Page 10 - Aerotech News and Review, November 6, 2020
P. 10

      Apartments for Rent           Services               Real Estate
         California City      ENJOY 100% guaranteed,   All real estate advertised in this                                          APARTMENTS
   Lakeshore Dr furnished studio   delivered-to-the-door Omaha   publication is subject to the    Paying top dollar
   for temporary/short term rental   Steaks!  Get 4 FREE Burgers   Federal Fair Housing  for aircraft parts,                        2 bed/2 bath
    $780 plus electricity, no pets,   Order The Griller’s Bundle -   Act of 1968, which makes it ille-
                            ONLY $79.99. Call 1-866-269-
     will need proof of income,   6052 mention code: 64185VSF  gal to advertise any preference,   helicopter parts,                  from $
                                                       limitation or discrimination
      credit and application.  or visit  based on race color, religion,   Apollo, NASA,
       Call 951-234-1884            meals06           or national origin, or an inten-  Space items.              2 pools, laundry, carports
                                                      tion to  make such preference                        Good Credit & Rental References required
   Employment Opportunities                            limitation or discrimination.   We pay cash. $$$
                                   Education          Real estate advertisements
     The best applicant                               that are in violation of the law   Call (818) 510-4707  1127 E. Avenue J • Lancaster | 661-942-0182
        is out there.              Join Us!          shall not be accepted for publi-
                                                     cation. All dwellings advertised
     *****************************  Toastmasters Club  in this publication are available   or email
         Place An Ad for         384 Meetings           on an equal opportunity       sales@            Ask About our MilitAry Discounts
      Your Business Today!   Need to Refi ne Your Speaking,
         Aerotech News            Presentation &                      
         877-247-9288            Leadership Skills?
      or email: classifi eds@   Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30
                                Test Wing Bldg 1400
                               Conference Room 414
        Cars & Trucks         Meeting Agendas Include:    Park Terrace aParTmenTs
                                Prepared Speeches
       Got a new ride?          Speech Evaluations    1 & 2 bedroom
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        Selling a car?          Call Laquita Dukes               1150                                    We have your Storage Solution!
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        to place your ad                                                                                     Surveillance Cameras  Uhaul Rentals & Moving Supplies
         Aerotech News         Garage & Yard Sales
         877-247-9288                                                                                                 CALL uS todAy!
       or email: classifi eds@  PCSing? Or just got       Too much stuff???          Good Credit & Rental References required                42738 4th Street East • Lancaster, CA
                              ******************************  West Lancaster 661-948-1441               661-952-7864 •
                             GARAGE/YARD SALE
                              Attract More Customers
        DV VETS GROUP          With a Classified Ad!                                    EmploymEnt opportunity

                                                               A CFC participant.
    Enjoy good company, good     Call 877-247-9288        Provided as a public service.
      food, and new friends.  Aerotech News & Review                                    Chief Executive Officer, Mojave Air & Space Port
       Open to all Veterans         or email
       and family members.         classifi eds@                                      Reports to: Board of Directors; Location: Mojave, CA
        Mondays 8:00am                           Salary Commensurate with experience
        DV Youth Room
      Desert Vineyard Church                                                    ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW            • Retain tenants by working financing issues to build new
      1011 E Ave I, Lancaster                                                   Mojave Air & Space Port (MASP) is a general aviation airport   facilities, establish new infrastructure and policy at the
            RSVP                                                                and spaceport located 100 miles north of Los Angeles in the   KCPD and State levels                                                  Mojave Desert. Home to 2,500 employees working in vari-  • Develop and maintain District marketing strategy and
       for more information                                                     ous aviation and aerospace roles, MASP has become a driv-  actionable steps to promote the MASP brand and grow
                                                                                ing economic engine in East Kern County.
        call 661-728-7365                                                       In addition to general aviation users, Mojave Air & Space   PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE & QUALITIES
                                                                                Port is home to numerous companies in flight test and op-  The CEO should have demonstrated executive leadership
          DEADLINE                                                              erations. Customers include: The Spaceship Company, Stra-  and successful management of personnel. He or she pos-

      for all classified ads is                                                  tolaunch, Scaled Composites, The National Test Pilot School,   sesses a deep understanding of aviation and/or aerospace
       TUESDAY @ NOON                                                           Virgin Orbit, Flight Research, BAE Systems, ABL Space Sys-  and has a passion for innovation.
     the week of publication.                                                   tems, and several other aviation, aerospace and industrial   Minimum Qualifications and Skills Required by Department:
                                                                                companies.                         • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Engineering or
                                                                                  ROLES + RESPONSIBILITIES          related field
           Services                                                             Core Functions                     • At least ten (10) years’ experience in an executive leader-
                                                                                • Strategic direction and planning, and well as tactical   ship role
     DIRECTV NOW. No Satel-                                                     management and execution of goals  • Understanding of FAA Office of Airports policies and
    lite Needed. $40/month. 65                                                  • Manage staff and oversee the activities of finance, opera-  • Demonstrated ability to develop and lead strategic
                                                                                tions, maintenance and construction
    Channels. Stream Breaking                                                   • Responsible for the day-to-day business operations at   initiatives
    News, Live Events, Sports &                                                 the airport                        • Excellent communication, leadership and motivational
    On Demand Titles. No Annual                                                 • Responsible for managing P&L, budget development   skills
     Contract. No Commitment.                                                   and execution Represents MASP’s interests on local and   • Ability to respond timely to requests of customers
                                                                                national legislative initiatives
      CALL 1-833-970-0413                                                       • Negotiate and close complex contracts  Other Desired Qualifications, Skills, and Competencies:
                                                                                                                   • At least five (5) years’ experience at an airport
                                                                                • Provide actionable recommendations to increase revenue   • Master’s degree in a relevant field
   AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/                                              and decrease expenses within each budget year  • Familiarity and comfort with relevant FAA airport require-
   month w/12-mo agmt. Includes                                                 • Actively seek training opportunities for key staff to   ments
    1 TB of data per month. Get                                                 develop and grow                   • Previous airport sponsor preferred
     More For Your High-Speed                                                   • Communicate actions and coordinate business initiatives   • Private pilot preferred
    Internet Thing. Ask us how to                                               to grow the regional aerospace market and air and space   Must be a U.S. citizen.
                                                                                                                   Starting salary range for the CEO position is $150,000 -
                                                                                port revenue stream
    bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc                                                  • Responsible for overall customer satisfaction and busi-  $200,000, or commensurate with experience. The CEO
   restrictions apply. Call us today                                            ness growth                        is eligible for a performance bonus plan based on the
        1-888-415-0766.                                                         • Manage outside consultants and contractors as required   successful completion of goals set by the Board each year.
                                                                                for specific District activities   Mojave Air & Space Port offers a benefit package that
    DIRECTV - Switch and Save!                                                  Examples of Work                   includes CalPERS pension retirement, excellent health
    $49.99/month. Select All-In-                                                • Actively engage with federal policy issues that impact air-  coverage, dental, vision, life and tuition reimbursement.
                                                                                ports, spaceports and aviation and aerospace customers
    cluded Package. 155 Chan-                                                   • Represent the commercial space industry with trade
    nels. 1000s of Shows/Movies                                                 associations, various conferences and trade shows to   CONTACT
   On Demand. FREE Genie HD                                                     advocate for moving the industry forward  Please send resume and cover letter to
   DVR Upgrade. Premium movie                                                   • Represent the District’s interest within Kern County and
   channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call                                               the State of California with a focus on encroachment   Posting closes November 13.
        1-844-805-6126                                                          concerns
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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