Page 12 - Desert Lightning News 1-8-16
P. 12
12 January 8, 2016 Desert Lightning News
Air Force everything
Commentary by Staff Sgt. Rachelle Blake Not to mention, I was without health- amazing people; I rarely slow down to reflect on
care, tax-free shopping and cheap gas. the time that has passed. If I did, it would only
55th Wing Public Affairs All my friends were either in the mili- remind me time is going way too fast and my Air
tary, spouses or dependents, and they Force career will be over before I know it. When
OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Neb. -- On an slowly began to disappear. I had taken that time does come, I will probably do what my
average day, I eat, sleep and breathe Air Force. some college courses and was making mom did. She seems to have the right idea about
My family is Air Force, my friends are Air Force, what I thought was pretty good money everything. I will continue to work for the mili-
my coworkers are Air Force, my spouse is Air waitressing. But I knew I could do more. tary in a different capacity, as a civilian.
Force, I am Air Force. I bet there are a few skep-
tics out there who would say it’s unhealthy. But to I decided to join the military. I am After all, the Air Force is in my blood, and I
me it is everything and has been everything for not going to lie, I backed out once. My like it that way.
most of my life. grandfather passed and I wasn’t ready to
leave my mom alone, or maybe that was
I was born one week before Halloween in an excuse I used because I was scared.
1986, on George Air Force Base, California. My But when I finally got the nerve to go
mother was an airman 1st class working as an through with it, I knew it was going to
avionics communications systems specialist be one of the best decisions I would
thousands of miles from home. Society would ever make. I wasn’t wrong. I got every-
consider her a single mother, but she knew bet- thing I missed about the military back
ter. She had Wingmen all around her and they and then some.
were her spouse, support system and caregivers,
should she need one. I remember seeing my mom in uni-
form thinking I could never do what
Obviously, I don’t remember that particular she does. She is among the best, the top
time in my life. But, as far back as I can remem- two percent, a senior master sergeant,
ber, I knew we weren’t alone. We went on to live a superhero, and way stronger and way
in Texas, Germany, England, Ohio, Virginia and smarter than I could ever be. I still be-
back to England. I spent some time in Arkansas lieve that to this day, but now I get to wear the
with my grandparents, then back to Virginia and uniform too and hopefully become a role model
then Hawaii, where my mother has since retired for my son.
- poor lady.
Yesterday marked my seven year anniversary
You would think living in Hawaii in your late in the Air Force. I know that because I received
teens, early twenties, you would have nothing to a notification to start my Course 15. I wouldn’t
complain about. But when my dependent ID was have remembered otherwise and it’s not because
taken away the day I turned 21, it ripped a small I don’t care. I do care...a lot. But, the military
hole in me and it only continued to grow. I had keeps me busy with countless opportunities and
lost a large part of who I was, part of my identity.
Because honesty and accuracy is priority
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