Page 12 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
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Desert Wings Announcements May 29, 2015
Force Support Squadron $300 per hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. quired for all active duty members and provides vital in-
Rentals: Your Aero Club offers Cessna 172s, Cessna formation regarding base resources and services, policies
5 N. Seller’s Ave., Bldg. 3000 procedures, recreation opportunities and more. Spouses are
182s, and a Baron for rent. Contact the Aero Club for res- welcome and encouraged to attend.
MPS Operating Hours ervations and costs.
In order to stay aligned to new and existing personnel pro- Moms, Pops, & Tots: Second and fourth Thursday of
Learn to Fly: The sky is the limit at the Edwards AFB the month. The A&FRC offers free playgroup sessions for
gram processes, the Military Personnel Section has changed Aero Club. Experience the thrill of piloting an aircraft. Your parents and children to share in the development of their
its customer service hours. ORFDO$HUR&OXESURYLGHVPDQ\VWDJHVRIÀLJKWWUDLQLQJ child’s early skills, abilities, social interactions, and individ-
IURP\RXU¿UVWLQWURGXFWRU\ÀLJKWWKURXJKVRORWKHQRQWR uality-all while having fun together and meet new friends.
The new hours are: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Thurs- private, commercial and instructors’ ratings. The choice is To sign up or for more information, call Maria Chapa at
GD\DPQRRQ)ULGD\DQGFORVHGHYHU\¿UVW0RQGD\ yours. Whether your aim is recreational or a career path, 661-277-0723.
of the month for base training day. your Aero Club will train you to the highest standard with
safety always foremost. 4 Lenses™ Assessment: 4 Lenses™ is founded on the
Personnel experts will be on hand for emergency situa- realization that each individual has unique strengths and
tions from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CAC/DEERS, passports/ Airman and Family Readiness motivations. The 4 Lenses™ assessment helps organiza-
visas, and awards and decorations customer service hours tions build a solid understanding of the innate talent and
UHPDLQXQFKDQJHG7KRVHRI¿FHVDUHRSHQDP 90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723 potential of its individuals. The 4-Lenses™ instrument was
p.m., Monday-Friday with the exception of federal holidays created from the research of the Myers Briggs’ Personality
and AFMC Family Days. Women’s, Infants’ & Children’s Clinic: June 1, 9:30 7\SH,QGLFDWRUDVZHOODV'DYLG.HLUVH\¶VPRGL¿FDWLRQV
a.m.-3 p.m., closed for lunch noon-1 p.m. Open for both to this instrument in his book, Please Understand Me. Call
By altering customer service hours, members of the MPS walk-ins and appointments. For an appointment or voucher Maria at 661-277-7618 to schedule a 4 Lenses™ assess-
will have more time to train on the ever-changing personnel information, call 1-866-327-3074 toll free. ment for your organization/team.
services, improve data base integrity, and conduct contin-
gency training to ensure customer needs are met. Pre-Separation Counseling: June 3, 8:30-11 a.m. This is Hearts Apart: This is a support group and social network
a prerequisite for the Five-day Transition Assistance Pro- for families of deployed members and an opportunity to
If you require emergency assistance related to Military gram. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. meet with leadership. Sign-up is required. For more infor-
Personnel, call 661-277-5290 or 661-277-4366. mation, call 661-277-0723.
Boots to Business: June 4 and 5, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sponsorship Opportunities at the A&FRC. The A&FRC is hosting this two-day class Military Family Life Consultant: A Military Family Life
Attention local business operators; Reach your military presented by the Small Business Administration for transi- Consultant is on board at the A&FRC to help military mem-
tioning military members and military spouses. The SBA bers, spouses, family members, friends and staff members
market! Edwards Services is proud to provide businesses is focused on helping veterans and their families explore address issues such as relationships, deployment, parenting,
the opportunity to show support of our military members entrepreneurship for their future. stress, grief and many other issues. Consultations are free
through the AF Commercial Sponsorship Program. From and anonymous—no records are kept. To make an appoint-
4th of July’s Freedom Fest to the annual Children’s Holiday Bundles for Babies: June 5, 9-11:30 a.m. at the A&FRC. ment, call 661-742-4733.
