Page 3 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
P. 3
May 29, 2015 News Desert Wings 3
Briefs Retirement
SAPR annual training Col. Rod Cregier retired May 21
at Hangar 1820. Cregier served
The next SAPR annual training class, as the F-35 program director for
“Respect the Red Line,” is 2 p.m., June 1 the 412th Test Wing, the highest
at the base theater. This training is man- profile program currently at
datory for all active duty personnel and Edwards. He was responsible for
DOD civilians. Plan on arriving early as all Edwards-based support for the
everyone must sign-in to get credit. Unit ¿IWK JHQHUDWLRQ ¿JKWHU SURJUDP
training managers will be responsible He graduated the U.S. Air Force
for tracking training in ADLS. Training Academy in 1985 earning honors
MUST be completed no later than Sept. and attended the U.S. Naval Test
14, 2015. If you attended the May 4 Pilot School. While commander
event at the theater, which was Wingman of the 410th Test Squadron at
Day not SAPR Annual Training, you will Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale,
not receive credit. For those individuals Calif., he was responsible for all
that have had a personal history, or a developmental and operational
close friend/family member with a his- testing of the F-117A and its
tory of sexual trauma, are exempt from weapons. Cregier leaves the Air
this training but must notify the SAPR Force as a command pilot with
RI¿FHDWRU more than 4,400 hours in 85
types of aircraft.
For more information, call Kim Shir-
ley at 661-277-4988. Air Force photograph
15th Annual Chief’s 5K Fun USAFE Lockheed Martin photograph by Chad Bellay
High AOA regime. An F-16 from the 416th Flight Test Squadron parked at Nellis Air Force
The 15th Annual Chief’s 5K Fun Run/ The 416th FLTS does the High AOA mission on a continual basis Base, Nev., during a Red Flag exercise in 2012.
Walk is June 5 at the Base Exchange
parking lot. Registration runs 6:30- and has a program run by Roger Tanner, 416th FLTS High AOA
7:30 a.m., when the run begins. There lead instructor pilot, that has been conducted for decades to train
are three trophies/medals for each age F-16 pilots from around the world.
group—Men and Women: 25 and Un-
der; 26 to 35; 36 and up and to the fast- “We typically have two pilots per week come to Edwards to
est walker for men and women. Awards get the training here. We provide this training to active, guard,
will also be given to the top fundraiser reserve, and foreign F-16 pilots from all over the world. However,
and the unit with the most participants. we occasionally do roadshows to provide the training to a broader
Contact your chief for registration and audience,” Pacini said.
pledge sheets. Registrations and pledges
will be collected on day of registration The 416th FLTS’s High AOA program has been running for more
and run. than 25 years and test pilots have conducted thousands of inten-
tional departures, and throughout the program’s history, there has
Pool Hours never been a failure to recover the aircraft from an out-of-control
Sonic Splash Pool: Open seven days to conduct this training.
a week, noon-6 p.m., beginning June
6. Lap Swim; 6-8 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m., “Major LeClair and I were just the lucky two that were picked to
Monday-Friday. Lunch period lap swim conduct this roadshow,” Pacini said.
limited to designated lanes only.
Muroc Pool: Thursday, noon-6 p.m.,
beginning June 11; Friday, noon-8 p.m.;
Saturday, noon-6 p.m., beginning June
Oasis Aquatic Center: Closed due to
roof renovation and upgrades. The facil-
ity will reopen and resume normal hours
of operation once the project has been
The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re- Fax: (661) 277-2732.
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The appearance of advertising in the publication, including Commander, 412th TW …........................ Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer members are encouraged to submit news stories or story ideas
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