Page 16 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
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Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                            May 29, 2015


ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 13                             more information and appointments, call          next available course.                          stage in their development. See Mr. Andrew
                                                   Brittni Albrechti at (661) 317-2139. Use           Youth of the Year: Do you have what it        for details.
out, sportsman ship, games and general             your PLAYpass here!
all around fun! Must have ability to swim                                                           takes to represent Edwards AFB at the lo-         Youth & Teen Centers Memberships: For
length of pool unassisted, and tread water.          Lunchtime Disc Golf at Mojave Greens:          cal, district, state, regional and potentially  about a dollar a day, you could have peace
Intended for school age and up.                    Wednesdays, noon, Mojave Greens Disc             national level? If so you can earn thousands    of mind knowing that your son or daughter
                                                   Golf Course, Hole 1. Join us for a round of      and thousands of scholarship dollars. Check     is in a safe environment—an environment
  Stables: Did you know that Outdoor Rec-          lunchtime golf. Players of all skill levels are  with your local teen center.                    that fosters development in many different
reation has riding stables where you can           invited to attend. Experienced golfers will                                                      areas and offers constant supervision, tutor-
board your horse? For $25 a month with a           be on hand to offer advice and work with         Youth Programs                                  ing and fun! Did you know that the most
$25 a month membership fee you can board           beginners. Equipment will be available for                                                       dangerous time for youth, especially teens,
your horse at Outdoor Recreations Riding           loan. Take this opportunity to meet other          24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437                  are between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m? The
Stables. Call Outdoor Recreation for more          disc golfers on base and challenge each                                                          Youth and Teen Centers offer social op-
details.                                           other on the course!                               Last Day of School—Youth Skate: June          portunities and structured programming
                                                                                                    4, 3 p.m., in the Youth Center Gym. Free for    IURPDI¿OLDWHGDJHQFLHVVXFKDVWKH%R\V	
  Overnight Camping at Branch Park:                  Equipment Orientation Classes: Tues-           Youth Program members. Bring your own           Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H Club.
Cost is $5 for a campsite for up to four           day, 10-11 a.m., Wednesday, 4-5 p.m., and        skates, rollerblades or use ours.               For more information about youth and teen
people. Come and get a “wilderness ex-             Thursday, 7-8 p.m. Not sure how to use                                                           memberships, contact the main youth center
perience” right here on base. This will be         equipment or what it does for you? Stop by         School Age Programs Summer Camp:              at 661-275-5437.
primitive camping (no potable water, no            the front desk and sign up for this one-hour     Letter of Intent submissions being accepted
telephones, and no RVs).                           class. We are here to help you get the most      now! Sign up at School-Age Annex, Bldg.           Youth & Teen Sponsorship: Are you
                                                   RXWRI\RXU¿WQHVVURXWLQH                      6459. Children must be 12 years of age or       new to the area? Will you be PCSing soon?
  Private Parties: Rod & Gun, Paintball,                                                            younger and have completed Kindergarten         Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend to show
and other Outdoor Recreation activities are        Teen Center                                      in order to be eligible. Eligibility and pri-   your kids around base? The Air Force Youth
available for squadron functions and private                                                        ority of placement are in accordance with       Centers offer sponsorship for kids and teens
parties. In addition to using our facilities, let    100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-           DOD and HQ AFMC policy.                         so that every move is a seamless transition.
us plan a trip for you! Interested in going        275-8336                                                                                         For more information about Youth or Teen
somewhere with your squadron or a group                                                               Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Proj-            Sponsorship contact the Main Youth Center,
of friends? Tell us and we’ll do the legwork         <(6<RXWK(PSOR\PHQW6NLOOVGain            ect Learn: Monday-Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m.         661-275-5437.
for you. Let us know how many people,              valuable work experience and earn money          Power Hour: making minutes count helps
where you want to go, and what your bud-           for College, up to $1,000. Open to teens         club members (ages 6-12) become suc-              Super Sitters Course: Cost is $40 for
get is and we’ll do the rest!                      whose parent is active duty Air Force. Call      cessful in school by providing homework         course and registration, at Youth Center
                                                   the Teen Center for more information.            help/ tutoring while encouraging members        (Bldg. 5210). Super Sitters courses are held
  Team Building: Does your office, ele-                                                             to become self-directed learners. See Ms.       every so often when at least six students are
ment or group need some team building?               Keystone Club: Meeting 2:10 p.m.,              Jasmine for details and to sign up.             on the list. The classes are taught in two,
Come talk to us! We have instructors and           Wednesdays at the Teen Center. The Key-                                                          four-hour segments, location and times will
the facilities to make it a great afternoon/       stone Club is a leadership club for teens          Torch Club: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in       vary on availability. The course is open for
day for you and your staff. Prices vary de-        who are interested in learning or improv-        the Torch Room. Torch clubs are charter,        youth and teens ages 11-18. Once regis-
pending on the activity and group size. Call       ing their own leadership skills. The club        small-group leadership and service clubs        WHUHGVWXGHQWZLOOEHQRWL¿HGRIWKHQH[W
us today and let’s plan an event!                  focuses on leadership, community service,        for boys and girls ages 9-12. It is a pow-      available course.
                                                   academic success, career preparation and         erful vehicle through which club staff can
  RV Storage: Numerous openings are                teen outreach. Come by the Teen Center for       help meet the special character development
available in RV Storage! Come over and             more information.                                needs of younger adolescents at a critical
park your equipment for our low prices
and have access to them anytime you need!            Teen Council: A Teen Council is being
20’ Active Duty and Retiree—$20; 20’ All           formed to give a voice for teens within the
Others—$25; 25’-30’ Active Duty and Re-            community. The Teen Center is looking
tiree—$25; 25’-30’ All Others—$30; 35’-            for teens associated with other teen youth
50’ Active Duty and Retiree—$30, 35’-50’           groups i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Chapel
All Others—$35.                                    Youth Groups, NHS, ASB, Home Schooled,
                                                   and any other teen youth groups. Represen-
Rod & Gun                                          tatives will meet once a month and discuss
                                                   teen issues on base. If interested, contact
  210 Adams Way, 661-275-CAMP                      Anthony Quinnert at Desert High School
                                                   or Mr. Paul at the Teen Center.
  5LÀHDQG3LVWRO5DQJHJune 13, 10 a.m.-
1 p.m. Open for Rod & Gun patrons. We do             Teen Center Membership: Parents—
QRWVHOOSLVWRORUULÀHDPPXQLWLRQ                memberships at the Teen Center are avail-
                                                   able year round. Cost is $360 for an annual
  Big 50 Thursdays: The “Big 50” is an             membership. One of the worst times for
ATA Registered shoot in which each par-            a teen to make a bad decision is between
ticipant shoots 50 single. Targets, 50 double      the hours of 3 pm and 6 p.m. For a dollar
targets and 50 targets from their handi-           a day you can have peace of mind know-
capped position.                                   ing that your son or daughter is in a safe,
                                                   fun and developmental environment with a
Rosburg Fitness Center                             caring staff that will make sure your son
                                                   or daughter feels right at home and have a
  210 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-GYM1                 great experience.

