Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-4-16
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                                                                                                                                                      March 4, 2016
PHYSIQUE                (from Page 4)                           the end of the day you can’t depend on others for your
                                                                motivation,” he said. “You have to focus and figure out       Because of you,
   “Before men’s classic physique was brought back as a         what you want and go after it.”                               there is St. Jude.
category, there wasn’t a category I fit into,” Timms said.
“I was too big for men’s physique and I was too small for          For one Airman, Timms is not only a bodybuilding             800-822-6344
bodybuilding. In order for me to compete in that level          competitor but her friend and boyfriend.                 
with other bodybuilders I would need to be around 280
pounds, but I wasn’t willing to do what it takes to be at          “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as dedicated as      A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.
that level — steroids. During the Arnold Classic I had          he is,” said Tech. Sgt. Jessica Keller, 56th Security Forces
a coach and he brought me all the way down from 240             Squadron Military Working Dog kennel master. “He is on
pounds to 198 pounds. I was still told my back was too          point with his training and diet and hasn’t missed a day at
big for men’s physique. I was caught in a catch-22 but          the gym. I think he’ll be one of the first to compete in the
now that they have the classic physique category, I have        classic physique category during Joes Weider’s Olympia
a category that’s perfect for my body type.”                    bodybuilding competition. I believe he has set the standard
                                                                for this category and is making history. It’s also nice to
   While others may find motivation through external            have someone who has the same experiences and inter-
sources, Timms finds motivation within himself.                 ests in bodybuilding as I do, and he was my number one
                                                                supporter when I was going through competition prep.”
   “I think most people have something they want but
never really strive for it,” he said. “For me, I know the          For those interested in competing, the Luke Air Force
only way I can get the result I want is by pushing myself.      Base Bryant Fitness Center is holding a bodybuilding
I motivate myself to come back to the gym every day             competition Aug. 20. For more information, call the
because I’m the only one I can depend on. I never have          Combat PT Center at 623-856-2291.
the feeling of, ‘I don’t want to work out today’ because
it’s my stress relief. It gets me out of what may be going      NAIL  (from Page 2)
on in my life and is my serenity.”
                                                                   Carefully prepared and meticulous medical records,
   Bodybuilding also brings Timms a sense of security.          pay statements, or safety inspections are all nails and
   “The aspect about bodybuilding I love is the fact that       horses in the larger battle. As leaders, we know the
I can control it, meaning the only thing you can really         smallest detail can affect the entire mission. We have
control in life is how you control yourself,” he said. “I like  highly trained and motivated Airmen with whom we
being able to manipulate my diet and exercise routine           entrust these details. Lead them, delegate the tasks
and see the change in my body from what I do.”                  required to accomplish the mission and trust them to
   Timms has words of advice for others regarding mo-           accomplish these tasks. They just might surprise you
tivation.                                                       with their results.
   “There will always be people supporting you, but at

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