Page 6 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
P. 6

Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                May 29, 2015


Edwards Air Force Base Driver Speeding & Privilege Suspension Tracker

The 412th Security Forces Squadron issued six speeding citations and processed zero base driving suspensions from May 11-17, 2015.

Below is a breakdown of the violations:

Six speeding violations cited for MPH over posted speed limit

01 – 10                       11 – 15  16 – 20            21 – 24            25+

-0- -2-                                                   -4- -0- -0-

Zero new drivers with suspended privileges (new)

10 days                       15 days  30 days            45 days            90 days     365 days                                     730 days
                                                                                -0-      (one year)                                   (two years)
-0- -0-                                              -0-  -0-
                                                                                             -0-                                          -0-

20 drivers whose base-driving privileges are suspended (total)

15 days                       30 days  45 days            90 days            365 days    730 days                                     1,095 days

                                                                             (one year)  (two years) (three years)

-0- -1- -0- -2-                                                              -15-                                                     -0- -2-

Per AFI 31-218 and EAFBI 31-218, a DD Form 1408 Armed Forces traffic tickets (no-fine) are issued to military members and
civilians driving a Government Owned Vehicle. Military members receiving 1408s are subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice
action. A DD Form 1805 U.S. District Court Violation (a fine) is issued to all civilians, dependents, and retirees. If issued an 1805,
violators may be required to be present at Magistrate Court in Bakersfield, Calif., receive traffic violation points against their state-
issued driver’s license, and potentially receive suspension of on-base driving privileges.

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