Page 10 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
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10 July 24, 2015                              Feature                                                                                                                                                                        BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                                                      

Retired NCO enjoys life as small business owner

By staff sgt. siuta B. Ika                                                                                                                                   U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika  he dropped his retirement paperwork,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              but helped immensely in his transition
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs             Retired Tech. Sgt. Alfredo Sibucao Jr. flips the open sign to his retail store in Las Vegas,                                                                    from blue-suitor to retiree.
                                              June 22. Sibucao retired from the Air Force in 2014 and now owns and operates a
   LAS VEGAS — On a hot summer                small business in Las Vegas.                                                                                                                                       “A lot of information was provided
afternoon, Alfredo Sibucao Jr. is rear-                                                                                                                                                                       during his out-processing, such as his
ranging a hat display in his Las Vegas-       lived the military life as a kid,” Sibucao    complish anything, because you didn’t                                                                             benefits and entitlements,” said Bob
based retail store. He moves on to the        said. “I’ve always been fascinated by         make master.’                                                                                                     Monteagudo, 799th Air Base Squadron
jewelry case by the register and the mini-    aircraft, and I knew all of the planes                                                                                                                          Airman and Family Readiness Center
skateboards in the front window before        out there. I traveled on (space available)       “I had other people telling me I should                                                                        community readiness consultant. “Since
officially opening for the day.               frequently, and saw the uniform so much       stay in because I have everything lined                                                                           his focus was being an entrepreneur, we
                                              that I knew I wanted to do that — to be       up for chief — special duty, course 14,                                                                           connected him with the Small Business
   He makes small talk with a passerby        part of something big.”                       (Community College of the Air Force)                                                                              Administration’s district office and the
and offers her a discount if she comes                                                      degree working on a bachelors — all                                                                               ‘Start your Own Business’ seminar. He’s
back to the store with her 4-year-old            Sibucao was in his 16th year of service    those things and all those special jobs                                                                           on our employment distribution list also,
daughter. He then makes a phone call to       when the Air Force rolled out the tempo-      I’ve done in my career. They said I was                                                                           so he’s getting continued support even
another local business owner with plans       rary early retirement authority program       just going to waste an opportunity at                                                                             though he is no longer here.”
of a “mutually-beneficial” agreement.         as a voluntary separation program under       chief,” Sibucao said. “She was the one
                                              the umbrellas of force management and         who said, ‘It’s not about chief, you haven’t                                                                         The A&FRC at Nellis and Creech
   “I learned how to network on my first      sequestration. At first glance, the veteran   failed yourself. You’ve accomplished a lot.                                                                       AFBs offer numerous programs to all
deployment, in Pakistan. We set up and        of three deployments to the Middle East       Look at your ribbon rack, look at all the                                                                         separating Airmen, including the Tran-
didn’t have parts for my equipment, so        thought nothing of it.                        deployments you’ve gone on, all those                                                                             sition Assistance Program; employment
I had to go out to the Army’s camp and                                                      things you’ve done, not a lot of people                                                                           search/resume writing; job interview
just say, ‘Hey I need a voltage regulator or     “At first, I thought I’m not getting out,  can say they’ve done that.’ I needed to                                                                           preparation; Veterans Affairs benefits
I need these parts,’” Sibucao said. “From     why would I get out? But by about mid-        hear that, and that’s when I knew what                                                                            briefings; pre-separation counseling; and
that I learned, ‘Hey man you hook me up       January, my wife asked me to consider it,”    the right decision was.”                                                                                          Boots to Business.
and I’ll hook you up.’”                       Sibucao said. “I told her, well I’ve done 16
                                              years already and I’m going to make mas-         After he submitted his retirement ap-                                                                             “One big thing I took away from
   According to his wife, Sibucao is “the     ter (sergeant) this year because I missed     plication, Sibucao moved quickly to set                                                                           TAP was about your ‘30-second eleva-
definition of a people-person” and con-       it by four points last year. So I was like    up for life after the Air Force.                                                                                  tor speech’ and your sales pitch of how
versing with strangers comes easy to him      no way I’m getting out, start a business                                                                                                                        you’re going to market yourself,” Sibucao
— a good trait to have since he represents    — that’s ridiculous. But as weeks went           His father-in-law was a district man-                                                                          said. “I think people take that for granted
one-half of his store’s employee pool; his    on, I started thinking about it and asking    ager at a high-end jeweler for 19 years                                                                           because as a business owner, as soon as I
wife is the other.                            advice from mentors of mine and a lot of      and then owned four stores of his own.                                                                            talk to someone and introduce what I’m
                                              them said take it because they said this      As a teenager, Sibucao’s wife worked in                                                                           about, what my store is about, I usually
   Sibucao is also a working man.             opportunity will never happen again.”         many of the stores, so she always wanted                                                                          have less than 10 seconds to sell them on
