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Volume 62, Number 46                            Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California                                           May 29, 2015


F-16 test pilots help train USAFE pilots

by Kenji Thuloweit                   beyond the flight control com-                                                                                                                                                               Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Kyla Gifford
Editor                               puter’s built-in protection ‘limit-
                                     ers’ and the jet may not respond         Three F-16s assigned to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, on a refueling mission last year. Two F-16 test pilots
  Two F-16 test pilots from the      to pilot commands as it attempts         from the 416th Flight Test Squadron recently returned from a “roadshow” to Europe where they provided High
416th Flight Test Squadron recent-   to recover itself. The jet may not       Angle of Attack academics to U.S. Air Forces in Europe pilots.
ly returned from a “roadshow” to     have the control effectiveness to
Europe where they provided High      recover and may stagnate in a deep         “We provided real-world ex-      tentionally spin and stall the F-16  This training helps F-16 pilots
Angle of Attack academics to U.S.    VWDOODQGZLOOIDOOLQDÀDWDWWLWXGH  amples of F-16 departures (deep    and teach them how to effectively    prevent inadvertent departures
Air Forces in Europe pilots.         out-of-control situation.”               stalls and spins) and provided a   recover the jet,” said Pacini.       and increases awareness of F-16
                                                                              detailed explanation of how the                                         capabilities and limitations in the
  Maj. Raven LeClair, 416th            LeClair then said the pilot must       )ÀLJKWFRQWUROVZRUNDQGKRZ    The Air Force and Air National
FLTS assistant director of opera-    take additional action to pitch rock     to avoid departures. We then in-   *XDUGKDYHORVW¿YH)VVLQFH                       See USAFE, Page 4
tions, and Capt. Michael Pacini,     the jet out of this stagnation point,                                       1995 due to departure/deep stall.
416th FLTS F-16 test pilot, went     similar to rocking a car out of a
on the roadshow, which is a ge-      ditch.
neric term for traveling to another
unit to provide some type of train-    “We provided academics to 12
ing or academics.                    F-16 pilots at Aviano and to 23
                                     pilots at Spangdahlem,” said Pa-
  The purpose of this roadshow       cini. “Of those 23 pilots at Spang-
was to provide USAFE F-16 pi-        dahlem, we flew with seven of
lots at Aviano Air Base, Italy, and  them.”
Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany,
VSHFL¿FWUDLQLQJWROHDUQKRZWR      The two pilots conducted aca-
avoid departing [from controlled     GHPLFVHVVLRQVDQGLIDEOHDÀLJKW
ÀLJKW@WKH)                     in the two-seat F-16D with the
                                     upgrading pilot in the front cock-
  One example of a High AOA          pit and either Pacini or LeClair
maneuver is when a pilot attempts    in the backseat. Pacini said the
to pursue an adversary vertically    pilots were shown how to avoid
ZKHQWKHLUDLUVSHHGLVLQVXI¿FLHQW  departures, building on what they
                                     were taught in academics. The
  “We call this maneuver a ‘Tacti-   academics covered some founda-
cal Pitch Rate Departure,’’’ said    WLRQDOSULQFLSOHVRIÀLJKWDQGZKDW
LeClair. “This maneuver results      causes spins and deep stalls.
in an Angle of Attack overshoot

YF-22A brings in $25,000 for museum move

by Rebecca Amber                                  “Bechtel has long been a supporter of our                                                                                                                                     Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
Staff writer                                    armed forces and NASA, and big believers
                                                in technology and educating young people        Bechtel Corporation presented a check for $25,000 to the Flight Test Historical Foundation at
  The Air Force Flight Test Museum ac-          about what we’ve done in the past and what      the Air Force Flight Test Museum May 21 to sponsor the YF-22A. (Left to right) Dr. David Smith,
cepted a $25,000 donation to sponsor their      our scientists and engineers are capable of     412th Test Wing Installation Support director, and Lisa Gray, FTHF chairwoman, accepted
YF-22A from the Bechtel Corporation May         doing in the future,” said Sheridan.            the donation from Brian Sheridan and Dr. Richard Tighe from Bechtel.
                                                  Bechtel is a global engineering, project
  The Flight Test Historical Foundation has     management and construction company.
80 aircraft available for corporate sponsor-    Additionally, they serve the Department
ship in their prospectus. Each aircraft is as-  of Defense, NASA and the Department of
signed a sponsorship level based on its size    Energy.
put towards the museum’s capital campaign         “It’s important for us to educate the
to move outside of the West Gate.               American people what our Air Force has
                                                done, what past generations have done,”
  %HFKWHOLVWKH¿UVWWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRI     said Sheridan. “It’s also a great tribute to
the opportunity to sponsor a plane.             the pilots and those over the generations
                                                that have risked their lives pushing the en-
  “This is just a unique airplane,” said Dr.    velope on what the technology is capable
Richard Tighe, Bechtel manager of Strategy      of doing.”
Marketing and Business Development. “It’s
so tangible and meaningful when we see            The Flight Test Historical Foundation
the Bechtel name and logo on the plaque         needs $7 million to relocate outside of the
there.”                                         West Gate. According to Gray, the founda-
  Brian Sheridan, Bechtel principal vice        minimum amount needed to break ground.
president and general manager of Defense        Their next step is to present their offer to
and Security, presented the check to the        the Air Force and wait for approval.
foundation’s chairwoman, Lisa Gray, in
front of the YF-22A. The YF-22A was               For more information about how to spon-
Lockheed Martin’s entry in the Advanced         sor a plane at the Air Force Flight Test
Tactical Fighter demonstration and valida-      Museum, visit
tion program in the early 1990s, later be-      involved/sponsor-airplane/
coming the F-22 Raptor.
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