Page 16 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
P. 16

16 July 24, 2015                                                                    Health and Wellness                                                                     BULLSEYE                                                                                                                     

By 99th Medical Group                                                               seling is the only service you get

Q: Does TRICARE cover breast-                                                       • You see a TRICARE-autho-
   feeding counseling (lactation                                                    rized provider
   counseling)?                                                                     These sessions are in addition
                                                                                    to the counseling you may have
A: Yes, you may get up to six                                                       gotten during your inpatient
   individual outpatient breast-                                                    stay, outpatient OB visit, or well-
   feeding/lactation counsel-                                                       child care visit.
   ing sessions, per birth event
   when:                                                                            You don’t need a referral or au-
                                                                                    thorization for breastfeeding/
• Your provider bills using one                                                     lactation counseling.
of the preventive counseling
procedure codes

• Breastfeeding/lactation coun-

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