Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 18, 2020
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6 December 18, 2020 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news December 18, 2020 7
U.S. Navy supports Weapons School Integration MQ-9 Program Office completes ATLC testing
The Air Force Lifecycle Man- ages due to travel restrictions completion of ATLC three weeks first step in enabling autonomy “This new capability will al-
A U.S. Navy pilot assigned agement Center’s MQ-9 Program and quarantine policies, runway ahead of schedule and the capabil- on the MQ-9 platform, laying the low the MQ-9 to be more flex-
to Airborne Command & Office achieved a pivotal milestone closures at multiple primary and ity being ready for integration in groundwork for future enhance- ible and responsive for flight
Control Squadron at Naval in the successful completion of backup locations put execution of the next release of weapon system ments to further integrate its crews and the battlefield airmen
Air Station Point Mugu, Calif., testing for Automatic Takeoff and flight testing in jeopardy. How- software updates. capabilities into joint operations. in need of MQ-9 capabilities,”
checks a propeller on an E-2D Landing Capability on Oct. 6 2020. ever, the MQ-9 Program Office “Our ability to deliver this ca- The dynamic and flexible foun- said DeArmond. “It allows the
Advanced Hawkeye aircraft ATLC allows the Air Force’s and Detachment 3 were able to pability on-time is a testament to dation of ATLC postures the Air MQ-9 to carry larger payloads
during Weapons School MQ-9 fleet to take off and land leverage their partnership with the dedication and mission-focus Force and its partners to evolve with increased weight for au-
Integration at Nellis Air Force with automated inputs from sen- the Test Resource Management of all those involved, including the MQ-9 platform for participa- tomated takeoff and landings
Base, Nev., Dec. 1, 2020. This sors onboard the platform, creat- Center, High Speed Systems Test our partners at TRMC/HSST and tion in Great Power Competition and respond quicker to mission
exercise was part of the U.S. ing a more flexible and dynamic Unmanned Aerial System based GA-ASI,” said Peter DeArmond, operations, while automation changes as the environment in
Air Force Weapons School’s weapon system to meet current range, SkyRange, team in order lead program manager for ATLC. helps to alleviate MQ-9 forward which this platform operates
capstone, the culmination of and future operational require- to execute the test parameters in a Incorporation of ATLC is the deployed footprint. continues to evolve.”
the six-month course. ments. timely fashion.
Additionally, the successful Utilizing TRMC/HSST Sky- An MQ-9 Reaper
testing of ATLC validated the Range facilities at the Southern sits on the flight
incorporation of performing an California Logistics Airport, the line as the sun sets
automated landing of the MQ-9 MQ-9 Team and contractor Gen- at Creech Air Force
under a lost-link scenario, in- eral Atomics Aeronautical Systems Base, Nev., Nov. 20,
creased weight configurations, Inc. were able to conduct ATLC 2019. The Reaper
Air Force photographs by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young heavy crosswinds, and the ability testing at the civilian runway in provides dominant,
A U.S. Navy Airman assigned to Airborne Command & Control Squadron of the MQ-9 to perform Aerial Victorville, Calif. The partnership persistent attack
at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, Calif., performs hand signals in an Runway Surveys of potential divert between MQ-9 Program Office and reconnaissance
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft during Weapons School Integration locations while in flight. and TRMC/HSST SkyRange adds 24/7/365.
at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Dec. 1, 2020. The U.S. Air Force Weapons The MQ-9 Team faced signifi- an important test outlet, amongst
School teaches graduate-level instructor courses that provide advanced cant challenges in completing de- other needs, allowing rapid solu-
training in weapons and tactics employment to officers and enlisted velopment and testing of the ATLC tions for unplanned or planned
specialists of the combat and mobility air forces. program given COVID impacts. deviations. This collaborative ef-
In addition to manpower short- fort from all parties resulted in the Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado
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