Page 13 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 3-11-16
P. 13

March 11, 2016                                                                                                                                                           Desert Wings  
                                                              HUVDQGVQRZERDUGHUVZKLOHKHDGLQJWR\RXUIDYRULWHPRXQ-                         Keystone Club: 0HHWVSP:HGQHVGD\VLQWKH
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12                                        tain. Lift tickets are not included but can be purchased at a                   Teen Center. The Keystone Club is a leadership club that
RUVPDOOVLGHVDODGDQGDRXQFHVRIWGULQN                RI¿FHORFDWHGLQWKH2DVLV&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU                                    club also helps teens to maintain focus in high school and
  Monday: Pulled pork sandwich and chicken adobo                                                                                              graduate and prepare for college.
                                                                                                                                              Youth Programs
tuna salad on croissant                                         210 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-GYM1
  Wednesday: %XLOG\RXURZQWDFRVDODGIUHQFKIULHVQRW                                                                                       24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437
                                                                Tae Kwon Do:&KLOGUHQ¶VPRQWKO\SDVVLVDGXOW
LQFOXGHG                                                     PRQWKO\SDVVLVDQGDGDLO\SDVVLV)RUPRUHLQIRU-                      Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project Learn: Mon-
  Thursday: Tri-tip sandwich                                  PDWLRQFDOO.XP\H0RRUHDW                                      GD\7KXUVGD\SP3RZHU+RXUPDNLQJPLQXWHV
  Friday:)LVKDQGFKLSVRUVKULPSEDVNHW                                                                                                    FRXQWKHOSVFOXEPHPEHUVDJHVEHFRPHVXFFHVVIXO
                                                              IRUDPLQXWHVHVVLRQ7RVFKHGXOH\RXUDSSRLQWPHQW                     couraging members to become self-directed learners. See
WLRQRUDQ\NLQGRIHYHQW:HFDQDOVRDFFRPPRGDWH6SH-      FDOO-HQQLIHU3RWWLQJHUDW                                        Ms. Jasmine for details and to sign up.
                                                                Massage Therapy:&RVWLVIRUPLQXWHVIRU                           Torch Club: 7XHVGD\VSPLQWKH7RUFK5RRP
Outdoor Recreation                                            PLQXWHVDQGIRUPLQXWHV$YDLDOEOHDP                       7RUFKFOXEVDUHFKDUWHUVPDOOJURXSOHDGHUVKLSDQGVHUYLFH
                                                              SP0RQGD\7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\DGYDQFHDSSRLQW-                            FOXEVIRUER\VDQGJLUOVDJHV,WLVDSRZHUIXOYHKLFOH
  1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP                           PHQWVRQO\&RXSOHVPDVVDJHDOVRRIIHUHG)RUPRUHLQIRU-                      through which club staff can help meet the special character
                                                              PDWLRQFDOO%ULWWQL$OEUHFKWLDW                                 GHYHORSPHQWQHHGVRI\RXQJHUDGROHVFHQWVDWDFULWLFDOVWDJH
  Ski Shuttle to Big Bear: 0DUFKGHSDUWDWDPUH-                                                                                    LQWKHLUGHYHORSPHQW6HH0U$QGUHZIRUGHWDLOV
LPXPRI6NLUHQWDOHTXLSPHQWLQFOXGHG/HW2XWGRRU                                                                                         Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project Learn: Mon-
5HFUHDWLRQGRWKHGULYLQJIRU\RX6RFLDOL]HZLWKRWKHUVNL-    100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-275-8336                                  GD\7KXUVGD\SP3RZHU+RXUPDNLQJPLQXWHV
  Women’s History Month                                         YES (Youth Employment Skills): 7KH<(63URJUDP                               LQVFKRROE\SURYLGLQJKRPHZRUNKHOSWXWRULQJZKLOHHQ-
                                                              EHJDQLQWKHVFKRRO\HDUDQGKHOSVWHHQVHDUQ                        couraging members to become self-directed learners. See
    7KHWK7HVW:LQJLQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK1$6$$UP-        money for college. The program is open to teens whose par-                      Ms. Jasmine for details and to sign up.
  :RPHQ¶V+LVWRU\0RQWKHYHQWV                          towards their post high school education. Contact the Teen                      Youth Sports
                                                              Center for more information.
    7KLV\HDU¶VWKHPHLV³:RUNLQJWR)RUPD0RUH3HUIHFW                                                                                       24 Lathrop Dr., Bldg. 5210, 661-277-8961
  8QLRQ+RQRULQJ:RPHQLQ3XEOLF6HUYLFHDQG*RYHUQ-                           Mary’s Place Menu (Bldg. 1600)
  PHQW´,WKRQRUVZRPHQZKRKDYHVKDSHG$PHULFD¶V                                          March 14-18                                        Youth Track: &DOOLQJDOOUXQQHUVDJHVUHJLVWHUE\
  history and its future.                                                                                                                     $SULO&RVWLVIRUPHPEHUVIRUQRQPHPEHV
                                                              All Specials $7.89--Drink not included                                          7KHVHDVRQUXQV$SULO-XQH3UDFWLFHVZLOOEH
    $OWKRXJKRIWHQRYHUORRNHGDQGXQGHUYDOXHGFRO-                                                                                           SP7XHVGD\VDQG7KXUVGD\VDWWKH)LWQHVV&HQWHU7UDFN
  SROLF\DQGWKHEXLOGLQJRIYLDEOHLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGRU-      Lunch Specials                                   Dinner Specials
  ganizations. From championing basic human rights to         10:30 a.m-1 p.m.                                 5-8 p.m.
  ensuring access and equal opportunity for all Americans;
  women led the way in establishing a stronger and more                                               Monday
  democratic country. Please mark the dates on your cal-
  HQGDUDQGMRLQXVLQKRQRULQJZRPHQLQSXEOLFVHUYLFH     Cabbage roll over white rice                     No special
  DQGJRYHUQPHQW                                             Vegetables
    (YHQWV                                                   Pastrami sandwich
    0DUFKDPSP6WRU\%RDUGVDW%OGJ     With any side                                    No special
    0DUFKDP:+0%UHDNIDVWDW&OXE0XURF        Onion steak                   Wednesday
  'LYHUVLW\:RPHQ¶V3DQHO                                   White rice and vegetables
    0DUFKSP:RPHQ¶V)OLJKWDW%OGJ0DUFK                                                          Cabbage rolls
  &ORVLQJ5HPDUNV	5HWUHDW                                  Taco salad                                           White rice and vegetables

