Page 11 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 11
Desert Lightning News October 2, 2015 11
Check health care compliance before tax season kicks off, official says
Terri Moon Cronk Taxpayers self-attested to having health cov- New IRS Forms to be Issued
Defense Media Activity erage on their 2014 tax forms, but for tax year DoD’s Pay Centers and the Federal Employees
WASHINGTON — The Defense Depart- 2015 the DoD is responsible for notifying the IRS Health Benefits Program carriers will send health
ment wants its service members and civilian
employees to know it’s not too early to make of employee health care insurance participation. care validation to the IRS for its members, employ-
sure their 2015 health insurance paperwork
is in order before filing their federal taxes, It’s up to service members and DoD civilians to ees, and their family members, she said, but contrac-
the principal deputy assistant secretary of de-
fense for health affairs said in a recent inter- make sure their personnel information is up-to- tors’ employers are responsible for verifying their
view with DoD News.
date, Guice said. employees’ health insurance coverage to the IRS.
Dr. Karen Guice said the upcoming tax sea-
son, which begins Jan. 1, is the first time DoD, “This is a good time of year to do a double- DoD personnel may electronically receive a
like other employers, must verify to the Internal
Revenue Service that its employees had health check,” she said. “We all like to think we’ve copy of IRS Form 1095 to show health care insur-
care coverage throughout 2015.
planned, but the holidays are coming and tax ance compliance when filing taxes, Guice noted,
“The [Affordable Care Act] says everyone
should have access to basic health insurance,” season will be here before people know it.” adding MyPay offers an opt-in for electronic de-
she said, noting that TRICARE and all plans
offered by the Federal Employees Health Ben- Home addresses and social security numbers livery to make sure the 1095 is secure and avail-
efits Program meet the ACA’s standards for re-
quired minimum essential coverage. should be reviewed and updated as necessary for able in January.
DoD employees who use their spouses’ non- every family member in all military and civilian More information about the 1095 forms, the
government health insurance coverage should
check with the policyholder to make sure it records through MyPay, the Defense Finance and ACA statute and other related information for
meets ACA standards, Guice noted.
Accounting Service, personnel offices, and the De- service members, families and DoD civilians is
Ensure Records are Up-to-Date
fense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System for available on the Defense Finance and Accounting
military members and their families, Guice said. Service’s website.
“We know we have about half a million miss- Other Health Care Options
ing social security numbers in DEERS,” she said. Those not covered by or losing TRICARE or
Letters notifying service members of the missing FEHB coverage should evaluate their health care
SSNs were mailed in August. options where financial as-
Having accurate social security numbers in sistance may be available due to income, family size,
personnel records is critical for the department or state of residence. Open season for enrolling in
to report health care coverage to the IRS and for health care policies through a State Marketplace for
DoD to “do the best job possible for its employ- coverage beginning in 2016 is Nov. 1, 2015 through
ees,” Guice said. Jan. 31, 2016, according to
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