Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition April 2020
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Vol. 14, No. 4                 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base            April 2021
                       Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on
               INSIDE AFWERX crowns 2021 Spark Tank winner

                                               AiR FoRCe ReSeARCh
             StorIES                                LABoRAToRY
             D-M spouse wins award, 2                  Public Affairs
             Rescue units forward             AiR FoRCe BASe, ohio —
               stage to Alaska, 3              Master Sgt. Justin Bauer from

             563rd OSS AFE wins               the 355th Fighter  Wing at
                                               Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
               award, 4                        was awarded the prestigious
                                               AFWERX Spark Tank trophy,
             355th MDG deploys, 5             after his innovative method for
                                               C-130 Hercules  wheel repair
             Joint training builds            was selected as the Spark Tank
               readiness, 6/7                  2021 winner Feb. 26.
                                                 The Spark Tank event allows
             A-10C Thunderbolt                Airmen to offer improvements
               II Demo Team pilot              and solutions to the problems
               announced, 8                    they face in everyday opera-
                                               tions. These incredible Airmen
                                               find, and oftentimes, create                                                                AfwERx courtesy graphic
                                               inventions that alleviate is-  Master Sgt. Justin Bauer from the 355th Fighter Wing at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base was
                                               sues they experience while   named the winner of the Spark Tank 2021 competition, Feb. 26. Bauer’s innovative design
                                               working across myriad  Air     method for C-130 Hercules wheel repair was selected as the winner of the capstone innovation
                                                        See AfwERx, Page 9  campaign.

             Continue to get Davis-Monthan
             Air Force Base latest news and    Heritage Flight Training Course 2021 concludes
            information from these sources:
                 com/davis-monthanafb                                                                      by Senior Airman        Force’s recruiting and re-
                   and social media                                                                                                tention programs,” said Lt.
                   Desert Lightning News                                                                 JACoB T. STepheNS         Col. Chris McAlear, Air Com-
                                                                                                            355th Wing Public Affairs
                Date of publication                                                                                                bat Command chief of aerial
                                                                                                         Davis-Monthan  hosted Air
                  First Friday                                                                         Combat Command’s Heritage   events. “Through this certifi-
                                                                                                                                   cation process, demonstration
                    of the month                                                                       Flight Training Course in Tuc-  team pilots are prepared to
               Submission deadline                                                                     son, Arizona, from March 3 to 7.  perform at airshows across
            15th day of the month                                                                        The HFTC is an annual     the world.”
                                                                                                                                     Along with getting indi-
           prior to date of publication                                                                event that trains and certi-  vidual team certifications for
                                                                                                       fies members of the four ACC
                Veterans                                                                               single-ship demonstration   the A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-16
                                                                                                                                   Viper, F-22 Raptor and F-35
                                                                                                       teams for their upcoming air-
                                                                                 Senior Airman Nicholas Ross   show season, which includes   Lightning II demonstration
                   Tell us Your Story          A U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning II, assigned to the F-35A   national and international   teams’ aircraft, the teams
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees    Lightning II Demonstration Team, an A-1 Skyraider and a P- 51   events.             trained and flew in formation
           All military branches are included  Mustang fly in formation over Davis-Monthan Air Force Base   “This course, hosted at Da-  with World War II, Korean and
            Email name, phone number and a                                                             vis-Monthan Air Force Base,   Vietnam War–era  aircraft,
           brief description of your service to  March 5. Heritage Flight Training Course showcases the abili-
                 ties of professional Airmen and combat advances made by the   contributes to our readiness   representing the lineage of
                                               U.S. Air Force.                                         by strengthening the  Air           See hERITAgE, Page 2

                                                                                                                                          See DOOLITTLE, Page 7

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