Page 16 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 16
16 October 2, 2015 Desert Lightning News
USDA Veteran Initiatives now part of DoD’s
Transition Assistance Program
Terri Moon Cronk DoD News becoming the next generation of farmers through your hands dirty,” Harden, who grew up on her
learning about the opportunities, preferences, and family’s farm, told the class. “Starting with just a
Defense Media Activity incentives offered by the USDA. little seed, you nurture and care for it, and with a
little luck from mother nature and [your] exper-
WASHINGTON — Agriculture and farm “USDA wants to work with you,” Harden said, tise, it grows into something that’s going to feed
business opportunities became the newest career mentioning that the department has offices in ev- not just [your family] but your community.”
training choice for transitioning service mem- ery state and 2,000 counties and offers a variety
bers this week when the Agriculture Department of programs, incentives and relaxed fees for tran- Interagency Partnership
announced it would ensure service members at- sitioning service members. “Many veterans come USDA joins several other agencies to offer in-
tending the Defense Department’s Transition from rural areas and small towns,” she noted. formation during TAP on federal training, grant,
Assistance Program, or TAP, would receive in- and employment opportunities.
formation on veteran training and counseling USDA Needs Veterans TAP was reorganized and reintroduced in 2013
programs in agriculture. Harden said the average age of a farmer is 58, as required training for service members transi-
and there is not necessarily a generation coming tioning back to civilian life to pursue careers and
DoD’s Transition to Veterans Program Office back to the family ranch. “We need you,” she told further their education. It is offered at 206 installa-
Director Susan Kelly told a class of transitioning the service members, noting that family members tions stateside and overseas, Kelly told DoD News.
troops in the Pentagon Sept. 14 that they are the now often choose education and other careers An ever-evolving, evidence-based program
first to learn about the USDA’s new program dur- over running the family farm. that continually hones its curriculum, the new
ing their weeklong Transition GPS -- goals, plans, She explained that service members’ existing TAP has become “far more than we ever expect-
success -- curriculum. skills, from logistics to engineering and planning, ed,” Kelly said.
mix well with agricultural work that puts them in “We’ll modify it as we learn,” she said of the
“We’re delighted [the Agriculture Department] a business where they are their own boss. “It’s hard feedback the program receives from its veterans.
made its announcement here at the Pentagon and work, and that’s something you’re familiar with,” One of the program’s latest additions is offer-
with our transitioning service members,” Kelly Harden said.
told DoD News. “There’s nothing like getting out and getting See VETERAN, Page 26
Deputy Agriculture Secretary Krysta Harden
spoke to the class of 18 service members about
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