Page 21 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 21
Desert Lightning News October 2, 2015 21
Changes coming to TRICARE pharmacy benefit
Air Force News Service
FORT GEORGE G. MEADE ing a letter to beneficiaries tak- year for every brand name drug able. You can check with your
(AFNS) -- Starting Oct. 1, a new ing an affected drug, explaining you switch to home delivery. local military pharmacy to see if
law requires all TRICARE ben- their options. Beneficiaries Military pharmacies offer up to they carry your prescription.
eficiaries, except active duty can contact Express Scripts at a 90-day supply of drugs at zero
service members, to get select 1-877-363-1303 to see if they copay, but not all drugs are avail- (Information courtesy of TRI-
brand name maintenance drugs are affected.
through either TRICARE Phar-
macy Home Delivery or from a After Oct. 1, beneficiaries
military pharmacy. Beneficiaries still filling an affected drug at
who keep using a retail pharma- a retail pharmacy will receive
cy for these drugs will have to another letter informing them
pay the full cost. of the change to the benefit. Af-
ter that, beneficiaries have one
Maintenance drugs are those final “courtesy” fill at a retail
you take regularly for a long time, pharmacy. If they fill at a retail
such as drugs to control blood pharmacy again, they have to
pressure or cholesterol. The law pay 100 percent of the cost of
does not apply to drugs you take their medication.
for a short time, like antibiotics,
or generic drugs. Beneficiaries TRICARE Pharmacy Home
living overseas, or with other Delivery is a safe, convenient
prescription drug coverage, are and low cost option to get main-
not affected. tenance drugs. You can get up
to a 90-day supply, as opposed
The TRICARE pharmacy con- to a 30-day supply from a retail
tractor, Express Scripts, is send- pharmacy. You save up to $176 a
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