Page 17 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 17

Desert Lightning News                                          October 2, 2015                                                                                                     17

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                   Care for Yours                                                                                 Wherever you live...

When a loved one is recovering from surgery, illness, or managing a disease, understanding the steps              Natural gas is
that need to be taken to prepare for his or her care can be overwhelming. Maxim Healthcare Services               your neighbor.
understands the difficulties that a family faces when making the decision to use outside help. At Maxim,
our clients and their loved ones are an extension of our family. The Maxim family. That’s why we are proud        Natural gas lines
to provide in-home nursing care, rehabilitation, and support services to help meet your loved one’s needs.        can be buried anywhere,

Why Choose Maxim?                                                                                                 even in areas that don’t use
                                                                                                                  natural gas, like all-electric or
 24-hour availability, including holidays and       Free, comprehensive in-home evaluation                      propane neighborhoods. So it’s
     weekends                                                                                                     important that EVERYONE knows
                                                     Accredited by The Accreditation Commission                  how to recognize and respond to
 Flexible payment options                               for Health Care (ACHC)                                   a natural gas leak, wherever they are.

 Acceptance of most major insurances, workers’      A dependable nationwide provider of skilled
     compensation, long-term care, and private pay       homecare and companion services

 Trained, screened, and credentialed caregivers

Contact Us Today for More Information!

A representative is available 24 hours a day,
 7 days a week to answer your questions.
 Maxim of Tuscon
  5151 E. Broadway Boulevard, Suite 750 • Tucson, AZ 85711

  Phone: 520-257-4378 • Email:


w w w. m a x i m h o m e c a r e . c o m

  Tucson’s Newest and Neatest


  250 N. Pantano Road                                                                                       A leak may be present if you:
                                                                                                            SMELL: An odor similar to rotten
     (Broadway & Pantano next to Levitz)                                                                    eggs, even if it’s faint or momentary.
                                                                                                            HEAR: A hissing or roaring
  Coupon                                                                                                    coming from the ground or
                                                                                                            above-ground piping.
50% OFF                                                                                                     SEE: Dirt or water blowing into
                                                                                                            the air, unexplained dead or dying
ALL CLOTHING                                                                                                grass or vegetation, or standing
                                                                                                            water continuously bubbling.

                                                                                                              lf you suspect a leak:
                                                                                                                Q Leave the area immediately.
                                                                                                                Q From a safe place, call 911 and Southwest Gas at
                                                                                                                   1-877-860-6020, day or night, whether you’re
                                                                                                                   a customer or not. A Southwest Gas representative
                                                                                                                   will be there as soon as possible.
                                                                                                                Q Don’t smoke or use matches or lighters.
                                                                                                                Q Don’t turn on or off electrical switches, thermostats,
                                                                                                                   or appliance controls; or do anything that could cause a spark.
                                                                                                                Q Don’t start or stop an engine, or use automated doors.

      Women’s, Men’s ,                              Thousands of carefully                                  For more information about
                                                        selected items.                                     natural gas safety, visit
    Youth and Children ‘s                                                                         
Coupon expires 10/30/2015                                                                                   or call 1-877-860-6020.

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