Page 3 - Desert Lightning News October 2015
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Desert Lightning News October 2, 2015 3
Fire Prevention Week 2015
Commentary by Raymond LeClair
355th Civil Engineer Squadron
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE Sparky the Fire Dog, National Fire Protection Association spokesdog, and members from the 355th Fire Emergency Servic- NEWS
BASE, Ariz. -- When was the last time es flight teach children from the Child Development Center how to stop, drop and roll at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
you tested the smoke alarms in your Ariz., Oct. 8, 2014. Sparky and pumper will be at the Child Development Center Oct. 6-7, 2015 for the 2015 Fire Prevention
home? Was it last week, last month, a Week campaign.
year ago?
prevent the potentially life-threatening velopment Center Bldg. 2612
The 2015 Fire Prevention Week cam- impact of fire. Fire Truck static display with Sparky &
paign will run from Oct. 4-10. This year’s
theme is “Hear the BEEP where you Here are additional smoke alarm tips Pumper
SLEEP: Every Bedroom Needs A Work- to follow: · Wednesday 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Child
ing Smoke Alarm!” It is all about keeping
you, your family and the Desert Light- · Install smoke alarms in every bed- Development Center Bldg. 2614
ning community safe from a fire. room, outside each separate sleeping Fire truck static display with Sparky &
area, and on every level of the home, in-
If you’re like many people, you may cluding the basement. Pumper
not remember the last time you tested · Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. AAF-
your smoke alarm. Smoke alarms have · Interconnect all smoke alarms
become such a common feature of U.S. throughout the home. When one sounds, ES Main Exchange
households that they’re often taken for they all sound. Fire truck static display, blood pres-
granted, and not tested and maintained
as frequently as they should be. · Test alarms each month by pushing sure checks, fire safety information, fire
the test button. extinguisher demonstrations, child safe-
Working smoke alarms are a critical ty seat demonstration and Fire Detection
fire safety tool that can mean the differ- · Replace all smoke alarms that do not and Suppression items sponsored by
ence between life and death in a home work properly. AAFES
fire. According to the nonprofit Nation-
al Fire Protection Association, smoke · Make sure everyone in the home · Friday 9 to 11 a.m. School Age Pro-
alarms can reduce the chances of dying knows the sound and understands what gram Bldg. 6006
in a home fire by half. Meanwhile, NFPA to do when they hear the smoke alarm.
data shows that home fires killed more Fire truck static display, Public Educa-
than 2,755 people in 2013. Many of these To learn more about the “Hear the tion trailer and Sparky
deaths could have been prevented with BEEP where you SLEEP: Every Bedroom
the proper smoke alarm protection. Needs A Working Smoke Alarm!” cam- · Friday 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Youth Center
paign, visit NFPA’s web site at www. Bldg. 6000
As a member of the fire service for 27
years, I’ve seen the devastating effects of Fire truck static display, Public Educa-
fire firsthand; the burn injuries, the loss The following is a list of scheduled ac- tion trailer and Sparky
of homes and the destruction of other tivities that will take place during Fire
people’s possessions are distressing. Prevention Week: It is important to remember that fire
What’s even worse is witnessing a fam- safety starts in the home. If you have
ily’s anguish after a loved one has been · Monday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Com- any questions or would like to arrange
killed in a fire. It’s heartbreaking. missary an in-home fire safety visit, please con-
tact the Davis-Monthan Fire Emergency
“This year, we will concentrate our ef- Fire Truck static display, Blood Pres- Services Flight, Fire Prevention section
forts on how to best provide continuous sure checks, Fire Safety information at 228-4333 or 228-6027 to schedule an
fire safety education and public aware- appointment.
ness information as we strive to deliver · Tuesday 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Child De-
world class fire emergency services,”
said Todd Canale, 355th Civil Engineer
Squadron fire chief. “It’s a great honor to
be part of this year’s campaign and we
hope the entire Desert Lightning Team
takes advantage of the free events sched-
uled throughout the week.”
My sincere hope is that the entire Da-
vis-Monthan community participates in
one or more of our Fire Prevention Week
activities, and makes sure that there are
working smoke alarms installed through-
out their homes. These simple steps can
help make a lifesaving difference, and