Page 13 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
P. 13
May 29, 2015 Desert Wings 13
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12 use the Wood Shop. For more information, call 661-275- Harleys @ Club Muroc: Tuesday-Friday, 5-8 p.m. Join
2787 or stop by the Arts and Crafts Center in Bldg. 2440. us for table dining service, all new menus with many op-
or for more information, call Glenn Arola at 661-277-4662. tions. To avoid waiting, call 661-277-2830 to place your
Air Force Aid Society: Air Force active duty/spouse Auto Hobby: Your Auto Hobby Center is new and im- order! Check our upcoming specials and events on Face-
(with power of attorney), retired, widow/widower with in- variety of accessories—you can purchase these items to
ternet access and an email address will be able to apply for use yourself or Auto Hobby can do the work for you! We Daily Lunch Specials
AFAS assistance using the new AFAS Online Application will match or beat any maintenance and repair prices (ex- Monday: Hot Plate Special (rotating menu). Cost is $5.95
by registering and completing the application at https:// cept for warranty work). We can also take care of special Complete and orders on parts. for members, $9.25 for non-members.
submit the application to the Airman and Family Readiness Tuesday: Chicken alfredo or meatloaf with mashed po-
Center or for more details, call 661-277-4662. Engraving: New and improved laser-engraver—the qual-
ity of our product will exceed your expectations! Our new tatoes and string beans. Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25
Arts and Crafts Center/Auto Hobby machine can engrave on a variety of materials—glass, plas- for non-members.
tic, wood, metal, etc. We will match any price within the
200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-275-AUTO local AV community. Wednesday: Pork chops or beef pot roast with au gratin
potatoes and tarragon carrots. Cost is $8.25 for members,
Instructors Needed: Attention all artists and crafters! If Towing Service Available through Auto Hobby: Tues- $9.25 for non-members.
you’re creative, we need you! The Arts & Crafts Center is day-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $50. Towing is available on- and
seeking instructors of all types. Come and share your cre- off-base although a $5 per mile charge past any of the gates. Thursday: Tri-tip with roasted rosemary potatoes and
ative knowledge with a diverse group of students looking For more information, call (661) 275-AUTO. corn; and eight-crunchy breaded chicken wings with fries.
for painting, drawing, photography, scrapbooking and other Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members. New:
craft/art related instruction. No prior instructor experience Club Muroc Eight crunchy breaded chicken wings with fries. Cost is
necessary—if you are knowledgeable then we are looking $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members.
for you! For more information, contact the Arts & Crafts 275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB
Center at 661-275-2787. Friday: Grilled steak with baked potato and barbecue
Barefoot in the Sand Wine Tasting Event: June 5, 4-7 beans. Cost is $10.95 for members, $11.95 for non-mem-
Basic Vehicle Maintenance Class: Saturdays, 10 a.m. p.m. Join us for an exclusive selection of wine sampling bers. Or, breaded tilapia with rice pilaf and Italian vegetable
Cost is $15 per person. Participants will learn the basics from Italy, Argentina, New Zealand and your local Cali- blend. Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members.
of good vehicle maintenance. Learn how to operate a lift, fornia wines with E & J Gallo Winery! Tickets can be pur-
change your oil, and check and balance your tires. For more chased early at Edwards Exchange, Customer Service for Members Birthday Month Coupon: Pick up Tuesday–
information, call the Auto Hobby Shop at 661-275-2887. $10 or at the door for $15. Must be 21 years or older to Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Happy Birthday from Club Muroc!
attend. Stop by the club during your birthday month and we’ll give
Smog Testing: Edwards Auto Hobby performs smog you a coupon for a free meal! Offer valid for Edwards club
checks 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Fight Frenzy—UFC 188: June 13, 5:30 p.m. Free for members only.
Saturday. Call ahead to see what times are available. members, $5 for non-members. There can only be one win-
ner! Watch UFC 187—Velasquz vs Werdum live at Club Education and Training
Frame Shop: We have the Best prices in the Antelope Muroc and enjoy “Smack Down, Chow Down” food/drink
Valley when it comes to custom framing—are prices can’t specials, and enter for a chance to win a trip for 2 to Las 140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, 661-277-2713
be beat and remember there is NO SALES TAX! 9HJDVWRVHHD8)&WLWOH¿JKW
Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has
Oil Changes and Alignments: We offer very competitive Splash Night: Fridays, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $8 for members, CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of
prices as well as services in mounting and balancing. No $10 for non-members. Enjoy and cook your own club en- your CCAF degree. Call (661) 277-2713, or stop by Bldg.
tax or waste fees. Come visit Auto Hobby at Bldg. 2440 or trée on the pool side patio grill or enjoy our special Splash 2435, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier
call 661-275-AUTO (2886). Night menu in the lounge! Price includes your choice of than you think!
sirloin steak or chicken breast served with baked beans,
Wood Shop: Available 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Tuesday through salad, lemonade or water. Child’s Hotdogs: One free with Webster University, an ACBSP regionally accredited uni-
Saturday. For the wood working hobbyist, the Arts and every adult member meal purchase, $2 for non-member.
Crafts Center provides a variety of equipment that includes See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 14
band saws, table saws, a drill press and much more, for a
minimal cost of $2 per hour. A safety course is required to
NASA’S American
Country fried steak
Mashed potatoes and gravy
With side veggies
Beef stroganoff
Over egg noodles
With side veggies
Chicken enchiladas
Refried beans
And Spanish rice
Kung pao chicken
Fried rice and egg roll