    )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ:RPHQ¶V+LVWRU\0RQWKDW         Baked cod or fried cat fish             Thursday
  (GZDUGVFDOO                                 Macaroni and cheese
                                                              Hushpuppies or vegetables                                    Taco salad
    7RUHDGPRUHDERXWZRPHQ¶VKLVWRU\PRQWKYLVLW          Menu subject to change
  KWWSZRPHQVKLVWRU\PRQWKJRY                                                                     Friday

                                                                                                               Baked cod or fried catfish
                                                                                                               Macaroni and cheese
                                                                                                               Hushpuppies or vegetables

Chapel Corner

Gaining Altitude – Growth opportunities for the week
  This is a weekly segment in 'HVHUW:LQJV to highlight a spiritual

focus for the Edwards community:

  Through our character±DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÀHFWRQLPSRUWDQW                                      Monday-Thursday                         Sunday
issues in our community:                                                                              11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass,             8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service,
                                                                                                      Chapel 2                                Chapel 1
  As children we hear, “Sticks and stones can break your bones but                                    1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1        9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
ZRUGVZLOOQHYHUKXUW\RX´$VZHJURZROGHUZH¿QGWKDWZRUGVFDQ                                                                           10 a.m. – Protestant Traditional
hurt worse than physical injuries. As hurtful as some things are to                                   Friday                                  Service, Chapel 1
hear we get to choose what we believe. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No                                    1:15 p.m. – Muslim Prayer,              11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary
one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Be careful how                                  Chapel 1                                Service, Chapel 2
you speak to others as you can’t take your words back and choose                                                                              4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
not to let hurtful words ‘break’ you. Instead see if there is anything to
learn from them and then let them go and move on.                                                                                             Small Groups
                                                                                                                                              We also offer weekly small group
  This week’s prayer request: Loving God you desire to speak                                                                                  studies. Please contact us for infor-
words of life and healing to us. Help us to have hearts, minds, and                                                                           mation on times and locations.
ears open wide to hear your life-giving messages.
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