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BULLSEYE                                                   Feature                                                      5April 8, 2016                                                                           

555th RHS pivotal in new firehouse construction

By Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum                        including the 820th RHS, are what make the 555th RHS       The enthusiastic Airmen of the 555th RHS, even
                                                           an invaluable asset to Nellis AFB.                      only working one weekend a month and two weeks a
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs                                                                                  year, have provided crucial manpower and are a pivotal
                                                              “We’re very excited to have a relationship with ev-  element in the overall construction of the firehouse.
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.—Located in the              eryone on base,” said Chief Master Sgt. Andy Weeks,
desert of Area 2 on the northeast side of Nellis AFB,      555th RHS chief enlisted manager. “We can help the         While these Airmen are providing the manpower
the 555th RED HORSE Squadron is a small reserve unit       820th RHS spread out and accomplish what’s needed.”     needed in completing this project, the project itself is
that works with the 820th RHS to accomplish a much                                                                 providing them with the experience and training need-
larger mission whether it’s on the installation or during     In accomplishing what is needed, the 555th RHS has   ed to become even more capable in their career field.
a worldwide deployment.                                    had an integral part in constructing the new firehouse
                                                           on base. The reserve squadron gives the 820th RHS a        “As traditional reservists we don’t get that much on
   The 555th RHS works in conjunction with its larger      boost in order to complete missions in a much more      the job training, and if we deploy we’re only relying
active duty sister squadron, supporting their training     efficient manner.                                       on two days of the month to accomplish our mission.
operations, in order to accomplish the mission at hand,                                                            What this does is gives us more of a real-life scenario,
and accomplish total force integration.                       “As a squadron we help the 820th RHS prepare, so     and its more hands on,” said Carrillo. “A lot of people
                                                           that on Monday they can come in and hit the floor       don’t perform their Air Force career jobs in their civil-
   With the 555th being directly adjacent to its sister    running,” said Carrillo.                                ian side, for example me, I don’t do this on the outside
squadron, being able to lend a hand with important                                                                 so the next time I do this will be next month so this
training becomes a much simpler task.                         The contributions that the 555th RHS is able to      relates more to real life scenarios and gives us the proper
                                                           provide can in part be attributed to how closely they   training we need.”
   “At the 820th they have schedules they have to meet,    coexist with their sister unit, the 820th RHS, and how
so on the weekends we come out here and give them          closely the skill sets by the Airmen are that make up      With this type of training available, these Airmen
that extra hand,” said Senior Airman Alan Carrillo,        both squadrons.                                         learn and serve a pivotal role in the total force of the
555th RHS heavy equipment operator.                                                                                Air Force.
                                                              “The Airmen are the most important thing out here,”
   Currently, the 555th RHS is working with the 820th      said Major Ignacio Macapagal, 555th RHS director of        “All these Airmen have a large part in what we do,
RHS to build a new firehouse in Area 2. The relation-      operations. “These kids are eager, and they want to do  and we couldn’t do it without them,” said Weeks.
ships that are shared with other squadrons on base,        great work”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum

Airmen, assigned to the 555th RED HORSE Squadron, tighten bolts on structures that will become the roof of the new firehouse at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April 2. What make the
555th an invaluable asset to Nellis AFB are the relationships it shares with other squadrons on base, including the 820th RHS.
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