Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 18, 2020
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2 December 18, 2020 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news December 18, 2020 3
High Desert Hangar Stories Operation Holiday Hope brings holiday joy…and Santa
by Natalie Stanley gifts and Christmas trees at Nel-
lis AFB.
A Veteran’s Christmas lesson of conquering despair and cultivating hope Nellis AFB, Nev. masks, Santa, along with his rein-
With social distancing and
The holidays were made bright-
er for families of the 926th Wing deer and elves, were on hand the
by Bob Alvis The cynics in the camps were matter what the circumstances. during the Airman and Fam- day of the event to welcome fami-
special to Aerotech News doing their best to spread the de- David Read got to thinking about ily Readiness Center’s Operation lies and take photos the kids.
spair. Read had his work cut out for Peter and Paul and the other apos- Holiday Hope, Dec. 5, 2020, at Families also enjoyed Christmas
David Read spent a couple of him to find a holiday message that tles, writing of their confidence in Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. cookies, provided by the 926th WG
Christmases in a German POW would encourage the men to carry the Gospel of Christ, but suggest- With the support of a non-prof- Key Spouses, hot chocolate, apple
camp in Bavaria during World on. The opening lines of his unfin- ing that there were occasions when it, Airmen who signed up for the cider, holiday music, and more.
War II. ished poem had been the start of they should just give in to despair. event received bikes, Christmas “I like how it was organized,
As the camp’s pastor, he had a trying to find that message of hope. Can we imagine any writer of an trees and stands, toys, books, and it was small and intimate and we
tough job with morale and keeping As the men’s new slogan of epistle to these first Christians gift cards. really enjoyed it, especially the hot
hope alive amongst the prisoners. “Let’s not celebrate Christmas this saying “I know you are going “This was a great event,” said chocolate,” said Ruiz.
In 1944, conditions were about as year” cast the pall of a holiday with through a very rough time — so Tech. Sgt. Lydia Ruiz, 726th Op- Seeing everyone come out and
bad as they had ever been and the no carols, no pageants, not even why not forget about celebrating erations Group, command support just enjoy the moment was the
hopeful talk of “Home by Christ- thoughts of astonishing recipes “The Incarnation?” Paul reminded staff. “I’m fairly new to the wing brightest moment for Collins.
mas” was being replaced with the with which they concocted unbe- his friends at Philippi that he had and after the year we had it was “I expected to see the families
discouraging words of “Let’s not lievable imaginary Christmas pud- known imprisonment, flogging, Courtesy photograph nice to just see people and have and kids, but to see people take a
celebrate Christmas this year.” dings and feasts, David’s poem in shipwreck, starvation and more, When the journey came to an end and the despair was replaced with that human interaction.” break from work and enjoy the hot
While looking through a draw- response never got past the second but he then launched into a written a new hope: The liberation of a German POW camp March 1945 and To host an event of this mag- chocolate and music and just be Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke
er some years later, Read found a line. He wrote: celebration of the Incarnation that smiles replaced the pain. nitude required careful planning with each other was the best part,” Santa’s elf, John Venable, 926th Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke
torn and crumpled piece of paper, “Let’s not celebrate still echoes in hearts and minds, between A&FR and Kimmy Mc- Collins said. Wing Key Spouse, is working Santa greets families, takes photos
where he had written the opening Christmas this year? even today. that Christmas. When he wrote that this story was playing out, he was Daniel, the supporting non-profit Collins said that often with hard to build bicycles for the and hands out candy canes to the
lines to a poem at that camp in God, what a yelp Read recalled that even though opening to his poem, he was thinking on his second Christmas in a POW director. these types of programs Airmen 926th Wing Airman and Family kids during the Airman and Family
the winter of 1944. As he read the from Christian men!” the conditions at the camp were of a fellow prisoner named Dietrich camp. He did not know at the time “It was a couple of months of tend to shy away from signing up Readiness Operation Holiday Readiness Operation Holiday
words, it took him right back to The point of the poem was deplorable, they were at the time not Bonhoeffer who, after months of tri- that he still had months remaining coordination and setting up the because they believe others may be Hope event, Dec. 3, 2020 at Nellis Hope event, Dec. 5, 2020, Nellis
those desperate days when the men simple and worth dwelling on, no in any special danger or deprivation als and threats to his life, was in the as a “guest” of the German army. website, trying to figure out pa- in greater need, but she hopes to see Air Force Base, Nev. Air Force Base, Nev.
