Page 7 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 3-11-16
P. 7
March 11, 2016 Desert Wings
Team Edwards,
Join us on Monday, 14 March, for "Team Edwards Day" all throughout the
412th Test Wing. This Training Day will provide the opportunity to meet
other professionals, get connected to the Edwards AFB mission, and gain a
deeper appreciation for the incredible work done here every day. Rally points will
be set up in locations across the base from 0900-1500 to showcase the people,
equipment and talent that makes Test happen.
There is no specific order of events--go visit the areas you've always wanted to see or want to learn more
about, at your own pace. Map of the day's events is located at: or on the EAFB INFO yellow icon on
workstation taskbars.
There will also be special events throughout the day, some of which have limited seating:
Control Tower tour--leaves Hangar 1600 at 0900, 1000, 1100 and 1300
Flightline tour--leaves from Bldg 1202 (Base Ops) at 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, and 1400
Life Support tour--Bldg 1202 (Base Ops) at 0930, 1030, 1130 and 1330
Explosive Ordinance Disposal demonstration--Bldg 4965 at 1000 and 1300; parking is extremely limited so
buses will load/leave from Bldg 3000 starting 30 minutes prior for this event
BAF tour--Bldg 1030, advance registration required
Military Working Dog demonstration--Bldg 3000 at 0930 and 1430
Test Pilot School tour--Bldg 1220 at 0900, 1100 and 1300
After the main Team Edwards Day events there will be a free ice cream social at Community Park (across from
Chapel 2) from 1500-1700 to wrap up the day.
Bring your family to work with you to show off your work area; then bring them with you for the remainder of
the day. On-base Muroc schools will consider this day an excused absence for accounting
purposes. If you need to sponsor a family member onto the base who doesn't already have base access, use the
Visitor Control Center SharePoint site at:
This event is available to all Team Edwards members and their families.
Go to the next page for more information
about the day’s events and be sure to
take this centerfold with you for reference!