Page 14 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 14

TIMELINE, from 12
   1986                                                                                                                    female commander of the Space
     •  Beverley Bass becomes the first                                                                                    Shuttle.
   female captain of a commercial plane
   at American Airlines.                                                                                                   2000
     • Dec. 30: Beverley Bass captains
   the first all-female crew in the                                                                                          • Betty Mullis becomes the first
   history of commercial jet aviation,                                                                                     woman and pilot in the United States
   on an American Airlines flight from                                                                                     Air Force  to become a brigadier
   Washington, D.C., to Dallas, Texas.                                                                                     general.

   1987                                                                                                                    2003
     • British Airways  hires its first                                                                                      • Vernice Armour becomes the first
   woman pilot, Lynne Barton.                                                                                              African American combat pilot to fly
     • Continental Airlines – “The first
   all-women crew to command a wide-                                                                                       during the Iraq War.
   bodied commercial aircraft touched
   down in Sydney yesterday – and                                                                                          2009
   they were on time. Captain Lennie                                                                                         • Virginie Guyot of France is the
   Borenson, 39, first officer Dorothy                                                                                     first woman to lead a national aerobatic
   Clegg, 26, and second officer Karlene                                                                                   team —  Patrouille de France,.
   Ciprtano, 25, taxied their Continental
   DC-10 to the terminal at 6am after                                                                                      2010
   leaving Hawaii about 8pm on Thursday
   (Sydney Time). The high flying trio                                                                                       • The women who worked
   were backed by 12 female cabin crew                                                                                     as  WASP  pilots are given the
   for the trip across the Pacific into                                                                                    Congressional Gold Medal by the
   aviation history.”                                                                                                      United States Congress. More than 250
                                                                                                                           women attended the ceremony.
   1988                                                                                                                      • Col. Dawn M. Dunlop assumed
     • The Women’s Military Pilots
   Association changes its name to                                                                                         command of the 412th Test Wing at
   the Women Military Aviators (WMA).                                                                                      Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., the
                                                                                                                           first woman to command the wing. She
                                                                                                             Courtesy photograph
   1990                          Members of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), who were trained to ferry the B-17 Flying Fortresses, are   was also the first woman to fly the F-22
     • Women in Aviation         pictured leaving their ship at the four engine school at Lockbourne Army Air Field during the World War II. From left to   Raptor when she flew Raptor Number
   International (WAI) is first organized   right are Frances Green, Margaret (Peg) Kirchner, Ann Waldner and Blanche Osborn. The WASP were civilian women   4006 at Edwards.
   to help women advance their careers   pilots who flew in non-combat situations for the U.S. Army Air Forces during the war.
   in aviation.
                                 fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. She   first female Shuttle Pilot, she received   • Jennifer Murray is the first woman   2013
   1991                          later went on to command the 57th   the Harmon Trophy. She was also the   to go around the world in a helicopter.   • The largest head-down freefly
     • Patty Wagstaff is the first woman   Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.  pilot for STS-84 in 1997.                  formation with only women is
   to earn the title of U.S. National   • Matice Wright becomes the first   • Sarah Deal becomes the United   1998         accomplished in  Arizona  with  63
                                                               States Marine Corps’ first female   •  Women fighter pilots in the United   women from the United States, Canada,
                                                               aviator.                      States military fly the first combat   Mexico, England, France and Russia.
                                                                                             missions off aircraft carriers.
                                                               1997                            • Dec. 17:  Kendra Williams  is   2020
                                                                 • Karen Brannen becomes the first   credited as the first woman pilot
                                                               female U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot   to launch missiles in combat   • Col. Sabrina Pabon assumes
                                                               to earn her “wings of gold” as a strike   during Operation Desert Fox.  command of the U.S. Air Force
                                                               fighter pilot.                                              Test Pilot School at Edwards Air
                                                                 • March: The Association for Women     1999               Force Base, Calif., the first woman
                                                               in Aviation Maintenance is formed.  • Eileen Collins became the first   commandant in the school’s history.

                                                   NASA photograph
   Astronaut Eileen M. Collins, mission commander, looks over a procedures
   checklist at the commander’s station on the forward flight deck of the Space
   Shuttle Columbia on Flight Day 1. The most important event of this day was
   the deployment of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the world’s most powerful
   X-Ray telescope. Collins became the first female pilot of the Space Shuttle in
   1995 aboard STS-63, which involved a rendezvous between Discovery and
   the Russian space station Mir.

   Aerobatic Champion.           African American female flight officer
     • July 31: The  United States   in the United States Navy.
   Senate votes “overwhelmingly” to   • Lt. Col. Susan J. Helms became
   allow American military women to fly   the first military astronaut to enter
   aircraft in combat situations.   space when Space Shuttle Endeavour
                                 launched on a five-day mission.
     • Barbara Harmer completes her   1995
   training and joins the Concorde fleet as   • Eileen Collins became the first
   the first woman to fly the supersonic   female pilot of the Space Shuttle in
   airliner as a line pilot.     1995 aboard STS-63, which involved
                                 a rendezvous between Discovery                                                                            Air Force photograph
   1993                          and the Russian space station Mir. In   In 1993, Jeannie Leavitt became the first female fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. She later went on to command the
     • Jeannie Leavitt becomes the first   recognition of her achievement as the   57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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