Page 8 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 6-10-16
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8 June 10, 2016 News BULLSEYE
Air Force increases access to behavioral health care
By Prerana Korpe U.S. Air Force graphic
Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs The Behavioral Health Optimization Program, or BHOP, integrates behavioral health personnel into primary care clinics, to
provide “the right care, at the right time, in the right place.” Beneficiaries with behavioral health concerns can seek care directly
FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Nearly half of through their primary care manager.
people with a treatable behavioral health dis-
order do not seek help from behavioral health
professionals, according to the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services.
However, 80 percent of this population does
visit a primary care manager at least once a
year. The Air Force Behavioral Health Opti-
mization Program seeks to bridge this gap by
providing behavioral health care in a primary
care setting.
The Behavioral Health Optimization Pro-
gram, or BHOP, integrates behavioral health
personnel into primary care clinics, to provide
“the right care, at the right time, in the right
place.” Beneficiaries with behavioral health
concerns can seek care directly through their
primary care manager.
Issues such as compounding stress can lead
to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder,
or general anxiety disorders. Often times,
problems resulting in adverse mental health
effects can be addressed by primary care
providers through the support of behavioral
health services.
See hEAlTh, on page 9
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