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Desert Lightning News                                          January 8, 2016                                                                                   11



Airman Handbook desktop icon now available

Gloria Kwizera                                                 all Airmen would have a true desktop reference             “Airmen will now be only ‘one click’ away
                                                               for the profession of arms.                             from this critical professional development tool,”
Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs                                                                      Denter said.
                                                                  “The handbook provides reference material
   JOINT BASE SAN ANOTNIO-RANDOLPH,                            for the Promotion Fitness Examination and U.S.             For more information about professional de-
Texas (AFNS) -- Airmen now have access to the                  Air Force Supervisory Examination,” Denter said.        velopment tools, visit
Airman Handbook via a desktop icon.                            “Specifically, individual enlisted promotion test-       Tools.aspx.
                                                               ing study guides were developed using informa-
   The Airman Handbook is a compilation of                     tion from the handbook.”
policies, procedures and standards that guide
Airmen’s actions within the profession of arms.                   Denter further clarified that the handbook
                                                               is published with all the information needed to
   Each desktop has an icon with an e-Link to the              effectively study for promotion. However, the
handbook for easy and immediate access.                        study guides were developed so Airmen will not
                                                               have to decipher what information is testable
   Kevin Denter, a Profession of Arms Center of                and what is not testable. The bottom line is that
Excellence professionalism program analyst, said               although both publications include similar infor-
the handbook is a professional development tool                mation, the study guides are exclusively testable
for all Airmen: active duty, Reserve, Guard, and               information for those studying for enlisted pro-
civilian.                                                      motion.

   “The handbook is an indispensable resource                     “Since the Air Force is no longer printing the
for Airmen to continue to learn, grow and propel               reference material required for promotion test-
our Air Force into the future,” Denter said. “It is            ing,” Denter continued, “the study guides were
a single publication that addresses important in-              built to provide only testable information thus
formation on Air Force history, doctrine, values,              reducing the number of pages required if Airmen
customs, courtesies and much more.”                            decide to print a copy at their expense.”

   During the April 2014 biannual Enlisted Board                  The study guides are available at www.
of Directors meeting, a decision was made to         
combine the Professional Development Guide
and Air Force Handbook into one publication so

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