Party held in December, the Edwards Services does it’s best 7KLVFODVVLVKHOGTXDUWHUO\WRSURYLGHD¿QDQFLDOEULH¿QJ
to show appreciation for the commitment of excellence the to expectant parents. Additionally, the Family Advocacy 6%3&DVXDOW\$VVLVWDQFH2I¿FHThe SBP and Casualty
men and women of Edwards AFB provide every day. We Nurse presents a block of instruction of baby care for new $VVLVWDQFH2I¿FHDUHQRZFRPELQHG(YHU\UHWLULQJPHP-
are seeking support for these events and more in the form parents. Layette sets are given to the new parents on behalf ber married or single must make a valid election prior to
of funding and event enhancements. Sponsors will receive of the Air Force Aid Society. retiring. Retired military survivor assistance is also avail-
recognition such as logo placement on advertising materials, DEOH+HOSLVDYDLODEOHWR¿OHFODLPVWKURXJKYDULRXVDJHQ-
booth space onsite during the event, verbal acknowledge- Federal Job Search & Federal Resume Class: June 9, cies: DFAS, B.A., SSA and OPM. For more information,
ment, mention in base newspapers, and opportunities to net- 10-11:30 a.m., at the A&FRC. This class will help custom- contact John Phillips at 661-277-3757.
work with event participants. All offers of sponsorship must ers understand how to navigate and to utilize
be received no later than three months prior to the event date. the search engine features. It will assist customers to cre- Sponsorship Training: All sponsors need to complete
Contact Tiffany Meyer at 661-277-6809, FSS/SVK, 205 W. ate an account and understand how the Federal application the on-line training at http// and then
Popson Ave Bldg. 2500, Edwards AFB, CA 93524. system works. call Maricel Rusit at 661-277-0723 for more information
and resources.
This is a solicitation for commercial sponsorship by a Non- Pre-Separation Counseling: June 10, 8:30-11 a.m. This
appropriated Fund Instrumentality of the U.S. government. LVDSUHUHTXLVLWHIRUWKH¿YHGD\7UDQVLWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH3UR- Spouse Employment/Volunteer Resources: The link to
It does not obligate appropriated funds or nonappropriated gram. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. job search strategies and volunteer opportunities is through
funds of the government. the Airman & Family Readiness Center. Individual consul-
Heartlink: June 11, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the A&FRC. tation is also available by appointment to provide assistance
Aero Club This is an introduction to the Air Force for spouses who are with resumes and education opportunities. The A&FRC has
newly married, or want to learn more about the Air Force established a distribution list that will allow job vacancies
320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-275-AERO way of life. Information regarding the Air Force mission, to be emailed to spouses as they become available. If you
customs, protocol; local resources and services; opportunity are interested in getting your email address added to this list
Flight Training: Private, Instrumment, Commercial, to meet other spouses. Brunch is included and childcare
ATP, CFI, CFII, and ATP. Aircraft rentals range from $131- may be reimbursable. For more information, call 661-277- See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 13
$145 per hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. 0723.
Multi-Engine, Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII. Aircraft
Newcomers’ Orientation: June 11, 7:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Re-
Chapel Corner
Gaining Altitude – Growth opportunities for the week Monday-Thursday Sunday
11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass, 8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service,
This is a weekly segment in Desert Wings to highlight a spiritual focus Chapel 2 Chapel 1
for the Edwards community: 1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1 9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
10 a.m. – Protestant Traditional
Through our character±DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÀHFWRQLPSRUWDQWLVVXHV Thursday Service, Chapel 1
in our community: 5:30 p.m. – Wiccan/Pagan Worship, 11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary
Chapel 1 Annex Service, Chapel 2
Less than one percent of today’s U.S. population has ever served in the military, 4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
and that one percent has carried the weight of America’s longest military engage- Friday
ment. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz wrote in a recent book that “for too long 1:15 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Small Groups
too many of us have paid scant attention to the commitment of the brave few in Chapel 1 We also offer weekly small group
our midst. It is unhealthy for a nation to become detached from those who secure studies. Please contact us for infor-
it.” What part can you play in highlighting the importance of serving your nation? mation on times and locations.
Through our prayers – an opportunity to pray for the needs of our com-
This week’s request: Ask God for the creativity in what part you can play in
highlighting the importance of service.