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Desert Lightning News January 8, 2016 3
D-M special observance program changes in 2016
Roxanne McHugh AFB will celebrate all observances in a one-day “Cultural Awareness
Festival”. Additionally, educational material will continue to be pro-
355th Fighter Wing Equal Opportunity vided and displayed during each respective observance month.
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- The Depart- The wing will appoint a Company Grade Officer and a Senior
ment of Defense has supported observances through development Noncommissioned Officer to act as project leads. They are respon-
of local recognition programs and culturally diverse activities since sible for the overall success of the event. Under the project leads,
1968. Ethnic and special observances are conducted to enhance each observance will have a person assigned as a subcommittee lead;
cross-cultural awareness and to promote diversity among all mili- each subcommittee lead should have at least five committee mem-
tary members, civilian employees, contractors, family members and bers. Once all project officers have been assigned they will meet
retirees. with Equal Opportunity, Protocol and the Command Chief to dis-
cuss the wing’s expectations for the Cultural Awareness Festival.
Department of Defense entities strive to recognize the achieve-
ments of all Americans and to increase awareness, mutual respect, Even though the project leads have been assigned to military
esprit de corps and inclusion among all groups. Active command members, this does not preclude spouses or members from other
support and leadership along with thorough planning are key funda- units from volunteering to assist with planning observance events.
mentals for the success of the observance program.
If you would like to volunteer to be the project officer leads or a
In order to maximize awareness and participation in the DoD’s 10 subcommittee lead for the May 2016 event please contact the Equal
special observances and to increase active command support, D-M Opportunity office at 520-228-5508.
79th RQS and 923rd AMXS return from deployment
Senior Airman Chris Massey The HC-130J Combat King II aircrews and maintainers were
deployed for three months to Southwest Asia in support of Opera-
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs tion Inherent Resolve.
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- U.S. Airmen This is the first time in five years that all members of the
from the 79th Rescue Squadron and 923rd Aircraft Maintenance 79th RQS and 923rd AMXS are home from deployment for
Squadron returned home from deployment Dec. 7 and 10. the holidays.