Through high school, he worked as a                                                         to start a business. Now that Sibucao was                                                                         my store. What I say, my approach, my
bagger at the Nellis Air Force Base com-         Still on the fence about his future,       retiring, the two would get a chance to                                                                           confidence can many times determine
missary. Upon graduation, he enlisted         Sibucao had a talk with his father and        live her dream and start a business of                                                                            whether they come to my store or not.
in the Air Force as an aerospace ground       flight chief that would convince him to       their own.                                                                                                        TAP taught me that.
equipment specialist and was stationed        drop his retirement papers.
at Kadena Air Base, Japan, for two years;                                                      “My wife knew I would be a good fit                                                                               “Boots to Business was what helped
Osan AB, South Korea, for a year, and            “Deciding to get out was probably the      for the store because I’m very sociable, so                                                                       me the most,” Sibucao continued. “It’s
finally 13 years combined between Nel-        toughest decision I’ve had to make in my      I can do the marketing and I can interact.                                                                        pretty much older business owners that
lis — as an Airman Leadership School          entire life. My dad basically told me the     Plus I’m used to not having a day off for                                                                         give guidance to people separating who
instructor — and Creech AFBs.                 military is a tougher life now than it was    six months, working 12 hours every day,                                                                           want to start a business, all for free.
                                              in the 80s when he was in, and I already      being an ALS instructor, and being men-                                                                           They talk about everything kind of like
   Sibucao’s father, a retired culinary       had sacrificed so much,” Sibucao said.        tally exhausted after the day,” Sibucao                                                                           (professional military education). Some
specialist in the Navy who worked aboard      “When I was debating about what to do,        said. “It’s hard to do this every day, but                                                                        of the principles, like what you learn
diesel submarines, taught him at a young      Senior Master Sgt. Valerie Schenk told        I think my wife knew this was going to                                                                            in ALS, don’t click until you’re in that
age that having a strong work ethic and be-   me, ‘I think I know what your problem         happen and I’d be a good fit for it.”                                                                             particular position. I think the things
ing devoted to family is what matters most.   is. I think if you retire now, in your                                                                                                                          I learned in Boots to Business, it didn’t
                                              mind you think you failed or didn’t ac-          Sibucao said the Air Force didn’t just                                                                         click for me until later. It’s like PME.
   Even though Sibucao no longer toils                                                      say “good luck” and go about its way after                                                                        So Boots to Business introduces you to
under the unforgiving sun on the Creech                                                                                                                                                                       the challenges you will be facing in the
AFB flightline for 12 hours a day as an                                                                                                                                                                       business world.”
AGE technician, he now logs even more
hours as a small business owner.                                                                                                                                                                                 Sibucao also credits the Air Force
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with instilling in him valuable skills like
   “The store’s open seven days a week,                                                                                                                                                                       organization, workplace etiquette and
so I’m here every day and typically put                                                                                                                                                                       computer skills.
in about 16 hours a day,” Sibucao said.
“If I’m not in the store, I’m still working,                                                                                                                                                                     “When you’re in charge of, let’s say
on the phone tweeting, commenting, I’m                                                                                                                                                                        the unit’s safety program, and you use
on Snapchat now, so it’s a lot of work but                                                                                                                                                                    Excel and Word to get the safety book
I’m used to working all day. My wife will                                                                                                                                                                     together, as simple as it may seem to
switch with me around lunch time if I                                                                                                                                                                         us, other businesses don’t have their
have to do some sort of marketing thing                                                                                                                                                                       employees do that stuff,” Sibucao
or run an errand, or the two of us will be                                                                                                                                                                    said. “Phone etiquette is another big
here with the kids.”                                                                                                                                                                                          thing I picked up in the Air Force, so
                                                                                                                                                                                                              knowing how to talk to someone at the
   Originally born in San Francisco,                                                                                                                                                                          appropriate level. And I’d say just be-
California, Sibucao moved to the Philip-                                                                                                                                                                      ing behind the scenes, being a section
pines for a couple years before his fam-                                                                                                                                                                      chief, managing a shop, and just being
ily settled in Las Vegas when he was in                                                                                                                                                                       							 See rETirEd, on page 11
middle school. At the age of 18, Sibucao
fulfilled a childhood dream and enlisted
in the Air Force.

   “Because my dad was in the Navy, I
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