Page 26 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
P. 26

26                                               October 2, 2015                                                 Desert Lightning News

From VETERAN, Page 16               
ing the Transition GPS curriculum online
to spouses, caregivers and veterans who       NCO retraining application window
have already separated from military ser-
vice, Kelly said.                             open through Oct. 9

   Filling Workforce Gaps                     Debbie Gildea                              this year. The list, available in the     specialty code, or a 3-skill level, for
   Kelly said the nation is also facing gaps                                             myPers enlisted retraining advisory,      AFSCs where a 5-level does not ex-
in other workforce sectors.                   Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs  is updated in real time. The advisory     ist. In addition, staff sergeants must
   “In DoD, we separate 200,000 service                                                  identifies fields that people can train     have fewer than 12 years of active
members [a year] who have received im-           JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-                 out of and fields that Airmen can          service as of Sept. 30, and technical
mense training and experience and can         RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Eli-             train into. For more information see      and master sergeants may have no
fill those workforce gaps if we do some        gible NCOs have through Oct. 9 to          the “Type” column in the advisory.        more than 16 years of active service
deliberate planning and institutionalize      apply for retraining under Phase I of                                                by Sept. 30.
that pipeline of talent into those work-      the fiscal year 2016 NCO Retrain-              If retraining objectives are not
force sectors,” she said.                     ing Program, implemented Aug. 31.          met through the voluntary phase              Retraining applicants must
   Even though the newly reorganized                                                     then Phase II, a mandatory retrain-       have or be able to obtain at least
and expanded TAP is two years old,               The two-phase program is used           ing phase, may become necessary.          24 months of retainability upon
private-sector and federal employers          to balance and sustain the enlisted        Phase II is scheduled for Oct. 12-        completion of their new career field
are coming to DoD to seek out and             force, said Master Sgt. Christine          Nov. 13. Airmen who may be con-           technical school, Ward said.
hire veterans.                                Ward, the Air Force Personnel              sidered for mandatory retraining
   “They are recognizing the talent service   Center Enlisted Skills Management          and who meet retraining eligibility          Retraining information is avail-
members bring to their organization. Vet-     Branch superintendent. Phase I al-         criteria will be notified.                 able on the myPers retraining
erans have proven themselves to be assets     lows eligible Airmen to volunteer                                                    page. In addition, a live chat fea-
across every spectrum,” from small busi-      for another career field.                      To apply for NCO Retraining            ture is available for Airmen on the
nesses to large organizations, Kelly said.                                               Program, Airmen must be on their          NCO Retraining Program page.
   “It’s exciting and overwhelming,” she         During Phase I, Ward said that          second or subsequent enlistment,          To chat live with a Total Force
said. “We get good news every day.”           hundreds of eligible staff sergeant-        be a staff sergeant or staff sergeant-      Service Center representative, go
                                              selects through master sergeants           select through master sergeant.           to the page and allow about 30 to
                                              in identified fields will be able to         They must also have a minimum             60 seconds to enable a representa-
                                              voluntarily apply for retraining into      5-skill level in their control Air Force  tive to come online.
                                              one of approximately 24 open fields

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