florence Lowe “Pancho”                                                            first female T-38 Instructor Pilot at
                                 Barnes becomes the first female stunt                                                     Laughlin AFB, Texas.
   1910                          pilot, working in Hollywood.
     • Sept. 10: Bessie Raiche of United  • Aug. 18: First  Women’s                                          Courtesy photograph  1983
   States is credited with the first solo   Air Derby  is  held  in the  United   Amelia Earhart standing under nose of her Lockheed Model 10-E Electra. In   • March 21, 1983. A U.S. Navy
   airplane flight by a woman in the   States. Louise Thaden is the winner.   1932, Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.  aircrew comprising aircraft commander
   United States.                  • Nov. 2: The Ninety Nines are                                                          Lt. Elizabeth Toedt, Lt. J.G. Cheryl
                                 founded to create a group to support   rarely allowed to fly.                             A. Martin, and flight crew AD3 Gina
   1911                          and mentor women in aviation.                               woman to fly a jet across the Atlantic   Greterman and ADAN Robin Banks,
     • Aug. 1: Harriet Quimby becomes                          1935                          Ocean.                        perform the first all-female Aircraft
   the first American and the world’s                                                                                      Carrier Landing.
   seventh  woman  to  earn  a  pilot’s   1930                   • Amelia Earhart  is the first  1963
   license.                        • Elinor Smith and Evelyn Trout of  woman to fly a solo round-trip   • Valentina Tereshkova becomes the
                                 the United States are the first women to   from  Hawaii  to  the  continental   world’s first woman to fly in space.   1984
                                                                                                                             • Beverly Burns becomes the first
   1912                          refuel a plane in flight.     United States.                  • Betty Miller is the first woman to  woman to be the captain on a 747
     • April 16: Harriet Quimby is the  • May: Laura Ingalls, a distance and                 fly solo across the Pacific Ocean.   cross-country trip.
   first woman to fly across the English   stunt pilot from New York, set a stunt   1937                                     • Lynn Ripplemeyer is the first
   Channel.                      record of 980 consecutive, continuous   • Willa Brown is the first African  1964          captain of a 747 on a transatlantic flight.
     • Hilda Hewlett is the first woman  loops in a little less than 4 hours at   American woman to earn her pilot’s   • Geraldine Mock is the first woman
   to co-found an aircraft factory.  Hatbox Field in Muskogee, Okla.  license in the United States.   to fly around the world.     See TIMELINE, Page 14

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