Page 8 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 3-11-16
P. 8
Team Edwards D
412th Operations Group
Interested in how your Ops Group supports the Edwards mission? Come visit the locations below on Te
for an in-depth look at what OG does every day.
Stop by Hangar 1600 to see the aircraft and talk to the operators. Ask them the questions you've alway
Want to see what the aircrew have to wear before they step to the jets? Visit the Life Support and find
Ops at 0930, 1030, 1130, and 1330. Max group size is 15.
Want to be an air traffic controller or want to get a birds-eye view of the airfield? Visit the control tower.
0900, 1000, 1100, and 1300. Max group size is 20 and look for the escorts near the Aero Club display.
412th Civil Engineering Group
Interested in how your Civil Engineering Group supports the base? Come visit the locations below on T
for an in-depth look at what CE does every day.
Come by Bldg 3500 to see our construction equipment items including an interactive crane and backho
sale by the CE Booster Club.
At Fire Station 2 (at the intersection of Forbes and Fitzgerald), tour the inside of the fire station and see
display. Also view the Emergency Management Flight's mobile incident Command and Control Center an
Get blown away by an EOD detonation at Bldg 4965 at 1000 and 1300. Also on display will be the EO
equipment, including the bomb suit, Barrett Sniper Rifle, and the Bomb Squad Emergency Response Veh
shop, a bus will run from Bldg 3000 at 0930 and 1230.
412th Test Engineering Group
The Test Engineering Group supports a wide variety of aircraft and projects, and we would like to share
Team Edwards Day, Monday, 14 March!
Come fly an F-22! Just kidding. The Engineering Group will have an F-16 and F-22 simulator you can
Libraries come in all shapes and sizes. Come by our Technical Research Library, Bldg. 1400, Rm 106,
contains and offers for use to library patrons. Refreshments will be served.
Come experience simulated air strikes during our demonstrations using tactical radios and satellite com
412th Medical Group
Ever wonder what your Medical Group provides to the base? Come visit Bldg 3925 during Team Edwa
See an ambulance up close! Take selfies and chat with our paramedics! Hear some of their amazing r
the “meti-man” and see how the paramedics and EMTs train.
Learn to take better care of yourself and your family with Health Promotions and Medical Management.
Meet with Physical Therapy and become a better you!
Outside of patient care, meet the bioenvironmental engineers. See and learn about several of the tools
evaluate occupational and environmental hazards!
If you’re hungry, the MDG booster club will be selling burgers, chips, and drinks.
Parking is available on site at Bldg 3925 but additional parking is available in the Cactus Café parking lo
412th Mission Support Group
Ever wonder your MSG provides to the base? Come visit Bldg 3000 during Team Edwards day and fin
See how the 412 CS is able to be connect every computer on the installation, with the ability to get han
as view how free space optics provides the ability to deliver data where physical connectivity is not possib
Learn about all the services the 412 FSS provides including the Aero Club, Outdoor Recreation, Golf C
Tickets & Travel, Arts and Crafts, Auto Hobby, Education & Training, Child & Youth, Airmen & Family Read
Muroc, and the Fitness Center. When you visit the FSS information tables, enter for a chance to win $25
Understand the capabilities the 412 LRS brings to fight supporting aircraft with their 25K Aircraft Loader
experience the warfighter reality with individual protective equipment.
Handle and take your picture with any weapon in the 412 SFS arsenal from pistols to machine guns, as
View the speed and agility of Military Working Dogs, with demonstrations available at 0930 and 1430.
Sufficient parking is available on site at Building 3000 and shuttles to the Explosive Ordnance Disposal
and 1230.
And if you're hungry, the MSG booster clubs will have plates of food available for purchase, including a
pulled pork sandwiches, as well as soft drinks.
Air Force Flight Test Museum
The Air Force Flight Test Museum (412TW/MU) will be open early, from 0900 hrs. to 1630 hrs., in suppo
Stop in and immerse yourself in Edwards’ deep and impressive history while you're out learning about o
412th Maintenance Group
If an aircraft is in the air, maintenance put it here!
Between 0900-1400, the 412 MXG will display multiple fighter, heavy, and bomber aircraft in Hangar 16
processes will be on display to include: propulsion, fabrication, non-destructive inspection (NDI) and a few
be on display, and Weapons personnel will perform weapons loads on an F-16 throughout the period. Ma
questions. Additionally, other base organizations with booths include: Aero Club, simulators from TENG, T
will have a food booth for lunch and bring extra cash for your Weapons paraphernalia