Page 8 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
P. 8

Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                       May 29, 2015


Base Supply Centers celebrate 20 years of service

by Kenji Thuloweit                   and people with other disabilities.  QL¿FDQWGLVDELOLWLHV¿QGHPSOR\-
Editor                                 The I.B. in IB Express stands      ment by working within a network
  A cozy ceremony was held in-       for Industries for the Blind. For    cies that sell products and services
side the Base Supply Center May      the past two decades, the compa-     to the U.S. government.
19 where 412th Mission Support       ny has run AbilityOne Base Sup-
Group leadership joined BSC em-      ply Centers across the country, in-    “They (BSC’s) are much more
ployees and executives of IB Ex-     cluding the one here on Edwards.     than just an office supply store,
press to celebrate the company’s     Today, IB Express operates 152       they are part of our community,”
20 years of service to the military  BSCs.                                said C.J. Lange, IB Express chief
and for their role in promoting op-                                       H[HFXWLYHRI¿FHU³2YHUWKH\HDUV
portunities for the sight-impaired     The AbilityOne Program is a        the BSC program has succeeded
                                     federal initiative to help people    in providing thousands of jobs for
                                     who are blind, or have other sig-    people who are blind and severely
                                                                          disabled. Many of these are local
                                                                          residents who would otherwise                                                                                                   Air Force photographs by Kenji Thuloweit
                                                                          have few opportunities for em-
                                                                          ployment.”                            CEO of IB Express, C.J. Lange, presents Edwards AFB’s Base Supply
                                                                                                                Center manager, Patricia Kondrotas, a 20th anniversary plaque for the
                                                                            Lange also said BSC’s employ        store during a ceremony May 19. IB Express operates 152 AbilityOne
                                                                          many retired military, dependents     Base Supply Centers nationwide.
                                                                          and wounded warriors.
IB Express, the company that runs AbilityOne Base Supply Centers                                                spoke about how her employees          disabled people and even wounded
nationwide, dropped by Edwards to celebrate its 20-year partnership with    The BSC on Edwards has been         really love working at the BSC         warriors,” said Kondrotas.
the DOD. The Edwards Base Supply Center has been open for 13 years.       operating for 13 years and has        and how she has had to open up
                                                                          four employees.                       the store several late nights to en-     To learn more about the Abili-
                                                                                                                sure Airmen got the proper sup-        tyOne Program, or to buy supplies
                                                                            Government Purchase Card            plies before their deployment the      for your office, visit the BSC at
                                                                          KROGHUVFDQEX\RI¿FHDQGEXLOG-      next day.                              115 Gregorius Ave., Bldg. 3736,
                                                                          ing supplies, along with uniforms                                            Door 9.
                                                                          and military accessories for their      “We’re here to support the Air-
                                                                          XQLWRURI¿FH                        men and the base, and when you           Call 661-258-9422 for any ques-
                                                                                                                shop here, you’re helping a great      tions about the BSC and its mer-
                                                                            “We are a one-stop shop and         program out that creates jobs for      chandise.
                                                                          our goal is to serve our customers
                                                                          in any way possible,” said Patricia
                                                                          Kondrotas, Edwards BSC store

                                                                            Lange presented Kondrotas
                                                                          with a coin and a 20-year anni-
                                                                          versary plaque for the store. She


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