Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition April 2020
P. 5

4  April 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News              April 2021                                                                     5                
 563rd OSS AFE wins Headquarters Air Force award  355th MDG deploys to Texas for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

                  by Senior Airman
 by Senior Airman    Airmen essential gear for any situa-  CheYeNNe A. poWeRS
 JACoB T. STepheNS  tion,” said  Tech. Sgt. Hilary  Wallace,
 55th Rescue Squadron AFE section non-  355th Wing Public Affairs
 355th Wing Public Affairs
 commissioned officer in charge. “We are   The 355th Medical Group was recently
 Innovation. Teamwork.  Leadership.   constantly training, quality checking   deployed to Houston, Texas, in support
 Respect. These values  are emphasized   and trying to improve ourselves and   of a Federal Emergency Management
 by senior leaders of the Air Force and the   processes as much as we are able. Our   Agency and Defense Support to Civil
 Department of Defense as they continue   equipment supports aviators on their   Authorities tasking.
 to build a more lethal, ready force for   worst days, so we have to be very precise   This tasking is intended to have medi-
 tomorrow’s fight.  and meticulous with everything that we   cal technicians from around the Air Force
 These qualities are all embodied by   do to ensure their safety.”  help facilitate increased COVID-19 vac-
 the 563rd Operations Support Squadron   The team led the Air Force in many ways   cine distribution in the Houston area.
 Aircrew Flight Equipment section, who   by continuing to train new tactics and   “The 355th MDG has been tasked by our
 was just named the Headquarters Air   nation to support COVID-19 operations in
 Force Outstanding AFE Small Program   See AwARD, Page 9  the civilian sector as part of a FEMA and
 of the Year.  An Airman as-  Defense Support to Civil Authorities task-
 “It isn’t easy to support the rescue mis-  signed to the 563rd   ing,” said Senior Airman Emily Ochoa,
 sion how we do because we are busy all the   Operational Sup-  355th MDG unit deployment manager.
 time,” said Senior Airman Brian Ramirez,   port Squadron Air-  “Medics will be on the ground in Houston
 563rd OSS AFE troop. “We don’t have   crew Flight Equip-  to facilitate increased vaccination efforts
 room for error in what we do. AFE has   ment Flight per-  to our fellow countrymen.”                                         Photos by Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers
 the slogan, ‘Last to let you down’, and we   forms maintenance   The medical group considers COVID-19   with other  Air Force Medical Service   “We appreciate your understanding and   Airmen from the 355th Medical Group
 have to make sure that everything is spot   Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens   on equipment at   a top priority, and Desert Lightning Med-  personnel and FEMA directors, and ad-  patience as we continue to prioritize CO-  prepare to process through the per-
 on because if we mess up, not only do the   Staff Sgt. Cyrus Traulsen, 563rd Opera-  Davis-Monthan Air   ics are continuing to work diligently in   ministering COVID-19 vaccines within   VID-19 medical operations, readiness and   sonnel deployment function line at
 rescue guys not get to complete their mis-  tional Support Squadron Aircrew Flight   Force Base, March   order to meet the health care needs of the   72 hours.”  deployment clearances, and provide our   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Feb. 18.
 sion, but it puts more people in danger.”  Equipment Flight craftsman, teaches   9. The 563rd OSS   community we support.  The 355th MDG was one of several   beneficiaries medical care in partnership   The 355th MDG deployed to Texas is in
 The 563rd OSS  AFE has several   Airman 1st Class Timothy Toston, 563rd   AFE Flight was   “The 355th Medical Group is honored   medical units from around the Depart-  with our network providers,” Parsons said.  support of a Federal Emergency Man-
 smaller elements to help support the   OSS AFE troop, how to inspect a piece   named the small   to answer our nation’s highest call and   ment of Defense that have been tasked to   Due to the expected impacts to health care   agement Agency and Defense Support
 variety of missions that the 563rd Rescue   of equipment at Davis-Monthan Air Force   program outstand-  help our fellow countrymen in the midst of   support the distribution. This continued   services, the 355th MDG encourages the use   to Civil Authorities tasking. This tasking
 Group hosts, to include five operational   Base, March 9. The 563rd OSS enables   ing AFE unit of the   this pandemic,” said Col. Patrick Parsons,   effort by the DoD highlights its commit-  of alternate options to receive care, such as   is intended to send medical technicians
 squadrons and two different airframes.  the 48th, 55th, 68th and 79th Rescue   year at the Head-  355th  MDG commander.  “Our medics   ment to the health and safety of not just   the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE   from around the Air Force to help facili-
 “Our overall mission is to enable   Squadrons to execute their respective   quarters Air Force   demonstrated immense professionalism   uniformed members, but also their fami-  (1-800-874-2273) and Express Scripts at:   tate increased COVID-19 vaccine distri-
 combat rescue forces by supplying the   missions.  level.  by rapidly deploying to Texas, linking   lies and our nation.  bution in the Houston area.

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