Page 14 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 14
14 October 2, 2015 Desert Lightning News
D-M hosts POW/MIA remembrance ceremony
Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers)
Ariz. -- A remembrance ceremony was held in
honor of prisoners of war and those missing in Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Honor Guardsmen, stand at parade rest prior to a POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony at the Pima
action, Sept. 18. Air and Space Museum in Tucson, Ariz., Sept. 18. The ceremony was held to honor prisoners of war and those who are still missing
in action.
Every year D-M alternates turns with the
Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Health ately captured. He was then sent to the main prison finally released.
Care System to host the ceremony. This year camp in Vietnam known as the ‘Hanoi Hilton.’ “We knew the war had to end sooner or later.
D-M hosted the event at the Pima Air and
Space Museum. “The next morning they took me to a room They took us all outside and the camp commander
where two Vietnamese guys were sitting behind a told us the war was over and if all goes well we would
The ceremony consisted of display tables with table in civilian clothes. They propped me up on go home soon. They gave us clothes the day before
prisoners of war memorabilia, a missing man the floor with a box against my back and the first we left then loaded us in trucks and buses and drove
table ceremony, a guest speaker and concluded thing out of their mouth was, ‘Kirk you are not a us out to an airfield. A C-141 Starlifter came in to
with a missing man formation flyover. prisoner of war, you are a war criminal, you have land and we all started crying like babies because we
committed crimes against the Vietnamese people, knew we were going home. They stopped the bus
Local Tucson veterans who were captured and you will be tried and most likely shot. You will and took us behind a hangar and we couldn’t see
during World War II, the Korean War, and the now answer all of our questions.” Kirk said. anything. We must have been there for three hours
Vietnam War provided memorabilia from their and I thought we were going to go back to the camp.
experiences as POWs for the ceremonies attend- After enduring several torture methods and Finally they marched us out to the C-141. Everyone
ees to observe. 27 days of solitary confinement, Kirk was moved was internally excited but we were very quiet and
to a prison cell with one other POW. There they calm, when we got into the aircraft we were shaking
“Invitations were sent out to the local VFW shared a single bucket for a toilet and each had hands and hugging each other and so forth but no
(Veterans of Foreign Wars) and VA hospital ad- a concrete bunk. They were fed a single piece of noise. They closed the aircraft up, taxied out and as
vertising the event, and I was provided with a bread and a bowl of soup twice a day. soon as the aircraft left the ground everyone went
listing of known POWs that had attended previ- crazy. We couldn’t believe that we were actually go-
ous POW/MIA events,” said Master Sgt. Dierdre Upon Kirk’s turn to empty their bucket, which ing home until we were in the air. “ Kirk said.
Mister, 355th Force Support Squadron first ser- was the only time the POWs were allowed to spend
geant and event coordinator. “In addition, one of a few moments outside, a prison guard hit him on To conclude the ceremony, the audience was
my committee members had connections with the head with keys. Kirk already frustrated from be- ushered outside to watch the missing man forma-
some of the local VFWs and the VA and knew a ing sick, snapped and pushed the guard. This landed tion flyover performed by four A-10C Thunderbolt
few local POWs in the area so she reached out to him two years of complete solitary confinement. IIs from the 357th Fighter Squadron. During the fly-
them via the phone and visits.” over a single A-10 broke away from the four ship
“They put me in leg irons for two weeks then symbolizing those who are still missing in action.
The event began with a missing man table put me in solitary confinement. I never saw an-
ceremony. This symbolizes those who were not other soul except the guards for two years in that The event had an more than 300 attendees.
able to be there for the event, such as those MIA cell,” Kirk said. “When I think about all of the sacrifices that oth-
and those who were killed in action. The table ers have made to make this great nation what it is
consisted of a white table cloth, a red rose, a red Kirk explained that during his time as a POW today, it fills me with a patriotic sense of pride,” Mis-
ribbon, a slice of lemon, a pinch of salt, a lighted he learned a lot about keeping faith. ter said. “Being that I serve alongside these individu-
candle, an inverted glass and an empty chair. als also gives me an amazing sense of ownership. I
“The experience taught me some valuable les- serve, as they have served, and knowing that at any
A white cloth symbolizes the purity of their sons, to have faith in America, have faith in your given time I can be in the same position strengthens
motives when answering the call to serve. A single fellow man, faith in religion and faith in yourself,” my service and commitment to this great nation.
red rose reminds us of the lives of these Ameri- Kirk said.
cans and their loved ones. A yellow ribbon sym-
bolizes our continued determination to account In 1973, after spending five and a half years
for them. A slice of lemon serves as a reminder as a POW, Kirk and the rest of the camp was
of their bitter fate. A pinch of salt symbolizes the
tears of the missing and their families. A lighted
candle reflects the hope for their return. The glass
is inverted to symbolize their inability to share a
toast. The chair is empty, they are missing.
Following the missing man table ceremony, re-
tired U.S. Air Force Col. Thomas Kirk spoke about
his experiences as a POW during the Vietnam War.
During a fighter-bomber raid on Vietnam
Kirk’s F-105 Thunderchief was hit by antiaircraft
fire. Kirk was forced to eject out of his seat and
knocked unconscious.
When he became coherent he had landed and
was being beaten by local Vietnamese and immedi-