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9RO1R  Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base              October 2, 2015


New trainer provides huge benefits for Compass Call crews

55th Wing Public Affairs                                ulator, which was not cost efficient.                                                                                                                   (U.S. Air Force Photo)
                                                           “We’re putting less wear and tear on our
   DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE,                                                                                   Compass Call is the designation for a modified version of
Ariz. -- After nearly five years in the works, the       fleet and we no longer have to send two crews               Lockheed corporation’s EC-130H Hercules aircraft configured
55th Electronic Combat Group’s EC-130 Com-              a month to McChord, which adds up through-                 to perform tactical command, control and communications
pass Call flight deck simulator went fully opera-        out the year,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dean           countermeasures. Specifically, the modified aircraft uses noise
tional in June.                                         Balstad, 42d ECS assistant director of operations.         jamming to prevent communication or degrade the transfer
                                                        “In addition, there were multiple challenges such          of information essential to command and control of weapon
   The new $35 million weapons system trainer           as a dissimilar cockpit, flight profiles were not            systems and other resources. It primarily supports tactical air
allows 55th ECG aircrew and maintenance mem-            Compass Call missions and the IOS instructors              operations but also can provide jamming support to ground
bers to perform multiple types of annual training       were not familiar with our airframe at all.”               force operations. Modifications to the aircraft include an elec-
without ever prepping an aircraft for a mission or                                                                 tronic countermeasures system, air refueling capability and as-
leaving the installation.                                  The ability to create the new simulator from            sociated navigation and communications systems.
                                                        the ground up enabled the 55th ECG to custom-
   “This has been a long time coming for the ECG        ize it to fit their needs exactly.                             “We have some really innovative Airmen and
and is a huge benefit to not only the 55th Wing,                                                                    I’m confident they’ll continue to find more and
but also the Air Force and combatant commands,”            “It is an exact replica of a Compass Call aircraft,”    more ways this weapons system trainer can ben-
said U.S. Air Force Col. Marty Reynolds, 55th Wing      Balstad said. “As far as mission set, we were able to get  efit our group,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Ryan Rog-
commander. “Given the high operations tempo             programming built to allow us to perform our check-        ers, 55th ECG commander. “For instance, the
of the ECG, this trainer will ensure our crews are      lists and actually do aerial refueling with a tanker from  755th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron was able
ready to bring the full effect of electronic combat to   our rendezvous checklist through the post-air-refuel-      to certify a maintenance member on engine run
any combatant commander around the world, but           ing checklist. We couldn’t do that at McChord.”            procedures and associated emergences in the
also reduce our reliance on aircraft for training.”                                                                WST, with the help of (simulator) instructors.
                                                           The cost of operating an EC-130 for a six hour
   Plans for the new WST have been in the works         training mission is $26,400, while the cost of run-           “This trainer will undoubtedly pay off for us
since 2010 with acquisition and construction starting   ning the WST is $7,800. In addition, reducing              as we continue to support missions around the
in 2012. The system was delivered in late 2014, online  time spent in the seat of the aircraft and utilizing       world,” he added.
by March and fully operational in June of this year.    the WST should help maintainers keep the Com-
                                                        pass Calls mission ready.
   “Flight testing and discrepancy reporting pro-
cess occurred in February and the first group               “The WST should increase the lifespan of the
of seven instructor operating station operators         EC-130 wing-box because the aircraft is not flying
received training the first week of March,” said         continuously for the same amount of training,”
Garret Goff, 42d Electronic Combat Squadron              said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Rachel Lemoine,
EC-130H simulator site manager.                         42nd ECS EC-130H simulator superintendent.
                                                        “By utilizing the WST, it decreases the hours put
   Previously, maintainers had to ensure one of         on the airframe and engines as well.”
the unit’s 14 EC-130s was available for training
or members of the unit had to go to Joint Base             And while the unit is already enjoying the up-
Lewis-McChord, Washington, to fly in their sim-          front benefits of the WST, they are certain there
                                                        will be more to come in the future.

Air Force Ball: Davis-Monthan through time

Airman 1st Class Ashley N. Steffen                         More than 750 military members attended                 He also touched on the history of Davis-Mon-
                                                        the ball wearing the Air Force mess dress uni-             than, and the A-10’s impact on foreign lands.   
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                       forms and semi-formal attire, while their guests
                                                        wore gowns and tuxedos.                                       The emcees for the event, Capt. Katherine
   DAVIS MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE,                                                                                   Martin, 355th Fighter Wing special victims coun-
Ariz.  -- Davis-Monthan Air Force Base held an             Lt. Gen. Chris Nowland, 12th Air Force (Air             sel, and Staff Sgt. Carley Bolitho, 12th AF cyber
Air Force Ball at the Tucson Convention Center,         Forces Southern) commander, was the guest                  systems administrator, provided entertainment
Ariz., Sept. 12. The ball is an annual Air Force        speaker; and spoke of the sacrifices made by not            through skits and musical numbers that por-
tradition to celebrate the heritage and history of      just Airmen, but by their spouses and children.            trayed the history of Davis-Monthan AFB.
the U.S. Air Force.
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