Page 14 - Desert Wings 5-29-15
P. 14
Desert Wings May 29, 2015
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 13 desk. Our full service pro shop is now open! Is it time to Flag Day Story Time: June 10, 10 a.m. Toddlers and
resurface that tired old bowling ball, or perhaps replace the pre-school children are invited to join for a wonderful story
versity, is looking for potential faculty to teach graduate- obsolete equipment? Come see what’s new in today! Don’t time and create very unique craft projects. Volunteer readers
OHYHO¿QDQFHRUKXPDQUHVRXUFHFRXUVHVDWRXU(GZDUGV see it on the shelf? All merchandise can be special ordered are welcome
$)%FDPSXV0LQLPXPTXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQFOXGHDPDVWHU¶V and available in only a couple of days! See the staff at High
sional experience, and preferably experience teaching at Zinio: digital magazines. Overdrive: electronic books,
the graduate level. Applicants please send resume/vita to Unit Functions: Daily, open to close, reservations re- downloadable audiobooks and videos. Transparent Lan- For more information, call Karen quired. $5 per person, includes three games and shoe rental. guage Online: Language learning center. Ebsco Host Da-
Fudala at (661) 258-8501. Units may reserve lanes anytime during open bowl for par- tabase: magazine and journal articles, reference books and
ties, commander’s call and team building events! audiobooks. Gale Group Database: National Geographic
Family Child Care digital edition, reference books, magazine and journal ar-
Birthday Bowl: Last Tuesday of every month FREE ticles
Conference Center, Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620, 661-275- bowling all day for those with a birthday this month! Shoe
4322 rental included. Open to all ages. ID required. At the Library: Available for a loan period of two weeks;
each item may be renewed at the library only, if there are
Family Child Care is seeking dedicated people who love Family Package: Thursday-Sunday, open-close. Cost is no pending requests by other customers:
working with children: If you live on-base and want to care $35 for four people and $7.25 for each additional person.
for children in your home or you are a military dependent Price includes three games, shoe rental and four cheese- %RRNV
and live off-base, you may be eligible to be a licensed or burger meals. %RRNVDQG&'6HWV
of children! Most materials and training are provided free Daily Bowling Specials 5RVHWWD6WRQH&'5206SDQLVKDQG5XVVLDQRQO\
of charge! Monday-Friday
Lunch & Bowl: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost is $1.25 per game, See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 15
Extended Duty Care: The Air Force offers the Extended
Duty Care Program to assist parents who need additional shoe rental is $1.50. EMBRY-RIDDLE IS BRINGING
child care beyond their normal arrangements due to mission Thursday
related requirements. Children must already be enrolled in Family Game Night Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling: 3-7 p.m. THE CLASSROOM TO YOU!
the Child Development Center, the School Age Program
or the Family Child Care Program to qualify. To enroll in Cost is $1.50 per game, $1 shoe rental. Glow in the dark At Embry-Riddle’s High Desert – Edwards Campus, we want to help you achieve your goals
this free Extended Duty Program or for more information, bowling, fun for the whole family. and advance your career even if work responsibilities prevent you from attending classes on a
SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH)DPLO\&KLOG&DUHRI¿FHDW traditional college campus.
4322. Friday
Early Bird Special: 2-6 p.m., Cost is $5 per person, bowl NOW AVAILABLE AS/BS IN AERONAUTICS
PCS Care: PCS care is a program offered by Air Force as many games as you want. Shoe rental is $1.75 for adults, AS/BS IN TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT
Aid Society offering 20 hours of free child care during your $1.50 for youth. AT EDWARDS AFB AS/BS IN AVIATION MAINTENANCE
PCS in or out of Edwards! For more information, contact Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling: 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per MASTER OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCE
FCC Coordinator at 661-275-4322 or AFRC Center at 661- person, shoe rental included. Bowl as many games as you
Saturday 140 METHUSA AVE., BUILDING 2453
7KH%HQH¿WVRI%HLQJD)DPLO\&KLOG&DUH3URYLGHU Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling: 6-10 p.m. Cost is 410 per EDWARDS AFB, CA 93524
Being to work out of your home, working while caring for person, shoe rental included. Bowl as many games as you P: 661-258-1264
your own children, being in charge of your own business, want. E: EDWARDS@ERAU.EDU
doing work that you love, setting your own hours and free
training! If you are interested in becoming an FCC licensed Honor Guard WORLDWIDE.ERAU.EDU
providers to offer alternate hours to accommodate evening, 148 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2462, 661-275-BLUE S CIENCE
swing and weekend duty hours. We are looking for provid-
ers to offer care for children with special needs including If you need to request the Blue Eagles Honor Guard for T ECHNOLOGY
asthma, allergies, and other physical impairments. We are your ceremonies please email 412fss.honor.guard@ed-
also looking for providers to offer Extended Duty Care!, or call 661-810-8039. E NGINEERING
Unlicensed Child Care: Air Force Instruction 34-276, Information, Tickets and Travel M ATHEMATICS
Family Child Care Programs, requires individuals in family
housing (military or privatized) who provide child care in 205 W. Popson Ave., Bldg. 2500, 661-275-TRIP Do you want to be a part of the future of space exploration?
