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Desert Lightning News January 8, 2016 5
D-M Chaplain Corps
Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers morale is. If we see a certain Airmen needs special U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers
attention then we provide a place for him to talk.”
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs U.S. Air Force Chaplain (Capt.) Justin Szeker, 355th Fighter Wing
The Chaplains offer 100% confidential com- chaplain, hands Airman Ricardo Venancio, 355th Security
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz munication, where Airmen can go to speak to Forces Squadron, a cup of hot chocolate at Davis-Monthan
-- You see them everywhere, at retirement ceremo- someone. However, you do not have to be reli- Air Force Base, Ariz., Dec. 14, 2015. Szeker and Staff Sgt. George
nies, change of command ceremonies, and even gious or from a certain denomination. The chap- Mena, 355th Fighter Wing chaplain’s assistant, went around to
squadron holiday parties. They come visit you at lains will speak to any Airmen regardless of faith. the entry control points to give hot chocolate to all the SFS Air-
work just to see how you’re doing. They might even men who were out in the cold.
bring cookies with them. They provide an ear for “Each Chaplain is endorsed by a denomination or
when you need to vent, and can give advice. faith group. Our faith backgrounds will be reflected an alternative to the Halloween activities,” Los-
in the approach we take. Just as everyone has a world- er said. “It’s another way in which the Chaplain
The Chaplain Corps provides spiritual care for view that guides them, so does each chaplain,” Loser Corps protects the First Amendment rights.”
all who have base access. They also ensure Air- said. “However, we are trained and taught how to
men have the opportunity to exercise their con- guide you through your worldview so as to help you Daily mass is conducted at 11:30 a.m. Monday
stitutional right to freedom of religion. deal with the issue at hand as would best help you.” through Friday, 5 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m.
Sunday mornings at the Desert Dove Chapel. A
“At the chapel we offer weekly services for Catholic Burger burns and pizza parties are another Protestant contemporary service is held at 9 a.m.
and Protestant and an Earth Based Service every 3rd Sat- tool the Chaplains use to boost Airmen’s morale. on Sundays and a gospel service at 11:30 a.m. on
urday of each month,” said Chaplain (Capt.) Paul Loser, Sundays at the Hope Chapel.
355th Fighter Wing chaplain. “We have contact infor- “We do this to say ‘Hey, we’re here for you, we
mation for other faith backgrounds with off-base groups, know you’re low manned, but you’re still con- For more information call the Desert Dove
and can provide Airmen the information we have.” tinuing to complete the mission and working Chapel at (520)228-5411.
hard. We appreciate you,’” Liulamaga said.
Another portion of the chaplain’s job is to visit dif-
ferent squadrons every week to check on the Airmen. Once a quarter the Chaplains Corps will host
an event such as a marriage retreat or camping
“We go out for squadron visits at least 2 to 3 trips for the single Airmen living in the dorms.
times a week,” said Staff Sgt. Jerrad Liulamaga,
355th Fighter Wing chaplain’s assistant. “We do However, their main event for the year is the
this to check on all the troops and see how their Harvest Festival at the end of October.
“Chapels across the Air Force do this event as
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