were desperately short of food and hands of the Gestapo awaiting the Years later, when he would see a rameters and the needs of everyone this change in the future.
increasingly aware (though they scaffold which was being prepared “come home for Christmas” church who was registering,” said Eileen “I’d like to change that mental-
never spoke about it) that they were for him. Read was inspired by the idea invitation, he would always rejoice in Collins, 926th WG A&FR director. ity,” she said. “These are non-profits
in the hands of an unpredictable that he could not imagine Bonhoeffer the deeper meaning that can sustain A total of 130 individual re- that just want to give back to the
madman who was unlikely to let writing one letter from his prison, us “even in the very worst of circum- quests were identified throughout military and thank the community
them go home in peace, whether telling his readers that this was no stances.” the wing. for all they do.”
at Christmas or any other time. time for Christmas celebrations. His As a pastor, his experience on that McDaniel and her team of vol- With wing leadership’s support
And even though the sounds of letters breathed a total confidence in cold Christmas in 1944 set him up unteers, drove the donations from of these events, Collins hopes to
Allied aircraft gave them hope for his Savior. for all the Christmases for the rest March Air Reserve Base, Calif. on have an even better turn out next
deliverance, they wondered if the Read felt that the conditions in of his life. His message of salvation Dec. 2 and wing volunteers were year and give everyone a chance to Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke
pilots knew the difference between the camp and the despair of all the to those that came to hear him tell on hand to help them unload the be merry for the holidays. Staff Sgt. Tatianna Thomas,
a Nazi headquarters and a POW prisoners should not be the thing that the Christmas story carried a special 926th Force Support Squadron
camp, and if they would become defined them. He pushed back, saying feeling, as he was qualified more than services specialist, lets her son,
victims of friendly fire. that the Gospel is no less true when most, thanks to his war experience, to Michael Johnson, take his new
circumstances are most terrible. He speak to the real gift of salvation, the car for a ride during the Airman
affirmed that if the men would soak true meaning of Christmas, and the and Family Readiness Operation
themselves in that truth, they would promise of men of faith holding on to Holiday Hope event, Dec. 5, 2020,
never make excuses for their lack hope when times were bleak. Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
of desire to celebrate or accept any With that, I will just wish you all
excuses their fellow prisoners could a heartfelt “Merry Christmas” and
come up with. David’s words to his the hopes for a Happy New Year, as Air Force photograph by Natalie Stanley
Courtesy photograph fellow prisoners were short and to we face our own challenges here in Santa’s little helpers are working hard Dec. 2, 2020, to get ready for
A scene from the movie Stalag 17 the point when they gathered on that 2020. I just want to add that genera- the 926th Wing Airman and Family Readiness Operation Holiday Hope
of a Christmas celebration in one 1944 Christmas Eve — and no poem tions before faced greater challenges event, Dec. 2, 2020 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
of “The Huts.” was necessary. then we have today and came out on
May Christmas joy be real and the other side with a new and fresh
radiant for all of us — no matter what outlook on life. We only need to look
American POWs in Germany; our circumstance is! to them for our inspiration today and
“It’s not hard to understand the David Read was part of the great- never forget it was their faith that car-
love you have for another kriegie est generation, and his story of caring ried them through.
(prisoner of war) when you were for the souls of men shows just how
Courtesy photograph one yourself.” amazing that generation was. When Until next time, Bob out …
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. Santa’s elf, Tech. Sgt. Charles
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Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke working hard Dec. 3, 2020, to
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff Col. Sean Carpenter, 926th Wing commander, takes a scooter for a test Santa’s elf, Tech. Sgt. Charles Shaw, 926th Wing volunteer, is getting build bicycles for the 926th Wing
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert ride while Chief Master Sgt. Jeffery Scott, 926th WG command chief, into the spirit while organizing and displaying everything to prepare Airman and Family Readiness
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For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider Hope event, Dec. 5, 2020, Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Hope event, Dec. 5, 2020 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
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