Page 9 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition April 2020
P. 9

8  April 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News              April 2021                                                                     9                                        
          AfwERx              (from Page 1)  senting their ideas to a panel of nine   production of the Spark Tank event.  AwARD                  (from Page 4)
 A-10C Thunderbolt II Demonstration Team pilot announced  Force specialty codes and mission sets.  was made up of civilian professionals   Charles Q. Brown, Jr. stated that his   procedures and better the ones already in place. This
                                                                              In 2020, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
                                           celebrity judges. The panel of judges
                                                                                                                included supporting a President-directed immediate
            William Gautier, Spark Tank ca-
          pability lead, emphasized that with   and investors with experience in gov-  vision for the force is to “Accelerate   response force, multiple high-level training events and
                                                                            Change or Lose.” The AFWERX Spark
                                           ernment service and leading technol-
          the Spark Tank event, “We celebrate   ogy industries. Additionally, the sec-  Tank event allows Airmen to personal-  deployments, correcting parachute deficits, rotary-wing
 by Staff Sergeants    graduate of the University of Tennessee. He joined   risk-takers and idea-makers from   retary of the Air Force, the Air Force   ly embody that vision. Events such as   aircraft issues and other shortfalls across the rescue
 SeRGio A. GAMBoA and ShAWN MABRY  the Air Force to pay tribute to his grandfathers —   across the department; Airmen and   chief of staff, the U.S. Space Force chief   Spark Tank provide Airmen with the   group.
 both Vietnam War veterans.  Guardian intrapreneurs who refuse                                                    “We train to be real-world ready every day,” Wallace
 355th Wing Public Affairs                 of space operations, the chief master   opportunity to voice their solutions to
 On Feb. 26, the team unveiled a new Vietnam   to accept the status quo and who have   sergeant of the Air Force and the chief   key enablers and potentially improve   said. “We collaborate across sections within the flight,
 General Mark Kelly, Air Combat Command com-  War-era paint scheme for the demonstration jet in   created solutions to make it easier for   master sergeant of the Space Force   the way the mission is accomplished   train each other and count on each other for support as
 mander, certified the new A-10C Thunderbolt II   honor of the 97 Airmen assigned to the 355th Tac-  us to bring the very best to the fight.”  also sat on the judge’s panel.  in the Air Force.  we continue to think ahead, identify problems and get
 Demonstration Team pilot and commander during   tical Fighter Wing, who either made the ultimate   This year, Airmen created every-  Although all teams provided out-  All Spark Tank semi-finalists and   after the mission. We work really well as a team and
 the Heritage Flight  Training Course at Davis-  sacrifice of losing their lives during that conflict or   thing from ear plugs that allow main-  standing improvements to critical   finalists have received “go-do’s” by   that keeps us ready to go.”
 Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, March 6.  became prisoners of war. Their names have been   tainers to communicate effectively in   operational processes, Bauer was   senior leadership to make their ideas   Readiness is a key aspect in the National Defense
 Capt. Haden “Gator” Fullam will be leading a   inscribed on the side of the aircraft, so they will   loud environments on the flightline   crowned Spark Tank’s 2021 winner.   a reality in the Air Force and Space   Strategy and is fueled by innovation and progression. As
 team of 10 Airmen, who will narrate, supervise   always be remembered.  while  preserving their hearing, to   In addition to the title of Spark Tank   Force. This means that once the stage   highlighted in the continual development of the team,
 and maintain the aircraft for the 2021 and 2022   “The opportunity to fly an aircraft with a Vietnam   augmented reality headsets that en-  2021 winner, Bauer is awarded one   lights dim, and the Spark Tank compe-  the 563rd OSS AFE is getting after readiness to ensure
 airshow seasons. As the certified demonstration   War-era paint scheme is one I never thought I would   hance the mission-debrief process for   year’s possession of the Spark Tank   tition is over, the innovators get hard   the nation’s ability to deter and defeat any near-peer
 pilot, he will perform aerial maneuvers and show-  have,” Fullam said. “Every time I fly that aircraft, it   Air Force aviators. When discussing   trophy. All teams shared the incred-  at work continuing to refine and test   adversary that may arise.