their home for more than 10 child care hours per week to be Rockets will be your vehicle for learning at the
a licensed provider. A child care hour is the number of hours JetHawks Tickets: Get Preferred Grandstand tickets for
times the number of children in care. If unlicensed does RQO\DW\RXU,77RI¿FHWRGD\ # " $
not stop, the Base Commander can revoke your privilege
of living in base housing. If you need FCC services ensure Cruise Crazy: Have you ever wanted to take a cruise Design, create and explore the principles of rocketry.
the provider is licensed. Each approved home, will have a but didn’t think you could afford it? Now is the time to Monday–Friday
license hanging in the home and a sign on the outside of get your “sea legs” in gear and get over to the Information,
Returning Home Care: Members are authorized 16 hours that you don’t have to ‘sink to swim’! 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
of hourly care within 30 days of their return from deploy-
ment. Contact the Family Child Care Coordinator for more Armed Forces Vacation Club:/HWXV¿QG\RXUGUHDP %-.'%-((2031%&(&%'(.9
details on the program at 661-275-4322. vacation rental! Forget cramped quarters—get access to
Space-A resort rentals worldwide for one low weekly price! 38060 20th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550
High Desert Lanes Bowling Center Spread out in family-sized (two to eight people) resort ac- The Summer Science Academy provides hands-on interactive activities
commodations, many of which include on-site recreational
205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, 661-275-BOWL facilities, living rooms, kitchens, washer and dryer, kids’ for students entering the 7th and 8th grades this fall.
activities, and on-site pools. Start your search today— Students explore engineering careers through activities that are designed
Summer Barbecue on the Patio: June 13, 6-10 p.m. Cost you’ve earned it!
is $17.95 for adults, $10.95 for children 10 and under. Din- to challenge them while making the learning of science fun.
ner, cosmic bowling and the chance to win a barbecue grill. ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see the current ITT 81-02(4+(104(/4,%-0) &,(/&(!(&+/0-0*9/*,/((2,/*%/'%4+
price list for events, parks, hotels and discount information, Register online: +441777%6&('51%-.'%-(34(.. Space is limited.
Strike Zone Snack Bar Daily Specials visit For the most up-to-date informa- For more information contact the Palmdale STEM Office at (661) 722-6400, ext. 6991/6527.
All combo meals include fries and a soda tion, press the F5 key to refresh page.
Monday: Tempura Chicken; $7.75 — Funded by a HSI Title V Grant —
Tuesday: &DW¿VK7LODSLD Library
Wednesday: Half-pound, Angus Beef Western Bacon !#$!;#; ;>=
5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275-BOOK Upon request three business days before the event, reasonable accommodation will be provided to facilitate the participation of covered individuals with disabilities. Call (661) 722-6360 (voice/relay).
Thursday: Wing Day; All wing platters $2 off
Friday: Half-pound Angus Beef Build-a-Burger; $8.50 Read to the Rhythm—Summer Reading Program: June
5-Aug. 14. Children of all ages may participate. Sign-ups
High Desert Lanes Pro Shop: Sharpen your game! Pri- begin June 5 and will continue throughout the program.
vate and group lessons available, ask for details at the front Base Library will host a special event every Friday at 10
a.m. Balloon Story-teller Annie Banannie will visit the li-
brary June 19.