Page 6 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 6
6 October 2, 2015 Desert Lightning News
Preparing for floods
Commentary by Airman 1st Class Alec Trusdell sociated hazards. over the radio and television.
In Tucson and the local area, we are vulner- If you are caught in an area where flood waters
355th Civil Engineer Squadron
able to flash floods due to the region’s active are heading, get to higher ground. If this means
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, monsoon season. Flash floods are dangerous be- abandoning your car, then you should do it. But
Ariz. -- As monsoon season continues, and cause they leave little to no warning compared drivers beware, if you are driving during or after
thunderstorms are almost a daily occurrence, to other types of floods that can be prepared a flood and ignore signs or barriers that are set
let’s think about all the hazards associated with for in advance. The rapid speed of the water up to prohibit motorists, you could face some
the storms. There’s lightning, high winds and can carry rocks weighing hundreds of pounds consequences. The “Stupid Motorist Law” holds
heavy rain. With heavy rainfall comes the pos- for some distance, with the potential to injure motorists liable for the cost of emergency servic-
sibility of flooding. How dangerous can a flood people or damage property. These hazards and es administered to rescue them, or their vehicle.
be? The answer is, extremely dangerous. many others make it a deadly force of nature
that can catch people unaware and unprepared. It is important to always be alert and prepared
In the past five years, all 50 states experi- when heavy rain is coming to your area. You can
enced flooding. In 2011, the total amount of There are two types of notices that aid in alert- utilize resources such as www.floodsafety.noaa.
flood damage was roughly $8.4 billion with 113 ing the populace about a flash flood occurrence. gov,, and http://www.beready.
related deaths. From 2005 to 2014, total flood A flood or flash flood warning is issued to inform to better prepare yourself and others.
insurance claims in the U.S. averaged more than the public that flooding is imminent or in prog-
$3.5 billion per year. ress. It focuses on specific counties, communi- Staff Sgt. Daniel Vance, 355th Civil Engineer
ties, streams, or areas. Flash flood warnings are Squadron, contributed to this report.
Usually, people think that small amounts of issued for flooding usually occurring within five
water aren’t a huge danger, when in fact; they to six hours of heavy rain. Flood watches are is-
can cause a lot of damage. It takes only six inch- sued to inform the public as well as cooperating
es of floodwater to cause a person to lose their agencies and other interests that the current and
balance, and two feet of it can carry most cars developing weather conditions are favorable for
away. Flooding is a serious natural disaster. It flooding. There are several ways to receive these
can claim lives and cause devastating destruc- alerts, such as text messages or weather applica-
tion to a community. Knowing which types of tions via your phone, and emergency broadcasts
floods your area is most susceptible to is impor-
tant so you can adequately prepare for the as-
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