Page 15 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
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May 29, 2015                                    to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight    Oasis Community Center                                                      Desert Wings
                                                Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a                 few holes in before dark and save money!         205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR     15

ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14                            E1-E4: $4.50 green fees                        Scrapbooking Crafts/Hobbyist: June 10,        Pool Hours
                                                  E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees           4-7 p.m. Bring your own supplies; we’ll           Sonic Splash Pool: Open seven days a
  New Items: Visit the library every Tues-        Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees     supply your space!
GD\WREHWKH¿UVWRQHWRERUURZQHZUH-          Carts: $5 per seat                                                                           week, noon-6 p.m., beginning June 6. Lap
leased books, DVDs, Blu-ray, TV series,           Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m.       Zumba                                         Swim; 6-8 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday-
books on CD and more. We invite you to          and walkers can play until dark.                 Monday and Wednesday: 11 a.m.-noon.           Friday. Lunch period lap swim limited to
sign up for the Information Awareness Pro-        Annual Membership: Are you a frequent          Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays: 7–8          designated lanes only.
gram, to receive a weekly email containing      visitor to the Muroc Lake Golf Course?         p.m.
the complete list of new items. Call or email   Save money by purchasing an annual mem-          Tuesdays: 4:30–5:30 p.m.                        Muroc Pool: Thursday, noon-6 p.m., be-
the library for more information.               bership! Our memberships run from April          Cost is $3 per person, per class, discount    ginning June 11; Friday, noon-8 p.m.; Satur-
                                                1 through March 31 but you can join now        for advanced purchase a 10-classes.             day, noon-6 p.m., beginning June 13.
  Universal Class Now Available: Get ac-        with these pro-rated rates:
cess to Universal Class today! This pro-          E1-E4: $350                                  Monthly Instructional Classes                     Oasis Aquatic Center: Closed due to roof
gram offers more than 500 online courses          E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/           All classes are conducted at the Oasis        renovation and upgrades. The facility will
on a wide range of subjects/levels, available   Contractors: $475                                                                              reopen and resume normal hours of opera-
24/7, instructor led, self-paced. Universal       Guests: $575                                 Community Center. For more information,         tion once the project has been completed.
Class courses are informational and de-           Family Memberships are available along       call (661) 275-2687. Use your PLAYpass
signed to enhance student knowledge, in-        with monthly payment plans. New rates          here.                                             Summer Swim Pool Passes: Available
crease skills and stimulate interest in a sub-  effective April 1, 2015, and run through                                                       at Outdoor Recreation. Single pass is 420;
ject. Visit the Library for more information.   March 31, 2016. For more information, call       Classical Guitar Lessons: Cost is $28 per     family of four pass is $50; each additional
                                                MLGC at 661-275-7888.                          half hour lesson, per student. Call for avail-  family member is $5. Daily pool access fee
  New Resources in the Children’s sec-            Want to learn how to play golf? Come         able lesson days/times.                         $2 per person. Passes may be purchased
tion: Playaway View, the first all-in-one       learn from our club pro, Chelsea Orozco.                                                       from Outdoor Rec.
video player of its kind, pre-loaded with       Orozco can teach you everything you will         Basic/Beginning Drum Lessons: Cost is
multiple videos of the best educational         need to know at your convenience. From         $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call       Private Swimming Lessons: Cost is $10
programming, now available at the Main          longer drives to make more putts and ev-       for available lesson days/times.                for up to 30-minute lesion. Let our experi-
library. Try it out and select titles such as   erything in between, our pros can bring you                                                    enced Water Safety Instructors teach your
math, exploring space, U.S. history and         from Amateur to Pro!                             Piano Lessons: Cost is $28 per half hour      children swimming and enjoyment of the
more.                                             Wi-Fi is now available at the Muroc Lake     lesson, per student. Call for available les-    water. Call Outdoor Recreation to join the
                                                Golf Course Clubhouse.                         son days/times.                                 request list.
  Children’s Story Time: Every Wednes-            Golf Pro Shop: The pro shop offers spe-
day and Friday at 10 a.m. Toddlers and          cial orders and yellow tag sales—stop by         .LQGHU¿GGOHEHJLQQLQJYLROLQ Cost is         Group Swimming Lessons: Monday-
pre-school children are invited to join us      and check it out.                              $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call     Friday, 9-11 a.m. Three sessions:
for a wonderful story time and create very                                                     for available lesson days/times.
unique craft projects. Volunteer readers are                                                                                                     Session 1: June 8-19
welcome!                                                                                         Hula Lessons: Thursday, $20 per month           Session 2: July 6-17
                                                                                               for beginners, $25 per month for intermedi-       Session 3: Aug. 3-14
Muroc Lake Golf Course                                                                         ate and advanced.                                 $30 for all levels of American Red Cross
                                                                                                                                               Progressive Swim Lessons
  111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT                                                                  Outdoor Recreation                                Summer Swim Camp: Two sessions:
                                                                                                                                                 Session 1: June 22-July 3, 9-11 a.m.
  Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset.                                                        1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP               Session 2: July 20-31, 9-11 a.m.
Had a long day at work? Take a little time                                                                                                       $50 each session or $75 for both

                                                                                                                                                            See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 16

Deployment                                                                                     ,QHHGDKRPH

Send-Off                                                                                                                                        This sweet little
                                                                                                                                                girl is Lucy. She
and Information Fair                                                                                                                             is a 3-year old
                                                                                                                                               Poodle mix. She
June 9th, Tuesday                                                                                                                              is very sweet and
from 5pm to 7pm                                                                                                                                 enjoys playing,
                                                                                                                                                with a lot of en-
The Airman & Family Readiness Center is hosting a deployment send-off and information                                                          ergy. She is also
fair. Representatives from Legal, Finance, Medical Group, Chaplains, Information Security                                                      quite affectionate
and                                                                                                                                            when she gets to
Airmen and their families.                                                                                                                      know you. She
                                                                                                                                               is good with kids
This event will be held at the                  Food &    pbreovveidraegdes                                                                     and would be a
                                                 will be                                                                                       great addition to
Airman & Family
Readiness Center                                                                                                                                   any family.
90 Farrell Drive
Bldg 5620                                       wCihllilbdereanv’saialacbtilveities

                                                for more information call                                       APET Rescue is looking for adult volunteers.
                                                                                               If you are interested, visit APET Rescue at 615 South Forbes Avenue,
                                                MSgt Damian Spaits
                                                (661) 277- 0723                                                                             or call
                                                                                                                                     (661) 258-9525.

                                                                                                                                 APET Rescue is open
                                                                                                                4:30- 6 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 3:30-5 p.m.,

                                                                                                                                Saturday and Sunday.
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