Page 21 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
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Bullseye Classified Marketplace - Friday, July 24, 2015 - Page 21

                                             BULLSEYE CLASSIFIEDS

              Garage & Yard Sales                     Real Estate              Certainty LLC                                      www.avtech -
                                                All real estate advertised           Arranging transportation from point A to B
           MOVING?...PCSing?                  in this publication is subject               725.261.0286                          A&P CERTIFICATION
          GARAGE/YARD SALE?                   to the Federal Fair Housing                                                              A & P WRITTENS, ORAL AND PRACTICALS, FAA IA, FCC GROL+Radar
                                              Act of 1968, which makes it
             ******************************      illegal to advertise any                                                               10 day A&P prep courses
             Attract More Customers             preference, limitation or
                                             discrimination based on race                                                                AvTech Exams since1971
               With a Classified Ad!           color, religion, or national
                  Call 877-247-9288             origin, or an intention to                                                                   6951 Flight Road #202 Riverside, CA 92504
                                                 make such preference                                                                                          Call 800-216-0930
             Aerotech News & Review           limitation or discrimination.
                                              Real estate advertisements                                                             Approved: Boeing QTTP, EDD, VA, Disabled VA
                                             that are in violation of the law                                                               Vets get back $945, success rate 98%
                                                shall not be accepted for
                                                publication. All dwellings                                                            MOBILE TRAINING UPON REQUEST 15+ STUDENTS
                                             advertised in this publication
                                               are available on an equal           Exciting Career Opportunity
                                                                                          Immediate Openings
                                                                                       Attn: Military Spouses
            Swim School coacheS wanted – warrior Pool
          Mature, enthusiastic coaches wanted for SwimAmerica Swim             Busy Financial Services office is looking
          School at Warrior Pool, Nellis AFB. Candidates must be able          for Military Spouses for various positions
          to swim the four competitive strokes. Competitive swimming           in our Las Vegas office. To qualify,
          experience preferred. Must be available 4:30 to 6:30pm               you must possess the following traits:
          Monday thru Thursday. Starting wage $12/hr.                          outgoing personality, great people skills,
                                                                               and a can-do attitude. Good personal
          4.625 in.          contact russ eidman at                            credit, the ability to multitask and provide
                                 702.350.3551 or                               exceptional customer service is a must.
                                                                               These positions are filling up fast.
                                                                               Please email your resume & cover letter
          Claire and Dad                                                       
          Cleveland, OH                                                        

10.0 in.

          Takebtiemeatodad today.                                              equal opportunity employer


                                              877- 4DAD411
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