  Healthy Weight Class: Thursdays, noon-             Youth & Teen Sponsorship: Are you new
1:30 p.m. Call the HAWC for more infor-            to the area? Will you be PCS’ing soon?
mation.                                            Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend to show
                                                   your kids around base? The Air Force Youth
  Tae Kwon Do: Cost: A children’s monthly          Centers offer sponsorship for kids & teens
pass is $65, an adult monthly pass is $70,         so that every move is a seamless transition.
and a daily pass is $9 per day. For more           For more information about Youth or Teen
information, call Kumye Moore at (661)             Sponsorship, contact the Main Youth Center
860-9292. Use your PLAYpass here!                  at 661-275-5437.

  Personal Trainers: Cost is $40 per hour            Super Sitters Course: Cost: $40 course
session, $25 for a half-hour session. Call to      and registration, at Youth Center, Bldg.
schedule your appointment and start reach-         5210. Super Sitters courses are held ev-
LQJWKRVH¿WQHVVJRDOV)RUDSSRLQWPHQWV         ery so often when at least six students are
call Jeff Walden at (210) 723-2052, Johnny         on the list. The classes are taught in two,
Johnson at (660) 233-2141 or Lauren Bran-          four hour segments, location and times
din at (210) 723-2052. Use your PLAYpass           will vary on availability. The course is
here!                                              open for youth and teens ages 11-18. Once
  Massage Therapy: Cost is $40 for 30
minutes, $70 for an hour, or $100 one and
a half hours. Available 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-
day, Tuesday and Thursday, by appointment
only. Couples massage is also offered. For
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