Page 10 - Desert Lightning News 1-8-16
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10                                    January 8, 2016                                                                 Desert Lightning News



Commentary:Tommy got a toy drone for Christmas, what’s next?

Luana Shafer

   HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah          give way to all manned aviation          uncontrolled airports (no two-                                              U.S. Air Force photo by Kemberly Groue
-- The presents have been opened      activities: airplanes, gliders, para-    way communications), but small
and the wrapping paper placed in      chutists, hang gliders, the Good-        unmanned aircraft must still re-       stand not only to lose your $1,000
the recycling bin. Tommy is anxious   year blimp, etc. If it flies or glides,  main clear by the 5 nautical miles.    aircraft, but you may be subject to
to get outside and fly the new “In-    it has the right of way.                                                        an FAA fine of up to $27,500 for the
vader 700” drone, complete with a                                                 And then there is special use       most egregious violation.
10 times zoom digital camera that        - The operator must remain            airspace (SUA) and military
sends immediate videos to your new    within visual line of sight of the       training routes (MTRs). SUA in-           Military installations
iPad. Wow, you can’t wait to get out  small unmanned aircraft. You can’t       cludes prohibited areas (like the         Many military installations have
there with him and fly this thing.     control or remain clear of other         White House), restricted areas         an airport, airfield, or heliport
We can get to the instructions and    aircraft when you can’t see your         (like military testing ranges), and    that requires the 5-mile rule, but
safety rules later. Let’s go flying!   own small unmanned aircraft.             military operating areas, which        for national security reasons small
                                                                               is where the military has hazard-      unmanned aircraft flights are not
   Whoa speed racer! It’s probably       - Small unmanned aircraft may         ous or high-speed operations that      authorized on or over military in-
a good idea to take some time to      not operate over any persons not         will get you noticed very quickly.     stallations unless authorized by
go over the capabilities of your      directly involved in the operation.      MTRs are “highways” in the sky         the installation commander. Con-
new aircraft, look at some safety                                              where the military flies very low      tact base operations, an airfield
aspects of your operations, and          The A, B, Cs to start                 and very fast, so it’s smart to stay   manager or a security manager to
understand the responsibilities          The FAA divides the national          away from them. You can check          ascertain safe base operating areas
you have just assumed. But this is    airspace above us into categories:       with the local base operations or      and other limitations.
a toy, right? Wrong. The Federal      A, B, C, D, E and G.                     airfield manager for information          Additionally, rethink using
Aviation Administration has stat-        - Class A is 18,000 feet and          on such activities.                    Tommy’s unmanned aircraft to
ed that unmanned aircraft systems     above sea leve,l and you must be                                                provide security on your next biv-
are aircraft, not toys.               communicating with the FAA to               Know before you go                  ouac. The military cannot operate
                                      operate up there. So just remem-            So, where can you fly? A good       privately owned small unmanned
   The Consumer Electronics As-       ber, Class A is “above” where small      source of information is your lo-      aircraft during routine business
sociation believes 2015 will be       unmanned aircraft should fly.            cal R/C club. They’ve studied the      duties.
a defining year for the drone,           - Class B/C/D is the airspace         rules and scouted the local area          So, Merry Christmas, Tommy,
with sales expecting to approach      around airports and requires two-        for the best locations to fly your     and we hope you have a great time
700,000 this year. The industry       way communications with the air-         small unmanned aircraft.               with your small unmanned air-
must be selling all of those drones   port’s tower, so small unmanned             If you prefer to go it alone, have  craft -- but do so smartly, safely
as FAA statistics show a surge in     aircraft need to steer clear of these    fun but do it safely. But words of     and within regulations.
“close call with drone” reports by    areas. Just remember not to fly          caution before you launch the In-         (Editor’s note: Luana Shafer is a
pilots of manned aircraft: near-      within 5 nautical miles of an open       vader 700 on its maiden flight. If      freelance author, editor and recent
ly 700 incidents so far this year,    airport/airfield/heliport, military      you become the latest close call and   graduate of George Mason Univer-
roughly triple the amount re-         or civilian.                             you’re not following the rules, you    sity. She is the daughter of a retired
corded in 2014. Also, the mili-          - Class G airspace exists around                                             Air Force lieutenant colonel.)
tary prefers to call drones “small
unmanned aircraft” since they do
not just wander around aimlessly,
but are controlled by an individual
who follows (or is expected to fol-
low) FAA established rules.

   Maybe we should review some
of these rules before the big day
approaches, as you are probably
now asking yourself, “Rules? What
rules? Do they apply to me? What
is my liability?” The FAA has part-
nered with industry organizations,
such as the Academy of Model
Aeronautics and American Model
Association, to mirror the rules
established by the FAA for the re-
mote controlled (R/C) modelers.
In fact, a local R/C club is a great
resource to explore.

   General rules
   - Small unmanned aircraft must
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