Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, November 6, 2020
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High Desert Hangar Stories                                                                                           Reader’s
   On behalf of a grateful nation

                                        human being should have to experience.  That folded American flag makes it home   Services
   by Bob Alvis
   special to Aerotech News               On Veterans Day, veterans value the gathering   with a special family member and usually sits in   How to contact
                                        of those around them, which helps to ease their   a place of honor. It is a constant reminder that
     Veterans Day 2020 will definitely have a differ-  sense loss and suffering as they remember those   America is watching over the family and will for-    Aerotech News and Review
   ent feel to it this year, as the usual gatherings and   who served beside them. Our commemorations   ever be grateful for your loved ones’ service and   •  Mail: 220 E. Ave. K-4, #7
                                                                                                                       Lancaster CA 93535
   ceremonies will be watered down or, in many cases,   send a message that service to country comes at   he or she will not be forgotten.    •  E-Mail:
   not happen at all — and that is a real tragedy.  a very high price and to not take your freedoms   There is that word “forgotten” again. I hope
     We who will still remember and find a way to   for granted. Those who served saw firsthand how   and pray, as time and our nation move forward,   •  Phone: (661) 945-5634
   commemorate the service of those brave men and   the defense of the nation and its Constitution is to   that we do not replace the word “remember” with   •  Fax: (661) 723-7757
   women in uniform past and present will, through   not be taken lightly, or used for anything else but   the word “forgotten.”  With the absence of tradi-
   many forms of communication, spread the word   to serve the freedom-loving people of the world.   tional Veterans Day programs, and diminishing   Advertising
   and raise a toast to those who answered the call   That’s a lot to put on the backs of our men or   numbers of heartfelt citizens who understand the   Corporate Headquarters:
   of our nation, and do our best to see that they are   women in uniform, but that’s why we honor and   sacrifice and dedication, we must not end up like   (877) 247-9288
   not forgotten.                       commemorate their service in this country, that   an old folded American flag, thrown in a closet.
     Forgotten: That word haunts me, given the call-  understands the sacrifice.  We must not lose the story along with the family   Subscriber Services
   ing that I have had for several years, of being a   A personal reflection I would like to share is the   member, who would keep the service to country   Subscriptions to Aerotech News
   man who tells the stories of past generations.  It   one I have been witness to many times over, in   and the pride it brought at the forefront of our   and Review are $59 for six
   finds me worrying about future generations, who   my years of being friends with so many veterans,   American journey.  months or $89 for one year.  For
   distance themselves from the history books, stat-  and that is the inevitable graveside service and   “Remember” this Veterans Day. Bring forth a   more information, contact the
   ues and ceremonies that past generations looked   saying the final “goodbye” — that special aspect   renewed spirit in the absence of ceremony and   subscription department at:
   to for inspiration, to become better citizens for the   of the veterans’ memorial service, as the flag is   make it your own personal outreach to inspire and   220 E. Ave. K-4, #7,
   nation they call home.               folded and Taps is played. With the kneeling of a   educate those who may not ever get a chance to   Lancaster CA 93535
     The citizen soldier: Dad or Mother, brother or   soldier in front of a family member, the words of   celebrate the service of a soldier. The greatness of
   sister, the boy or girl next door, or just a relative   grateful nation are spoken. Tears and trembling   our nation is and will be that we will not forget,   Story ideas, letters, editorials
   in the family tree who answered the call and in   hands receive the flag that says your loved one   but that we will all remember the citizen soldier   Please address all letters and editorials
   many cases went off to war and never came back   was loved by so many more than just your family   for generations to come.  to Stuart A. Ibberson, editor, 220 E.
   or, if they did, carried the mental scars from the   and we all feel your loss, and also kneel before   Peace my friends. Enjoy your Veterans Day and   Ave. K-4, # 7, Lancaster CA 93535 or
   eyes that had seen more pain and suffering than a   you and mourn your loss.    for now, Bob out ...                 email

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                                                                                                                      Aerotech News and Review is published
                                                                                                                         every other Friday, serving the
                                                                                                                       aerospace and defense industry of
                                                                                                                        Southern California, Nevada and
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   VETERANS DAY, from 1                                                                                               •  Publisher  ....................Paul Kinison
     Since March 1989 when VA was elevated   trial and commercial production. Many states   overwhelming majority of state legislatures, all   •  Business Manager  ....... Lisa Kinison
   to a cabinet level department, the Secretary of   did not agree with this decision and continued   major veterans’ service organizations and the   •  Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
   Veterans Affairs has served as the committee’s   to celebrate the holidays on their original dates.  American people.  •  National Advertising
   chairman.                              The first Veterans Day under the new law was   Veterans Day continues to be observed on   Manager  .....................Paul Kinison
     The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-363   observed with much confusion on Oct. 25, 1971.   Nov. 11, regardless of the day of the week on
   (82 Stat. 250)) was signed on June 28, 1968, and   It was quite apparent that the commemoration   which it falls. The restoration of the observance
   was intended to ensure three-day weekends for   of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic   of Veterans Day to Nov. 11 not only preserves   Aerotech News and Review
   federal employees by celebrating four national   significance to a great number of our citizens,   the historical significance of the date, but helps   220 E. Ave. K-4, #7
   holidays on Mondays: Washington’s Birthday,   and so on Sept. 20, 1975, President Gerald R.   focus attention on the important purpose of Vet-  Lancaster, CA 93535
   Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Columbus   Ford signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479),   erans Day: A celebration to honor America’s   e-mail:
   Day. It was thought that these extended week-  which returned the annual observance of Veter-  veterans for their patriotism, love of country,   Visit our web site at
   ends would encourage travel, recreational and   ans Day to its original date of Nov. 11, beginning   and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the
   cultural activities, and stimulate greater indus-  in 1978. This action supported the desires of the   common good.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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