Page 14 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 3-11-16
P. 14


Homes for Rent                     Announcements                       Education                                       Real Estate                                   IMMEDIATE OPENINGS

      in White Fence Farms              !! Thank you to 2 drivers                Join Us!                        All real estate advertised                           Former Fighter/Bomber
  3BR, 2full BA, 2 Car Garage               from a bike rider !!         Toastmasters Club                     in this publication is subject                               Pilot/WSO?
large lot, completely remodeled                                                                                to the Federal Fair Housing
DOOZRRGÀRRUVQHZDSSOLDQFHV       On the evening of 3 March              384 Meetings                      Act of 1968, which makes it                            JOIN US!
                                     2016, 2 drivers slowed down
          water & trash pd                                               1HHGWR5H¿QH<RXU6SHDNLQJ            illegal to advertise any                            Join our team of aviators, engineers/analysts and pro-
     $1,500/mo + $800 dep.             and waited for an opening                 3UHVHQWDWLRQ	                  preference, limitation or                            grammers who are proudly supporting the F-35 Joint
                                   before passing pedal bikers on                                             discrimination based on race                            Strike Fighter Operational Test Team at Edwards
           661-810-3795.                                                        /HDGHUVKLS6NLOOV"              color, religion, or national                          AFB California. We are currently seeking:
                                     Rosamond Blvd. I wanted to                                                  origin, or an intention to
        Rooms for Rent              thank the drivers who wait for         Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30                  make such preference                                 F-35 Fighter Effectiveness Analysts
                                   DQRSHQLQJLQWKHGULYLQJWUDI¿F        Test Wing Bldg 1400               limitation or discrimination.
     SEEKING ROOMMATE              patterns because of pedal bikes          Conference Room 414                Real estate advertisements                                                Learn more and apply:
         only $300/Month!           on Rosamond and Lancaster                                                 that are in violation of the law
           California City          Blvd. on Edwards AFB. VERY            Meeting Agendas Include:               shall not be accepted for                 
            Edwards AFB             few drivers perform this cour-            Prepared Speeches                  publication. All dwellings
         Employees Only!                                                      Speech Evaluations              advertised in this publication                                                                                                                                                                                                      TM
            1/2 of Utilities          tesy and it is comforting for            For Information,                 are available on an equal
                                     those of us who occasionally            Call Laquita Dukes                                                                       EOE M/F/Veteran/Disability
 Must Have Solid Employment                                                      412 CS/SCPT                              opportunity
           442-247-4157                     ride bikes to work.                  661-275-9201                                                                          We know what’s at stake.®
                                                                                                               13 MILLION ACRES…
Employment Opportunities                DONT FORGET!                       Garage & Yard Sales                     AND COUNTING

    LOOKING for the                 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE                     RUMMAGE SALE                        For more information,
  BEST APPLICANT?                         TUESDAY @ NOON                     Saturday, March 12th                   go to
                                              EACH WEEK!
    *****************************                                                   8AM-5PM                          1-800-45-DUCKS
          Place An Ad for                       Services                Our Lady of Lourdes Church
                                                                                                                   A CFC participant - provided as a public service
      Your Business Today!          Switch to DIRECTV and get a                    Parish Hall
          Aerotech News             $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-           9970 California City Blvd.
           877-247-9288            Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.
         Cars & Trucks                Starting at $19.99/mo. New       GARAGE/YARD SALE?
                                   Customers Only. Don't settle for
  SELL or BUY YOUR                                                       ******************************
     WHEELS HERE!                             cable. Call Now             Attract More Customers
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    Call Today, Place an Ad!                                                :LWKD&ODVVL¿HG$G
          Aerotech News             DISH TV 190 channels High-                Call 877-247-9288
           877-247-9288            speed Internet Only $49.95/mo!
                                    Ask about a 3 year price guar-        Aerotech News & Review
                                   DQWHH	JHW1HWÀL[LQFOXGHGIRU

                                           1 year! Call Today

                                                      Pick up your copy of DESERT WINGS
                                                      off base at the following locations:

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