Page 6 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
P. 6
6 July 24, 2015 News BULLSEYE
Defenders safeguard assets during Red Flag
By Airman 1st class Jake carter U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
During every Red Flag exercise, an
increased number of personnel and
equipment finds its way here. Units from
around the world come to experience
and participate in the best training they
can receive in the air, space and cyber-
space realm of operations.
When Red Flag begins, units trust
one squadron to ensure their safety
throughout the duration of the exercise:
See dEfENdErS, on page 7
Airman 1st Class Michael Cordova, 99th
Security Forces Squadron member, stands
guard on the flightline during Red Flag 15-3
on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., July 17. While
on duty, Cordova provides security, armed
response to any priority-level resource
in his assigned area of operation, and
ensures only authorized personnel are on
the flightline. During Red Flag exercises,
Cordova’s assigned area of operation
includes over 100 aircraft.
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