 case the combat capabilities of the A-10 and the   will have a special meaning to me. So, giving the best   Spark Tank participation across the   ible opportunity to present their   their ideas with the Spark Tank team   “Our team was hand-chosen by the major command
 Airmen who maintain it. Fullum will also perform   and safest demonstrations at airshows is, without   Department of the Air Force, Brou   innovative ideas to Air Force senior   connecting them to the people neces-  to execute tip of the spear type projects, which shows
 heritage flights with Air Force aircraft from past   question, my priority. What is going to make that   mentioned that “the numbers this   leadership. All finalists will receive   sary to support validation, refinement,   the capabilities and excellence of our team,” said Senior
 generations, paying tribute to those who paved the   happen is the experience and professionalism we   year were impressive. We saw that   a follow-up from leadership to propel   and further investment decisions   Master Sgt. Marcus Kelley, 563rd OSS AFE superin-
 way for Airmen who serve today.  have as a team.”  over 19,000 Airmen and Guardians   their ideas into reality and begin im-  and identifying resources, like the   tendent.  “We have an incredible team that adapted to
 “It’s an honor and a privilege to be commanding   He replaces Maj. Cody “ShIV” Wilton, who stood   viewed the over 300 ideas on the Air-  pacting the Air Force on a large scale.  right color of money and “investor”   changes and cross-flowed between rotary and fix-winged
 this group of Airmen,” Fullam said. “The work the   the team back up in 2018 after a six-year hiatus.    man Powered by Innovation platform.   AFWERX would like to extend a   available to assist. The best of these   aircraft, making us more flexible and ready for situa-
 team does day-in and day-out is remarkable and   “Gator is the perfect pilot to be leading the team   They provided almost 1,000 feedback   gracious thank you to three celebrity   ideas, when ready, will be piloted in   tions we face downrange. It continues to amaze me how
 shows the dedication and commitment we have to   because he embodies the attack pilot mentality   comments on the ideas and, most   judges: Meagan Metzger, chief execu-  an appropriate Air and or Space Force   this team continues moving forward and going above
 our mission, each other and everyone who attends   prevalent in our community,” Wilton said. “He will   importantly, cast more than 14,000   tive officer, Dcode; Matt Booty, head   setting and then scaled up to be lever-  and beyond. We have a no-fail mission and a team that
 the shows.”  ensure the team continues to progress and over-  votes for their favorite idea, giving it   of Xbox Game Studios and Brittany   aged across military bases globally.   continues to never fail.”
 Before being named the team commander, he   deliver on our promise to recruit, retain and inspire   the best chance at competing for the   Davis, general partner, Backstage   This process is designed to help the   This unit exemplifies U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
 was an A-10 instructor pilot assigned to the 354th   the next generation of Airmen, and I am excited for   stage today.” This year’s Spark Tank   Capital. Their focused questioning   entire Department of the Air Force,   Charles Q. Brown, Jr.’s initiative to Accelerate Change
 Fighter Squadron  at Davis-Monthan. He  is an   the future of the team under his leadership.”  event took place during the Virtual   on funding and the long-term im-  through innovation, experimentation,   or Lose. They do this by adapting to this new way for-
 experienced combat pilot with more than 1,500   For more information on the A-10C Thunderbolt   Aerospace Warfare Symposium pro-  pact of ideas in the Air Force helped   and a collaborative approach with our   ward and continuing to build a culture of innovation,
 flying hours.  II Demonstration Team’s upcoming season, follow   Courtesy photo  vided by the Air Force Association.  ensure that all ideas were evaluated   service and industry teammates, be   teamwork, leadership and respect. This team is leading
 Fullam is from Rising Fawn, Georgia, and is a   them on Facebook or Instagram @A10DemoTeam.  Capt. Haden “Gator” Fullam  The AFWERX  Spark Tank  event   to the highest degree.  Their par-  more flexible and ready for the future   the way in how the Air Force is preparing for tomorrow’s
          consisted of five teams of Airmen pre-  ticipation proved invaluable in the   high-end fight.         fight by keeping rescue forces ready.

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