Page 4 - Season Brochure, AV College Performing Arts Theatre 2015-16
P. 4

A Night at the                    AVC Playwriting Showcase (Black BoxTheatre)                             Shakespeare’s
AVC Improv                                                                                                Birthday
                                  December 9, 2015 | 7 pm                                                 Celebration
(Black Box Theatre)               Admission is free.
                                  Staged readings of selected scenes from plays written by students       April 26, 2016 | 7 pm
December 7, 2015 | 7 pm           in the Introduction to Playwriting class and presented to the public.   Admission is free.
May 23, 2016 | 7 pm
Tickets $5                        19th Original One-Act Festival                                          Celebrate Shakespeare’s 452nd
                                                                                                          birthday with scenes, sonnets
Taking suggestions from           (Black Box Theatre)                                                     and monologues from the
audience members, the quick                                                                               funniest and most moving
wit and creative imagination of   May 19, 20, 21 | 8 pm & May 22 | 2 pm                                   moments in his work. Be
the AVC Improv players creates a  Tickets $5                                                              prepared for the unexpected
wonderful, off-the-cuff night of  The festival offers new theatrical voices the opportunity to see their  —it’s a Shakespeare shake up!
comedy that leaves everyone in    work onstage. Theatre Arts students and faculty work together to
the house laughing.               design, direct, work as crew and act in order to bring the words in
                                  the scripts to life. World premieres!
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