Page 23 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
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                                                                                                Family Owned and Operated

$25 OFF ANY SERVICE OR REPAIR OF $200 OR MORE                                                       Complete Auto
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                           In Jim We Trust                                                Spring Special              2 -Step Fuel Injection Cleaning
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Up to 5 quarts. Plus tax and disposal fee, canister filters extra,    NE corner at Lamb                 SE corner at Rainbow    4 WHEEL
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 LOOK                                                                                                  702-228-5432
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     ALIGNMENT                                                       Seniors 55+ 10% DISCOUNT                                   Most cars & light trucks. Expires 9/30/15.

 with the purchase of 4 new tires                                  Visit for more offers                   TOWING AVAILABLE

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               Expires 9/30/15.
                                                                                                                               $50Maximum 10 miles one way.

We Accept Extended Warranty Insurance Work & ALL COMPETITORS COUPONS! • Specializing in Transmission & Engine Replacement

   Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 8am-4pm. Must present coupons at time of write up. Coupons cannot be combined with any other offers. & Find us on Facebook
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