Page 3 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 6-10-16
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BULLSEYE News 3June 10, 2016
Forced distribution driving more
promotions for top performers
By Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Promotion recommendations had sergeant promotion boards, which were “The results clearly highlight the
a significant impact on promotion the first to use restricted stratification. positive effects forced distribution and
WASHINGTON — Results of the selection. Ninety percent of Airmen Restricted stratification limited the restricted stratification have on our
first promotion board using the forced who received a “promote now” and 75 number of stratifications senior raters enlisted evaluation and promotion
distribution process were released May percent of the Airmen who received could give to their master sergeant and systems,” Cody said. “Job performance
25, highlighting a close connection be- a “must promote” were promoted to senior master sergeant promotion eli- remains the most important factor when
tween commander recommendations master sergeant. gible populations to the top 10 and 20 considering Airmen for promotion, and
and those selected for promotion. percent, respectively. our top performers now have the advan-
Additionally, and as intended, more tage toward promotion they deserve.”
“These results are achieving the in- than 2,000 Airmen receiving a “pro- In March, 1,467 Airmen were se-
tended purpose of the new evaluation mote” recommendation were also lected for promotion to senior master To view the 2016 promotion selection
and promotion systems we previewed selected for promotion — nearly 41 per- sergeant at a 12.3 percent selection rate lists, visit the myPers enlisted promo-
to our enlisted force during last year’s cent of the 5,019 selected for promotion. – a significant increase from last year’s tion page. For more information about
roadshows,” said Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso, rate of 8.75 percent. About 57 percent of Air Force personnel programs go to the
the deputy chief of staff for manpower, “We built the system to ensure Air- those with a stratification were selected, myPers website at
personnel and services. “Performance men who received the highest pro- while 5 percent of those without one
assessment, along with input from su- motion recommendations from their were selected. Overall, 32 percent of
pervisors at all levels, is helping identify commanders would have a significant all selects, about 470, did not receive a
and promote our top performers.” advantage, while also ensuring Airmen stratification.
who received a promote recommenda-
The 5,019 technical sergeants selected tion would remain competitive,” said In November, 525 Airmen were se-
for promotion, out of 21,504 eligible, Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James lected for promotion to chief master ser-
represent an increase in the overall se- A. Cody. “These results show us we’re geant at a 20.8 percent overall selection
lection rate of 23.3 percent compared to moving in the right direction, and should rate – also an increase from last year’s
last year’s rate of 22.4 percent. The selec- help alleviate concerns Airmen may have rate of 18.9 percent. About 54 percent of
tion rate to technical sergeant continues had about not being promotable without those with a stratification were selected,
to move closer to the historical average one of the top recommendations.” while about 7 percent of those without
of 24.2 percent selection rate following one were selected. Overall, 23 percent
the reduced rates associated with the Earlier this year, the Air Force con- of all selects, about 120, did not receive
force management drawdown in 2014. ducted and released the results of the a stratification.
senior master sergeant and chief master
F-35, from page 1 sentative, Donald Hansen, who works “All the parts are ordered and received course more to what would actually
off load any rolling stock deliveries. We in our office and is our direct link and through ALIS, which is a stand-alone happen on a daily basis, different types
will also be able to have our vault in our helps us with anything that we need system that Lockheed Martin uses across of scenarios or errors that are com-
own building, which we currently do from Lockheed Martin whether that be the entire F-35 program,” said Larson. mon to come across, so that as young
not have. Also, in 2017 with the update help with a part or talking to an Item “There are different modules in ALIS, Airmen, Marines or Sailors come out
to our operating system we will also be Analyst. Our main F-35 warehouse is maintenance has their own module that of this course, they are more prepared
taking all the Pratt & Whitney F135 en- managed by Lockheed Martin out at they use to order the parts through, as we in what to expect in working in a F-35
gine parts into our inventory and build- Fort Worth, Texas.” have a different module in ALIS that we warehouse as it is very different than
ing, and the space is much needed.” use to manage the supply chain transac- what we are used to seeing because of
The pairing of the parts store and tions through.” using ALIS.”
The amenities that the new facility Lockheed Martin runs deeper than only
provide will allow the Airmen of the an in-house service representative, with This system is a pivotal component Adding this to the syllabus will serve
F-35 parts shop to accomplish their the process of receiving and distributing of the operation since there isn’t a part new Airmen arriving in the F-35 shop
missions, and with the growth of the orders also being interwoven between of the F-35 that the shop doesn’t supply. well considering the differences between
F-35 program, the 99th LRS had to fol- the two. their shop and a regular LRS location.
low suit. “We supply it all, from the equip-
“Lockheed uses Autonomic Logistics ment used for testing to the on-switch,” “Our job is a bit different than the
“The F-35 program is growing and Information System, ALIS for short, said Belford. “If it’s a part of the jet nine regular LRS and Maintenance Group
the Department of Defense is focusing to order and receive parts. There are times out of 10 the part will come from mission in the sense that we use a unique
on the development of this airframe as different modules within ALIS, we use or through this new warehouse before supply system dedicated solely to F-35,”
well as the F-35,” said Senior Airman Ri- Supply Chain Management (SCM) Dis- being installed.” said Johnson. “This makes the trans-
cardo S. Muñoz 99th LRS F-35 Aircraft tribution,” said Staff Sgt. Wendell Bel- parency of our mission unique because
Parts Store journeyman. “Therefore, ford, 99th LRS F-35 Aircraft Parts Store The new warehouse isn’t the only new the rest of base supply cannot see in the
our fleet is bound to increase in size supervisor. “Aircraft Maintenance Unit aspect of the career field that the 99th supply system what we do on a day to
requiring a bigger warehouse to be able process orders in their module Com- LRS is looking to improve on, next on day basis. The F-35 is the newest jet and
to properly stock the necessary aircraft puterized Maintenance Management the list is incorporating new aspects to therefore the supply process for this jet is
parts to accomplish our mission.” System and it will talk to SCM. If the part the school houses curriculum. still relatively new. We are basically the
is in stock, we will pull it from the as- first Air Force supply personnel working
In accomplishing their mission, signed location. If the part is not in stock, “I have been working with the Joint with this new system and have to deal
the F-35 parts store works in close a back order goes into the system. Then Program Office doing an overall ALIS with the problems that come with it be-
conjunction with Lockheed Martin Lockheed item mangers see it and send training evaluation in conjunction ing relatively new.”
to ensure that the system and process the item to our parts store for processing. with maintenance, with our team’s
run as smooth as possible, according Once processing is complete it releases to focus being on Supply Chain Manage- All of these changes being made to
to Johnson. the aircraft maintenance unit.” ment,” said Larson. “The old syllabus not only the location of the F-35 Aircraft
was very broad and offered a great Parts Store, but also what is taught to
“We work very closely with Lockheed ALIS itself is a unique Lockheed overview of ALIS as a whole, but didn’t Airmen at the school house, will make
Martin,” said Larson. “We have our own Martin system, and plays an integral exactly help teach you what you would it that much easier for Nellis AFB to ac-
Lockheed Martin Field Service Repre- part in the ordering and receiving of parts. be doing for your daily job in an F-35 complish their pivotal mission.
warehouse. We are trying to tailor the